Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 274 Blinding your dog's eyes! (18)

Gu Qingchen glanced at Xu Tianyi, then said lightly, "Guess what, I'll know if it's right or not."

Xu Tianyi's eyes lit up again, and then said, "It's not an insider, that means, I still have a chance!"

"Hmph! Nympho!" Yan Xiaoju gave Xu Tianyi a very rude look.

To be honest, Yan Xiaoju has always had a sense of resistance to the kind of girl who is soft and weak and popular with boys.

Especially those kind of fake girls.

From Yan Xiaoju's point of view, An Lan is the kind of girl who has both scheming and hypocrisy.

The reason is very simple, because it turned out that there was a girl like Yan Jiaoyue in Yan Xiaoju's family, so after she saw Yan Jiaoyue's performance a lot, she had a conditioned reflex ability for this kind of girl.

Xu Tianyi looked at Yan Xiaoju, then said, "I said, classmate Yan Xiaoju, aren't you jealous? Girls are terrifyingly jealous!"

Yan Xiaoju didn't care what Xu Tianyi said, "Huh! Jealousy? You think too much. I just think that girls who like An Lan's type are all idiots! I just didn't expect that you will become one day. moron."

Xu Tianyi's eyes twitched a few times. Although Yan Xiaoju didn't like An Lan, and he didn't say it very well, he didn't attack Yan Xiaoju like a real scumbag fan.

Just shrugged and expressed a different position, not discussing this issue.

An Lan just shook hands with a few students, then returned to her own place, and nodded with a smile to the others, but she didn't mean to take the initiative to say hello.

After sitting down, An Lan said, "I'm sorry, I just delayed a little time. The main reason is that Hongfeng has regulations not to ride in vehicles. I walked in from the outside and was sweating. In order to show respect to everyone, I went to change clothes. I hope you all forgive me!"

[Don't let me know who came in the car just now, if you accidentally fall into my hands, see how I adjust it! 】

When Gu Qingchen heard An Lan speak, he glanced at An Lan, only to read this in An Lan's mind.

Gu Qingchen was slightly startled, the person who just entered Hongfeng in the car?

Uh... It seems that Hongfeng is the only student who can come in by car.

Hehe, interesting, it turns out that An Lan's words seemed to be apologizing to everyone, but actually wanted to attack her secretly.

Sure enough, after hearing An Lan's words, some people looked in the direction of Gu Qingchen.

Gu Qingchen came over by car, and some students from other schools also saw it, but this was not their main battlefield, so naturally they did not dare to say more.

Everyone in Hongfeng knows why Gu Qingchen can come in by car, and some of them are even used to it.

But this doesn't mean that other people agree, An Lan's performance was so good just now, and now I hear that a star as big as An Lan can't come in by car, causing An Lan to be late, but this Gu Qingchen can come in by car!

For a time, in the hearts of some people who like An Lan, Gu Qingchen became the target of attack.

An Lan has been smiling sweetly, but her eyes are very good, and she has been paying attention to the situation below.

Seeing some people peeking at Gu Qingchen, she also looked in the direction of Gu Qingchen. After looking at Gu Qingchen carefully, she knew that the girl who got out of the car just now was Gu Qingchen!

Hehe, she was indeed found! With just one sentence, she could skillfully know who the person who had just arrived by car was, and she could smear Gu Qingchen in the hearts of everyone.

An Lan felt that he was very smart and a person of great wisdom.

Gu Qingchen was smiling all the time. She had already seen An Lan's little thought, so she didn't care about the subtle reactions of the crowd.

And Yan Xiaoju was also one of the few people who saw through An Lan's true purpose, and seeing many people looking at Gu Qingchen with malicious eyes, Yan Xiaoju knew An Lan's intentions.

Yan Xiaoju glared at Xu Tianyi, and then snorted coldly, "Humph! Your perfect goddess, such a scheming is really deep enough, one sentence can make Gu Qingchen the public enemy of everyone! I have to say , your vision... it's really good, it can't be better!"

Xu Tianyi didn't react all of a sudden, didn't the goddess An Lan mean that she was late because she didn't take the bus?

What does this have to do with Gu Qingchen?

But when I looked again, I did find that many students from other schools looked at Gu Qingchen, and their eyes were not very kind.

After a pause, Xu Tianyi's previous enthusiasm subsided a little. But in my heart, I still feel that An Lan should not be as deep-minded as Yan Xiaoju said, because it doesn't look like it.

"An Lan shouldn't be that kind of person, maybe other students think too much!"

Yan Xiaoju no longer wastes words with Xu Tianyi. Xu Tianyi himself likes An Lan, and of course he can't hear others say that An Lan is not good.


Naive men!

"Little tender buds, don't be afraid, this is our Hongfeng site, they are just jealous, if they really dare to do anything, our students of Hongfeng are not for nothing. Don't worry, We have your backing!"

Xu Tianyi is still very interesting. Although he likes An Lan, he only likes celebrities. In terms of weight, of course, Gu Qingchen is more important.

Gu Qingchen just smiled, "It's not as exaggerated as you said, they are all here to draft, not to fight."

Where there are people, there must be right and wrong. She is used to it, so naturally she doesn't care that much.

As long as you don't come to trouble her, everyone will be fine. But if someone really wants to stab her in the back, they have to see if she will let her.

Yan Xiaoju grabbed Gu Qingchen, "I'll be more reliable, that guy might be fascinated by people's beauty tricks, so he doesn't know about the south, east, north, and west."

Gu Qingchen found out that Yan Xiaoju seemed to distrust men very much. It was no wonder that this was the view of men that her father had set up for her since she was a child.

To some extent, Yan Xiaoju is extremely insecure.

Gu Qingchen hopes that there will be such a man in the future, who can really make Yan Xiaoju re-establish her trust in people.

"I have always liked to abide by the rules. Since Hongfeng School has requirements, I naturally have to follow the requirements. But I have a question. When I just came in, I seemed to see a vehicle at the door. I don't know this..."

Originally thought that An Lan's words would be fine, but she didn't expect her second sentence to come again, and the spear was directed at Gu Qingchen, but she pretended to know nothing, she just accidentally saw a car.

Hehe, this trick, pretending to be innocent and directing the spear at Gu Qingchen, and letting others attack Gu Qingchen, is really... disgusting!

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