Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 432 Entering a new world (42)

Is it less?

Is it the Rong Yu Rong Shao he knew?

Wait a moment!

He must have heard it wrong. Is Rong Shao married? And still married to a woman?

And women...women?

If Rong Yu married a man, he would be more convinced than marrying a woman.

Ha ha!

This is too funny.

It's definitely the funniest joke he's heard this year.

It's not that Du Shao doesn't want to believe it, but that this kind of news, no matter who knows Rong Yu, will not believe it.

"I said Tang Shao, you just like to joke around on weekdays. Why did you collude with Miss Gu and me to make such a big joke today. That's what I'm talking about here, don't make this kind of joke outside. Rong Shao really found out, you're all right, at most Rong Shao will clean it up. At that time, Miss Gu will be implicated. You also know how Rong Shao deals with those women with bad intentions. "

Du Shao's speech was very pertinent. Although it was the first time to see Gu Qingchen today, he was not indifferent, and he was very considerate of Gu Qingchen.

Gu Qingchen and Tang Feng looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

No one believes the truth these days.

Du Shao was dazed by the expressions of Gu Qingchen and Tang Feng.

Don't...they're not kidding? Is everything true?


Du Shao rejected this idea almost immediately, what kind of temper Rong Yu is, these wealthy children who grew up in the capital are really clear.

Rong Yu has been particularly repulsive to women since he was a child. When he was a child, those female classmates secretly liked Rong Yu, but they all ended up being miserable.

Of course, it was definitely not Rong Yu who went out to prank people, but the good brothers Tang Feng.

Later, when Rong Yu became an adult, there were also some courageous and confident women who thought that she would definitely melt Rong Yu, a woman who wanted to get close to Rong Yu.

Hehe, needless to say the consequences, being repaired by Rong Yu was terrible.

Of course, many times, those women don't know who they have offended, and they end up inexplicably.

Only those who are familiar with Rong Yu know that, even though Rong Yu is sitting in a wheelchair, he is actually strategizing.

It is estimated that the women they know are still in the minority, and even they don't know what happens to most of the women.

In any case, it is not difficult to see how much Rong Yu hates women just by looking at his methods towards women.

Fortunately, Rong Yu was not here, otherwise, when Gu Qingchen said that she was Rong Yu's wife just now, it was estimated that Gu Qingchen was going to be a big mold.

Rong Yu is such a person. In some respects, he really can't tolerate sand at all.

"You two dare to laugh! It's so daring. Tang Feng, Miss Gu doesn't know Rong Yu, so she doesn't know Rong Yu's temperament. You grew up with him, and you still don't know his temperament. ?"

Du Shao is a little helpless about Tang Feng's joking temperament. Tang Feng likes to play since he was a child. Everyone knows this.

But after playing, you still have to have a bottom line. If you accidentally harm others for the sake of playing, it will not be good.

Gu Qingchen read Du Shao's thoughts almost exactly, and he had a lot of good feelings for this Du Shao in his heart.

It is indeed very rare to be born in a high-class society, and to maintain such an original intention, not to be arrogant or indifferent.

It's no wonder that he is one of the four young masters in the capital. A good capital can't live without a good eldest young master. But he went to Y city to be a little-known cook. This kind of thing is definitely not something that a young master can do.

Tang Feng waved his hand casually, "I said Du Shao, don't underestimate this little Qingchen, she... she's very capable! Even that guy Rong Yu is being made obedient by her now. ."

Du Shao opened his mouth wide, looking incredibly surprised.

That...are they really not joking?

After Du Shao reacted for a long time, he suddenly asked, "What number is today?"

Gu Qingchen looked at Du Shao and smiled slightly, "Don't worry, today is not April Fool's Day, and we don't need to tease you."

"Just...that means...what you said just now is true? How is this possible! This is absolutely impossible! Or is it that the Rong Shao you are talking about is not the same person I know?"

Tang Feng couldn't laugh anymore, and even patted it on the table, laughing, and said intermittently, "Young Master Du... Haha... Seeing your expression, I really feel funny! But it's normal. , If I was suddenly told that Rong Shao is married or married to a woman, I would not believe it. Hehe, I would rather believe that there are aliens in this world than that Rong Shao can take a fancy to a woman."

Gu Qingchen sat there and listened, only to feel the black lines all over his head, and countless crows flying over the top of his head.

Although she already knew how much Rong Yu didn't like women, but now that she heard the conversation between Tang Feng and Du Shao, she understood that Rong Shao hated women to such an extent.

That being said, it's really... an honor for her to be Rong Yu's wife.

Tang Feng said, "Do you think I can accept Rong Yu as a friend besides the Rong Yu we know together?"

Du Shao shook his head and said, "No."

"It's not over, of course we're talking about this Rong Yu! Okay, I know this fact is hard to accept. just happened, hey, I don't want to see it either. What a pity, what a pity!"

Tang Feng looked regretful, Du Shao said curiously, "What a pity?"

"Of course it's a pity..." Tang Feng paused, taking back what he almost said in time.

Some things have already happened, even if he feels sorry, he can only regret it silently in his heart.


"Of course it's a pity that no one accompanies me to continue being single! Rong Yu didn't get married before, and the old man in my family urged me to get married. I still have an excuse to use Rong Yu to block me. Now Rong Yu has never been in contact with women and everyone since he was a child. Everyone who thought he would be alone for a lifetime is married, and I have no excuse not to get married!"

Du Shao didn't pay attention to this, but to confirm that Rong Yu was really married.

Married to a woman, and this woman is sitting in front of him at the moment.

This world is really...a bit of a fantasy rhythm.

"So... Is Rong Shao really married? We don't even know about this... such a big news!"

Du Shao's whole person is not calm, he is a little shocked and excited, it is difficult to describe what kind of emotion it is.

Gu Qingchen smiled slightly, "Only a few people know about our marriage. We have no plans to expand this matter for the time being."

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