Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 404 Entering a new world (14)

Just when the people who surrounded Yan Xiaoju were eagerly preparing to attack the toilet, something went wrong behind her.

I don't know who screamed, the voice was very penetrating, as if I saw something scary.

Just listening to that voice, I felt the hairs of the whole person stand up.

Soon, the periphery gave way to a large open space almost instantly, and everyone could hide away.

The people inside didn't know what was going on, but they only heard screams one after another without interruption.

You know, one person screaming like this may not be so scary, but when everyone screams, the situation is different.

Many people who haven't seen the situation are a little trembling in their hearts, and always feel as if it is their turn at any time.

Sure enough, because everyone was scared, some people fainted out of fear, and soon everyone saw what happened.

And those people who were blocked in the toilet at this time also fled far away unconsciously, and no one dared to block there.

There is a stark contrast between this time and the congestion just now.

"I wipe! This...what is this! What is this! My God, I...I'm going to throw up! I'm going to throw up!"

"Too...too...too bloody! that dead...dead!"

"Ahhh! Dead corpse, dead corpse!"

There were some timid girls who were frightened and fainted on the spot, while those who were more timid were also frightened and their legs went limp and fell to the ground.

Many people even covered their mouths, for fear that if they were not careful, they would spit it out on the spot.

Although everything in front of them at the moment is so bloody and disgusting, their eyes cannot be separated from Gu Qingchen!

Oh no!

To be precise, it should be the big plate in Gu Qingchen's hand!

The plate was square, half a meter square, and contained a hand, a foot, a human head, and some bloody internal organs!

Anyway, it looks like a tragic one. These are not medical students. Where have they seen such a scene, they were scared enough on the spot.

Even if they have lived in Hongfeng for a long time, they have learned not to be alarmed, but seeing part of the corpse with their own eyes is still so fresh, they still can't stand this kind of stimulation.

And Gu Qingchen stood there like that, holding these stumps in his hands, his eyes were cold, as if he was not afraid of what was in his hands.

Gu Qingchen stood there, looked around, and said, "Everyone gathered in our medical department building today, don't you want to see the teaching content of the medical department with your own eyes?"


Many students secretly cursed in their hearts, this Gu Qingchen is really talking nonsense with his eyes open!

Which eye did she see that they were here to see what the medical department taught!

They were clearly here to trouble Yan Xiaoju!

The few students who talked to Gu Qingchen just now were also disgusted. At the same time, they looked at Gu Qingchen with a little more fear.

This Gu Qingchen is simply too terrifying, isn't it? Without saying a word, turning around and fetching a pile of stumps will make them collapse into a state of utter embarrassment.

They want to take back what they said just now about Gu Qingchen's lack of loyalty, damn it! This is no sense of loyalty, this cliff is more loyal than the sky!

If they also have friends, they can be as domineering as Gu Qingchen and take out a bunch of stumps for the sake of their friends, just this little courage can make them admire.

The people in the toilet naturally heard the voices outside, and Yan Xiaoju knew that Gu Qingchen must be here.

The people inside quickly came out, Han Zhengxiu came out first, and after seeing what was in Gu Qingchen's hand, he rushed back to the toilet and vomited.

Although Yan Xiaoju and several medical students were taken aback, their expressions were fine. After all, they were all people who had been in contact with corpses, so their reactions were not so strong.

And Lei Fanghua and the few people around him belonged to the sports department. Even if they were bold, they had never seen such a battle.

After Lei Fanghua saw Gu Qingchen, he suddenly swears, "Damn it! What the hell is this? You are holding a pile of internal organs, rub it! Sister, I really convinced you. I'll go see that guy Han Zhengxiu."

Gu Qingchen and Yan Xiaoju both knew where Lei Fanghua was looking for Han Zhengxiu, and he went to the toilet and vomited just like Han Zhengxiu.

"Qingchen, you are here!"

Yan Xiaoju walked to Gu Qingchen's side and did not stay away from her because she was holding those stumps in her hands.

Gu Qingchen nodded, looked Yan Xiaoju up and down, and asked, "They didn't do anything to you, did they?"

Yan Xiaoju shook her head, "I'm fine, they just blocked me in the toilet and didn't do anything."

Gu Qingchen nodded, then looked at everyone, "Everyone, you come to the Department of Medicine today, if you have any advice, why don't we stand here and say it directly, and we don't need to bully people with the nasty method of blocking people in the toilet. Come on, who can talk? , what's going on today? In exchange, I can give you a live anatomy class or something."


Yan Xiaoju looked at the bruised faces of everyone and almost couldn't help laughing.

She really admired Gu Qingchen so much, and it was estimated that only Gu Qingchen could think of using this method to restrain these people.

It's really...simple and rude!

But, it's really effective.

At this time, everyone's legs were weak, and they didn't have the strength to run at all, and some fainted and couldn't run away.


Gu Qingchen had already said that if anyone told her what was going on, she would give them an anatomy class for free. How dare they speak.

The head is in chaos, and the thoughts have long been broken, and it is strange to be able to speak clearly.

Seeing that everyone didn't dare to speak, Gu Qingchen squatted down and put the stump in his hand on the ground. Immediately, they could see more clearly.

A few couldn't bear it again and vomited again.

Gu Qingchen, on the other hand, sat on the ground, unaffected at all.

"Since you don't want to say anything, then I'll ask someone at random to answer. I'm impatient. When I point someone, I hope you can give me a quicker answer."

Everyone who dares to object, the sober people only know how to nod.

Yan Xiaoju looked at Gu Qingchen like this, and suddenly felt that Gu Qingchen was really too powerful.

no! She had to learn from Gu Qingchen, she couldn't be bullied every time.

After Gu Qingchen looked around, he said, "Where did you hear those rumors?"

After Gu Qingchen finished speaking, he pointed at a random person, and the person being pointed at immediately felt his heart tighten.

"Yes... I don't know who was the first to spread the news, but the newspapers are all published. I read the newspapers."

Are you in the newspapers?

Gu Qingchen didn't know, because Han Zhengxiu didn't tell her either.

Gu Qingchen looked at Yan Xiaoju and asked, "What happened to the newspaper?"

Yan Xiaoju's face turned cold, "The photo in the newspaper was taken by us when we went out to play. When we met the blind master, I don't know who took it."

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