Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 215 A Blockbuster (14)

"What do you know! Ignorance! In our business, there is no discount at all. Those jade stones are worth a lot of money. A small discount may be hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars! What's more, I didn't listen What do people say, Deng Gong is only 20% off here, we are nothing in front of Deng Gong, not even an ant! If our discount is really lower than Deng Gong's, then we will Don't live!"

Wang Yue is still a knowledgeable person, and now he is a little scared when he thinks about it. Fortunately, this girl Gu Qingchen is measured, otherwise he will really kill him.

Afterwards, Wang Yue told them about Duke Deng, and when they heard it, they were dumbfounded.

"What? My God!" Wei Hong had never seen her husband like this, and now she was also nervous.

At the same time, he was deeply shocked. At such a young age, Gu Qingchen could have a relationship with someone like Deng Gong, which was incredible.

Even Gao Ruomin was dumbfounded at the moment, thinking that he was greatly stimulated and couldn't recover for a while.

In any case, these three people were completely shocked.

On the other side, after Duke Deng came in, he had been sitting in the private pantry set up by Paradise. Gu Qingchen heard that Duke Deng was coming, and went there as soon as possible.

When I got there, I saw not only Duke Deng, but also Tang Feng. Tang Yue's heart had already flown to the jewelry side.

At that time, Tang Feng laughed at him, saying that he didn't know who said he didn't like jewelry that much, but when he came in, he seemed to be fascinated by the unique designs.

"Deng Gong, you're here." As soon as Gu Qingchen came in, he greeted Deng Gong with a smile. She didn't go to the door in time to receive her, so she didn't know if Deng Gong would get angry.

Fortunately, now Duke Deng is begging for her, and there is no embarrassment for Gu Qingchen.

Deng Gong saw Gu Qingchen and nodded towards her. Tang Feng saw this scene, his expression was a little strange, his eyes wandered between Gu Qingchen and Deng Gong, thinking about when Gu Qingchen and Deng Gong climbed into a relationship.

He didn't think it was incredible, he just felt a little curious.

You know, Gu Qingchen even knew him and Rong Shao, even if he knew Duke Deng, it was not surprising.

"When will it start?" After Duke Deng came, he didn't want to wait. It was over soon, so he could hurry back to accompany his wife.

"This is the beginning. Immediately after the start, there will be a few precious jadeite auctions, and then there will be on-site calcites, maybe there is something you want."

Gu Qingchen is very confident about her jadeite. At the jade conference before, she unlocked a lot of top-quality jadeite. At that time, she did not auction it immediately, and she was waiting for today.

Therefore, among the people who came today, many of them have been thinking about Gu Qingchen's jade since the jade conference.

Now that Paradise is open, they get the news, and they all rushed over immediately. Even if they can't take pictures in the end, it would be good to have a few more glances.

In Paradise, a small table has been set up in a special place, and there are also seats around.

People who didn't know, thought they were at the scene of a small auction.

But fortunately, most of the people present today are people who have received invitations before, and they probably know what programs are on today and what the process is.

Basically for a while, everyone gathered here, waiting to start.

In the front row, a few separate positions were deliberately reserved, and even the chairs were extraordinarily noble, and those who could sit in the front were naturally limited.

Duke Deng, Tang Feng, the elders, and the vice-chairman were sitting there. There was no seat in the middle, but there was a vacancy.

When he was free, Tang Feng quietly asked Gu Qingchen, "Little Qingchen, is there anyone who hasn't come yet?"

Tang Feng glanced at the vacant seat with a treacherous look on his face.

Gu Qingchen smiled mysteriously, and spit out two words that made Tang Feng vomit blood, "Guess."

Tang Feng shook his head helplessly. After a while, he glanced at Gu Qingchen sideways, and then asked tentatively, "That position...isn't it reserved for Rong Shao?"

Gu Qingchen didn't smile, but Tang Feng's eyes flashed with surprise, "No, I guessed it right? Rong Shao will really come? Just kidding."

Although he used to watch jade with Rong Shaohui often, but every time Rong Shao would not appear in front of so many people, he always had his own private room to look at jade.

Just like the second floor where he and Rong Shao appeared together before, there was prepared for Rong Shao alone.

If Rong Shao really came here today, he would not be surprised, but that position... I am afraid that with Rong Shao's temper, he will definitely not sit there.

"Xiao Qingchen, if Rong Shao is really coming, I advise you to prepare a separate room for him as soon as possible. He will not sit in such a place."

Gu Qingchen shrugged, she had asked Rong Yu about the seat, Rong Yu said, whatever, let her arrange it.

In that case, it's up to her to arrange.

Actually... To a certain extent, Gu Qingchen deliberately arranged Rong Yu's position here. These days she and Rong Yu were fighting wits and courage, but in the end they still shared the same bed every day, which made Gu Qing Dust has a sense of frustration.

Therefore, when Rong Yu said whatever and let her arrange it, the little Jiujiu in Gu Qingchen's heart began to figure it out.

"Don't guess, you'll know when you come." Gu Qingchen said this, but it made Tang Feng puzzled again. Could it be that Rong Yu is not coming?

Tang Feng shook his head, reluctantly no longer entangled with this issue. After a while, Tang Yue was finally too tired from shopping and came to sit down with him.

Soon, Ding Hao stepped onto the stage, and everyone knew that this was about to begin.

"Everyone, first of all, welcome to you today, on behalf of our Paradise, I would like to express my most sincere thanks!"

There was a round of applause, and Ding Hao continued, "Paradise was built by Gu Qingchen, Boss Gu, and managed by Mr. Gu Yuanchuan and I. I also hope that you can support me in the future. Quality jade jewelry, give back to you.”

Gu Qingchen was stunned for a moment, but she soon understood that although she had made it clear to her father before that this Paradise was owned by her father, Gu Yuanchuan, I didn't expect them to have an idea in private, this boss, let Gu Qingchen still to do it.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, no matter who it is, it is the family's.

Because of the lack of seats, Gao Ruomin, who was standing there, was directly shocked. She didn't read it wrong, and she didn't hear it wrong.

She saw that both Liu Min and Gu Qingchen were sitting in the front seat, and the person on the stage just now also said that this Paradise is indeed Gu Qingchen's!

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