Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 444 People of the City Y (4)

Gu Qingchen did not continue to quarrel with Rong Yu. She went out so anxiously just now that she went to the Hundred Herbs Hall to pick up some herbs.

Although she could use silver needles to adjust Rong Yu's body, his current condition is more serious and he needs some additional herbal assistance.

When I came back just now, I met Butler Qin. Gu Qingchen told Butler Qin about the preparation of the medicine, and he had already asked Butler Qin to boil the medicine.

Soon, Butler Qin brought the boiled medicine over with a little grim expression on his face.

This medicine smells... it's really ecstasy!

It seems that today, the young master is really going to suffer. Even if Butler Qin has not tasted the medicine, it is not difficult to judge from the taste how unpleasant this medicine is.

Until Butler Qin put the medicine bowl on the bedside table, he was always worried about whether Rong Yu could drink it.

"Okay, Steward Qin, go and rest first. You can just boil the rest of the medicine as you did today. The dosage is for a month, one bowl a day."


A month's amount!

Still a bowl a day?

Butler Qin glanced at his young master sympathetically, but was helpless.

"Yes, young lady. I see."

Gu Qingchen nodded, and the housekeeper Qin went out. The moment he was about to close the door, he took another look at Rong Yu.

Rong Yu's expression is obviously not so comfortable. Although he has been drinking medicine since childhood, it does not mean that he is immune to the taste.

On the contrary, what he disliked the most was the smell of Chinese medicine.

tsk tsk!

His wife has found his life.

This was even more difficult for him to accept than being punished for standing. Thinking that he would be drinking this herb for the next month, Rong Yu felt uncomfortable all over his body.

Actually... he really wanted to ask Gu Qingchen if he could not drink it.

But when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them.

Forget it, self-inflicted can't live! He was self-inflicted.

Originally, Gu Qingchen didn't know that Rong Yu was so resistant to traditional Chinese medicine, but because he wanted Rong Yu to have a long memory, he deliberately did not remove the smell of herbs.

But now looking at Rong Yu's defiant look, Gu Qingchen smiled, a bit evil.

Ha ha!

It was as if she had discovered Rong Yu's weakness.

Looking back now, Gu Qingchen finally understood why Rong Yu was so resistant to the medicines sent by his master.

At the beginning, what Gu Qingchen learned from Rong Yu was that Rong Yu didn't take medicine because he had a grudge against his master.

But well... Gu Qingchen seems to understand now that besides his grudges, the more important thing is that Rong Yu doesn't like the taste of Chinese medicine.

"What are you waiting for? It's only effective when you drink it hot."

Gu Qingchen pretended not to know that Rong Yu didn't like to drink medicine, and said in a very flat tone.

Rong Yu took a deep breath and glanced at the medicine bowl. To be honest, he hadn't drunk it yet. Just smelling the smell gave him a feeling of rejection.

How could Gu Qingchen's medicine smell worse than that of her master, Doctor Hua!

Sure enough, it is true that the blue is better than the blue. Not only that, Gu Qingchen's medical skills, even her ability to prescribe medicines that are disgusting and dead, has really been passed down by Dr. Hua!

Although Rong Yu hesitated, but this herb was brought back by Gu Qingchen himself, no matter what, he had to drink it.

In order not to let Gu Qingchen see the clue, Rong Yu had no choice but to hold up the medicine bowl in a light-hearted manner, glanced at the dark soup inside, lowered his eyelids, and dried it in one gulp.


The sweat pores all over his body opened, and his whole body shuddered.

The taste of this medicine is absolutely amazing!

Rong Yu has eaten and drank a lot of various medicines since he was a child. There are countless unpleasant decoctions, but they are not as good as Gu Qingchen's decoction!

If he were to rank the unpleasantness of the medicine, Gu Qingchen's decoction would definitely top the list!

It was really difficult for him to describe how unpleasant this medicine was in words. Unable to bear it, Rong Yu hurriedly picked up the water glass beside him and took a few sips of water.

Although Rong Yu was already in control, Gu Qingchen still saw it and knew Rong Yu's small weakness.

"How does it taste? Can you still accept it?" Gu Qingchen put his arms around his chest and looked at Rong Yu.

Rong Yu pulled out a stiff smile, "It's okay."

Gu Qingchen raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh? It seems that you really like the smell of this medicine. I was worried that you couldn't stand the smell. It seems that this time I can rest assured. Medicine is your daily necessities."

Rong Yu felt that he just dug a hole and buried himself.

In fact, he wanted to say in his heart, can he stop drinking?

Unfortunately, he still didn't say it, Gu Qingchen was all for him, and was his personal physician. Whatever the doctor told him to do, he could only do it.

At the beginning, when Gu Qingchen was replaced by Doctor Hua, he thought Gu Qingchen was very interesting, but now it seems that making Gu Qingchen his personal doctor was really a deep hole he dug for himself.

"It's all up to my wife."

In this case, if he wants to say something else, I'm afraid he can't say anything else.

Gu Qingchen nodded with satisfaction, "Drink the medicine too, take off your clothes."

Rong Yu blinked, "Wife, what are you doing? Although I haven't seen you for a few days, you don't need to be so enthusiastic right after you come back? Cough, cough, I feel a little flattered."

Gu Qingchen almost sprayed, and while removing the silver needle on his wrist, he said, "You think beauty! Don't talk nonsense, take it off!"

What Gu Qingchen said was very domineering, and Rong Yu had a feeling he couldn't tell.

To be so domineeringly said the word "off" by a woman in front of him, this feeling... Really very ecstasy!

Rong Yu was wearing a shirt, so, under Gu Qingchen's gaze, he unbuttoned his clothes one by one with his slender and fair fingers.

Originally, Gu Qingchen didn't plan what to do, but...

Seeing Rong Yu's posture that seemed to slow down, and the exposed skin little by little, Gu Qingchen felt that he was a little off track.

His eyes also kept staring at Rong Yu's hand, and following Rong Yu's hand, his eyes kept looking down.

After a long while, Rong Yu's hand suddenly paused, and Gu Qingchen's eyes stopped there.

"My lady, do you want to take it all off?"

Rong Yu suddenly asked.

Gu Qingchen finally regained his senses, raised his head quickly, and met Rong Yu's eyes.

Seeing the smile on Rong Yu's lips, as if seeing through her thoughts, Gu Qingchen immediately raised his face, "What do you think?"

Rong Yu raised the corners of his lips and said with a smile, "You have to take it all off, I understand!"

Gu Qingchen was still a little embarrassed, although what she said just now was very domineering, but in retrospect, she was still a little thin-skinned.

Finally, under Gu Qingchen's full attention, Rong Yu only had a pair of underwear left.

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