Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 436 Entering a new world (46)

But Du Shao didn't know what the relationship between Gu Qingchen and the Rong family was. He just thought that Gu Qingchen was the daughter-in-law of the Rong family, and she should have known about it.

"It's Rong Yu's sister, who came back from abroad."

Rong Yu's sister?

Where did Rong Yu have a sister come out?

For this, Gu Qingchen really didn't know, the Rong family was a big family with a large population, and Gu Qingchen only knew a general idea.

However, she could hear that Rong Yu's "sister" Du Shao said was definitely not a sidekick.

Otherwise, there is no need for them to talk about an elder sister of the side branch, and they will not call the person of the side branch Rong Yu's elder sister.

Those who can be called like that can only be the descendants.

But among the direct descendants, Gu Qingchen did not know that such a character existed in the Rong family.

Tang Feng knew about the relationship between Gu Qingchen and the Rong family, and with Rong Yu's temperament, he would not mention this sister.

"Rong Yu's older sister, in fact, can't be regarded as Rong Yu's older sister in terms of her name, but it should be called that way." Tang Feng explained, but Gu Qingchen was even more puzzled.

"You can speak more clearly."

Gu Qingchen looked at Tang Feng, waiting for Tang Feng to explain her confusion.

No matter if it is a nominal or actual sister, as long as there is such a person, as Rong Yu's wife, she needs to know.

Although the old man of the Rong family treats her very well and values ​​her very much, he will not have time to talk to her about this kind of family relationship.

And she didn't deal with the women of the Rong family even more, plus Rong Yu himself didn't bother to mention the people of the Rong family, Gu Qingchen did have a specific relationship with the Rong family, not so clear.

Tang Feng thought for a while, and then slowly said, "Rong Yu's sister has nothing to do with the Rong family. She has a special identity. When she was very young, she was adopted by Rong Yu's mother. It took a long time. It was also after the death of Rong Yu's mother that her family found her and recognized her again. At that time, Rong Yu was just born. Rong Yu's sister is a grateful person, so she has always been I am very grateful to Rong Yu's mother. Although Rong Yu has an attitude of rejection towards this sister, because her mother once adopted her, Rong Yu's attitude towards her is reluctant."

The so-called reluctance is actually to allow outsiders to say that she is his sister, he is looking at his mother's face.

As for the rest, the treatment of this sister and other women is basically the same.

Only then did Gu Qingchen know that Rong Yu's mother Yuan Luoyu had such a past.

"Then how old is his sister? What's her name?"

No matter whether there is blood relationship or not, Gu Qingchen still has to ask clearly, lest as Rong Yu's wife, she doesn't even know about this family matter, then it really becomes a joke.

Tang Feng said, "She is six years older than Rong Yu. She looks like twenty-six or seven this year. Her name is Lily."


This name... is really a bit vulgar!

Gu Qingchen really didn't dare to compliment the name, it was really too vulgar.

Tang Feng also knew what Gu Qingchen's expression meant, in fact, he felt the same way.

"Actually, her name shouldn't be called this. It was only when Rong Yu's mother adopted her that the lilies bloomed very well that year, so she was given such a nickname. Later, the Lily family members gave her such a nickname. Find Lily, take her home, and when she wants to change her name, Lily is determined not to change her name, so she will call her this name."

What Tang Feng knew, of course, was only known after listening to others when he grew up.

But what I have to say is that although Lily's name is ugly, her reputation in the circle is really good.

Just because she didn't change the nickname given to her by Rong Yu's mother made people think she was a grateful girl.

In addition, in the process of growing up, Lily has always been well-known, and the reputation in the circle is indeed very good.

Later, Lily went abroad and did not return to China for a long time. Now that she came back suddenly, those people in the capital still remember her, which shows her influence in the circle.

Gu Qingchen just listened to Tang Feng and Du Shao talking a lot about Lily, Gu Qingchen was a little curious about this Lily.

Listening to what Tang Feng and Du Shao said, this Lily's family is not ordinary, and it is also a powerful family in the capital.

"But then again, Lily has been abroad for many, many years in a blink of an eye. Why did she suddenly think of returning to China?"

Tang Feng was also a little confused. If it wasn't for Lily's sudden return, he would have left this person behind.

Du Shao knows a little more than Tang Feng. After all, Du Shao has been in the capital before, and has been in Y city for a while, so he will know more about the news from the capital.

"I heard that it seems that because of the marriage, the family urgently called her back."

Tang Feng laughed angrily, with a hint of contempt in his tone, "Marriage? Hehe, big family, just like to do these disgusting things."

It can be seen that Tang Feng is also disgusted with marriage.

Du Shao also seemed to have a hint of emotion, "Being in a big family, many things are beyond our control, both of you and me. Others are similar, our life is superior, but at the same time, we have lost a lot of things. Don't look at you. Enjoy playing now, one day, the Tang family won't let you continue playing like this."

What Du Shao said about playing naturally refers to Tang Feng's change of women, and Du Shao's involuntary choice is his career choice.

In the past, Gu Qingchen had envied the people of those big families, because the family was strong enough to not let the family suffer.

But now it seems that people from the big family may not be happier than her.

No matter what, she and Rong Yu were not forced by the world, which was the most fortunate thing.

Mentioning this, Tang Feng was stunned, took a deep look at Gu Qingchen, and then retracted his gaze, only to say, "It's a year to play, anyway, it's not long before I can play."

Gu Qingchen rarely heard Tang Feng speak in such a self-defeating tone, and for a while, he really didn't know how to persuade him.

Maybe there is no need to persuade him at all, some things are already known to them.

"Although I think this sentence is very hypocritical, I still want to say that fate is always in your own hands. You only need to be responsible for yourself in your life. Life is never for others to see."

Gu Qingchen just said the words in his heart, not expecting any changes to them, but wanted to tell them that many things may not really be solved.

Anyway, if Rong Yu was in the same situation as them, he would never compromise with others, he would solve it in his own way, and would never wrong himself.

To a certain extent, Gu Qingchen felt that she was very similar to Rong Yu.

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