Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 295 Blind your dog's eyes! (39)

The night is as cool as water, and the night is lingering!

Early the next morning, when the school was off, Gu Qingchen went to the building. It was empty now, and Xiang Yang was watching, and some interior decoration was going on.

Rong Yu went out with Gu Qingchen early in the morning, and Gu Qingchen didn't ask him where he was going. It could be said that the two of them did not interfere too much with each other's work.

When he arrived at the building, Xiang Yang came out in dismay, Gu Qingchen was stunned for a moment, "What are you? Did you fall into the mud?"

Xiang Yang was a little embarrassed, and slapped his body a few times, causing a burst of dust to rise. On the contrary, it was even more dirty, and Xiangyang quickly stopped, "Qingchen, are you not choking?"

He was really confused, he was covered in dust, and he was still slapping, and the more he slapped, the bigger the dust.

Gu Qingchen shook his head, looked at Xiang Yang carefully, and asked again, "What's your situation?"

He was covered in mud and ash, and he didn't have to do it himself.

Xiang Yang paused for a while, obviously his expression was a little unnatural, he pulled out a stiff smile, and said, "Renovation, the environment will naturally not be very good. It's okay, I'll just go back and wash it and it will be clean. Qingchen, or else Don't go in yet, it's smoky and the air is bad."

【no! Qingchen had to be stopped, otherwise she would be exposed when she entered. The people working inside are all our brothers and friends we found temporarily. We can't let Qingchen know that we can't find a decoration team. 】

Seeing that Xiang Yang's expression was wrong, Gu Qingchen read Xiang Yang's heart. As a result, she was also slightly startled.

I never thought that the decoration team would not be invited!

How is this possible? Now is not the peak season for decoration, and the wages they pay are not low. There should be a lot of people vying for it. How can no one want to come?

"Xiangyang, I hand this over to you out of trust in you. It's not for you to hide me. No matter what the reason is, I only listen to the truth. Do you understand?"

Gu Qingchen was very serious, she had to let Xiang Yang know the importance of being honest with her.

Although she can understand that Xiang Yang's original intention is good and doesn't want her to worry, she is the master here.

She has to know everything clearly.

Xiang Yang blushed suddenly, such an old man actually blushed in front of a little girl.

But soon, Xiang Yang realized his mistake and immediately confessed, "Qingchen, it's not that I'm trying to hide it from you. It's just..."

Xiang Yang was still a little embarrassed to say that he was so big that he couldn't even find a decoration team, which was really embarrassing.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Xiang Yang took a deep breath and told the matter.

"Originally, it was easy to find a decoration team this season. We also contacted a few decoration teams before, and we talked about it and said that they would come and start work. But I don't know what happened, but overnight, they all regretted it. The contract, so we can't do anything about them. Xiaodouzi and I hurriedly went to the decoration market to find someone, but when they heard that our building was going to be renovated, they refused to come."

This also made Xiaodouzi very angry and almost fought with those people, but still no one was willing to come.

After that, the two of them went to several markets to find people, but the results were the same, and no one wanted to come.

Even if they added money later, no one was willing to come.

It was as if they had agreed, and no one came.

Gu Qingchen frowned slightly, this situation is not right, someone must have done something wrong.

"Don't tell me, in the end, you can only bring those brothers to do the decoration again, right?"

Gu Qingchen glanced at the mud and soil on Xiang Yang's body, for a while, he didn't know what to say.

Xiang Yang nodded a little embarrassedly, "Those of us have also done decoration before, although we are not the top figures in the industry. But we all understand that it should be, even if there are still fewer people, it may not be so fast. Done."

People like Xiang Yang have indeed worked in any industry before, anyway, they can do whatever they want to make money, otherwise they wouldn't have been bought by Shi Tian and they would have been kidnapped.

"Has there been any investigation into what's going on? If it wasn't man-made, those renovators wouldn't have money or work."

It's not good to rely on herself for everything. If this goes on, she will develop more industries in the future. Isn't she exhausted herself.

So, still have to use people.

Xiang Yang took a serious look, and then said, "We also inquired about it. Although they didn't want to say anything, I still heard some news. It seems that someone gave an order not to let them take this job. The decoration real estate industry in Y City , is also controlled by someone, we don't know who offended, and they will block us in this regard."

Xiangyang is a little helpless, they have always been very low-key in their work, why would anyone follow them?

"Moreover, the most annoying thing is that some people say that our building is unlucky and bad feng shui, and whoever renovates it will be unlucky. They say that people died when the building was being built."

Although Xiang Yang didn't want to tell Gu Qingchen about such a terrifying thing, but Gu Qingchen just said it, he has to confess and report everything he knows.

Hearing that, Gu Qingchen was not as frightened as Xiang Yang had imagined, but sneered and said, "Have anyone died? Haha, which construction site has never died? I don't think it has anything to do with Feng Shui. It's mostly man-made. Do you know who ordered it?"

Xiang Yang shook his head, "I don't know yet. We don't have time to investigate for the time being, and we are all focused on the decoration."

Gu Qingchen said before that after the renovation here, we will start to deal with the land recovered from the former West Development Zone.

That is to say, their entrepreneurial road is about to start.

Not only Gu Qingchen was excited, but even Xiangyang Wenqing Xiaodouzi and the others had been looking forward to this, so they all wanted to quickly decorate the building.

Gu Qingchen touched his chin, and then said, "You change your clothes and go to the decoration market with me. I will ask those decoration workers in person."

Xiang Yang quickly changed into a set of clean clothes, and then drove Gu Qingchen straight to the decoration market.

When we got here, it was easy to see a lot of decorators squatting on the side of the road, holding various signs in their hands.

There are many people, indicating that it is not easy to find a job this season.

Hehe, the decoration workers earn money for decoration in order to live. Now they have money and don't make money. It seems that they are people who are afraid.

"Get out of the car and ask." Gu Qingchen got out of the car first, and Xiang Yang quickly followed.

As soon as Gu Qingchen walked up to a decorator, the man smiled and said, "Miss, are you looking for a decorator? I'm a plumber, electrician, bricklayer, I can do everything, and we have a dedicated team with plenty of experience. satisfy you!"

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