Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 259 Blinding your dog's eyes! (three)

Fortunately, Rong Yu just had a taste, and it wasn't as intense as when she was drunk that day, otherwise she really wouldn't be able to get out of the car for a while.

The two separated, Gu Qingchen glared at Rong Yu, Rong Yu laughed, and there seemed to be countless snow lotuses blooming on the corners of his lips, which made people think!

"Your eyes will make me mistakenly think that you still want it, don't you?" Rong Yu's voice is still so nice, especially when he is deliberately gentle, it has a fatal attraction to women!

Gu Qingchen hurriedly shook her head, and covered her mouth with her hand, she didn't want to do it again, who knows if it would be out of control for the two of you to do it again!

"Don't make trouble, I want to see your grandfather in a while!"

Rong Yu smiled, and then still hugged Gu Qingchen in his arms, "Don't forget, it's your grandfather now."

Gu Qingchen nodded, "Well, I know. When we meet, I will pay attention to the address. By the way, does your grandfather have any taboos?"

Since she is married to Rong Yu, she will think of Rong Yu, and if Rong Yu needs her cooperation, she will definitely cooperate with all her strength.

Rong Yu touched Gu Qingchen's head again, "Don't worry, my wife, you don't need to have any taboos, you can just be yourself."

His wife doesn't need to compromise herself to cater to others. What he likes is Gu Qingchen's nature, so... Gu Qingchen doesn't need to change anything.

Maybe a woman, listening to a bunch of sweet words, is not as good as Rong Yu's sentence.

His wife is for pampering, not for compromising!

Gu Qingchen smiled clearly, and at the same time deeply felt Rong Yu's domineering. On weekdays, when Rong Yu faced her, he was very gentle. But aside from her, Rong Yu's natural domineering was not faked!

Gu Qingchen nodded, expressing that she understood. Originally, she was not very willing to compromise herself, but because of some people in the outside world and certain perspectives, she changed herself. With Rong Yu's understanding and support, she felt much more relaxed.

People can't live because of other people's eyes!

In this case, Gu Qingchen really has nothing to worry about.

The car drove very steadily, and soon, the car arrived at the villa where Gu Qingchen and Rong Yu attended the banquet that day.

This is a villa of the Rong family in Y city. The Rong family lived here for a few months in Y city.

Of course, only Rong Yu didn't come back to live. For him, this place was not as good as the Dynasty Hotel.

The driver stopped the car, but Butler Qin got out of the car quickly and opened the door for Gu Qingchen and Rong Yu. Originally, Butler Qin had already prepared a wheelchair, but Rong Yu waved his hand. Instead of sitting in a wheelchair, he raised his legs to cross Get out of the car and stand side by side with Gu Qingchen!

A look of surprise crossed Gu Qingchen's eyes, but Butler Qin was even more shocked. Although Butler Qin knew that the young master had good legs and that the young master was never disabled, the young master always showed people in a wheelchair. He always thought that the young master did not want people to know about it. , his legs are intact.

In Butler Qin's opinion, as long as the young master is "disabled" for one day, those restless people in the Rong family will not blatantly attack the young master.

After all, it is risky to start, instead of taking the risk to kill Rong Yu, it is better to wait for Rong Yu to die, so that they can inherit the Rong Group more justifiably!

And today, the young master is no longer in a wheelchair!

Butler Qin was shocked, but since this is the decision of the young master, the young master must have his own ideas.

No matter what, he will protect Rong Yu!

Butler Qin quickly understood what Rong Yu meant, so instead of pushing the wheelchair, he put the wheelchair back into the car again.

And here, as soon as Rong Yu's car came in, someone was already waiting outside.

The one waiting was still Butler Mo, whom Gu Qingchen saw last time.

Butler Mo was stunned when he saw that Rong Yu had actually stood up. He stood there in a daze, as if he had seen something incredible, and was lost for a long time.

Unlike Butler Qin and Gu Qingchen, he already knew that Rong Yu was not disabled. In the eyes of Butler Mo or others, Rong Yu was completely disabled.

Moreover, this kind of disability, once disabled, is disabled for more than ten years.

After more than ten years of disability, he suddenly stood up and was able to walk upright, how could it not be shocked!

Butler Qin knew that Butler Mo would be shocked, so he stepped forward and said, "Butler Mo, don't go and inform the old master, the young master is here."

When Butler Qin said this, Butler Mo came back to his senses, then nodded randomly, turned around and ran in.

The footsteps were still a little flustered, and it seemed that Rong Yu's standing up really frightened Butler Mo.

"Rong Yu, I think you didn't come to see the old man, you came to scare the old man."

How could Gu Qingchen not know what Butler Mo was thinking, and even she had already guessed that the scene for a while would be very exciting!

But... She was looking forward to seeing these people and seeing Rong Yu standing in front of them, she thought, it must be very interesting.

Rong Yu's decision, she didn't know in advance, he was really willful and domineering!

Rong Yu smiled madly and overturned the world!

"He used forced marriage to stimulate me before, but it's my turn to stimulate his old man."


Gu Qingchen laughed bluntly, it really... fits Rong Yu's character!

"I think it's better not to provoke you, otherwise, if you're not careful, you'll be trapped in yourself." For some reason, at this moment, Gu Qingchen always felt that what she was talking about was her own portrayal.

Why does she feel that she is a typical example of trapping herself?

"Oh? My wife's evaluation of me is really high, I like it." Rong Yu took the initiative to hold Gu Qingchen's hand, and then said, "Let's go, let's go in, it's also time to scare them, so as not to let They were so comfortable."

Gu Qingchen smiled slightly, held Rong Yu's hand, held his head high, and entered with Rong Yu.

As soon as they walked to the door, a group of people rushed to the door, all men!

All right!

Because Rong Yu was obsessed with women, when Rong Yu appeared, those women could only lock themselves in the room.

What is the protagonist's halo?

This is definitely the aura of the protagonist, as long as he appears, those scumbags will automatically retreat!

Thinking of Luo Qiaolian's irritated appearance of locking herself in the room, Gu Qingchen felt, one word, cool!

The men who rushed over in a hurry saw Rong Yu standing in front of them, even holding a girl's hand, and suddenly thought they were dazzled.

Or maybe you are dreaming!

how can that be!

This is absolutely impossible, isn't Rong Yu disabled? After being disabled for so many years, why is it suddenly okay?

Isn't Rong Yu obsessed with women's cleanliness? When is it okay to hold a woman's hand?

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