Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 449 People of the City Y (9)

When Xu Tianyi heard this, he suddenly screamed, "Little tender sprouts, you didn't say it sooner! The last time I came here, I could eat Bawang's meal! Tsk tsk tsk, the things here are really expensive and it cost me a lot of money. Woolen cloth!"

The food in Zhuyuan is indeed delicious, and the environment in Zhuyuan is indeed elegant, but, in the same way, the price of vegetables in Zhuyuan is indeed shockingly high!

Although Xu Tianyi is also a son of a wealthy family, he has limited money at his disposal. Although he can't afford it, coming to Bamboo Garden to eat once will indeed make him feel bad about money for several days.

"Oh? Mainly, someone took the initiative to invite you to dinner last time. I can't steal your limelight, can I?"

Gu Qingchen smiled slightly, with a hint of cunning in his smile.

Xu Tianyi exaggeratedly said, "I applaud you with both hands for this kind of thing! Little tender buds, if I didn't say that I would let you be the host, would you still not tell us that you are the boss of Zhuyuan? what!"

Gu Qingchen touched her nose, she really hadn't thought about this issue, because she didn't think it was such an important issue.

To say or not to say, seems to be irrelevant.

"Xu Tianyi, you're a rich boy after all, right? Is it really good to be like this?"

No matter what Yan Xiaoju's identity is, she has always protected Gu Qingchen anyway.

Xu Tianyi disapproved, "I rubbed against the little tender bud, but I didn't rub against you, and the little tender bud didn't speak, but you should stand up and fight the injustice first."

Yan Xiaoju is not easy to bully either, "That's because Qingchen is too lazy to pay attention to you, please be a little conscious of yourself."

Xu Tianyi was delighted, and said with a smile, "Yan Xiaoju, don't you want to marry the little girl?"

Anyway, this topic was mentioned today, and he simply made it more messy.

He can't let his reputation be damaged by himself.

Yan Xiaoju rolled her eyes at Xu Tianyi, "Full of thoughts, don't try to pull me into the water."

Yan Xiaoju is also much smarter now. Knowing the purpose of Xu Tianyi's actions, she simply doesn't take it.

Xu Tianyi pouted, expressing a little unwillingness, but the dish came up quickly, and immediately blocked Xu Tianyi's mouth.

Except for Yan Xiaoju and Han Zhengxiu, everyone else ate it straight away, and the two of them were still surprised how this dish was cooked so delicately.

When they reacted, the first dish was eaten.

The main force is naturally Xu Tianyi, Zhao Zimo and Jia Zhirui.

Han Zhengxiu looked at the empty plate and suddenly felt speechless.

"Do you three want to be so exaggerated! It didn't leave us at all!"

Han Zhengxiu had eaten with the three of them before, and he had never seen them like this before.

"You two can talk more, don't worry." This is what Zhao Zimo said.

"The food is here, you don't eat it yourself, who's to blame?" This is what Xu Tianyi said.

"Delicious." This is what Jia Zhirui said.

The three are surprisingly consistent.

Han Zhengxiu and Yan Xiaoju looked at each other and felt speechless.

Immediately decided that when the second dish came up, they couldn't be soft.

Fortunately, the next dishes came very quickly, and Yan Xiaoju and Han Zhengxiu finally got them.

After taking a bite, both eyes lit up and sparkled.

Yan Xiaoju's expression was even more tangled, "I'll eat today's meal, not tomorrow."

In order to maintain her figure, Yan Xiaoju has always had self-control in her diet. But after taking a bite of the food here, let's take a break for any self-control.

Seeing that the friends like to eat so much, Gu Qingchen also feels happy. As for the food, it is natural for everyone to share it.

It's a pity that they are destined to not be able to eat Rong Yu's craftsmanship, otherwise they will definitely go crazy.

Several people have eaten many dishes, each of which makes people linger and have endless aftertastes.

Yan Xiaoju's expression was a little depressed, Xu Tianyi looked at it and said, "Little chrysanthemum, what's wrong with you? It's so delicious, so are you moved to cry?"

Yan Xiaoju glared at Xu Tianyi, this Xu Tianyi still called her Xiaojuhua, really... not very pleasant.

"I said don't call me a little chrysanthemum! I was thinking, I guess I'd better not eat anything for the next three days. I thought one day would be enough, but... I ate too much. too much!"

Seeing Yan Xiaoju's appearance, Xu Tianyi burst out laughing, "What's wrong with Xiaojuhua? What a nice name, if you really make your debut in the future, just call it this stage name, I promise, once this name comes out, you will definitely be popular! "

Han Zhengxiu comforted a few words, "Xiaoju, you are not fat, you are so thin, is it necessary to lose weight like this? It's almost enough."

Yan Xiaoju shook her head, "You don't understand! In this industry, there are really not many stars who can eat enough. I am considered a lucky person. I use the medicine that Qingchen prescribed for me. too much to be photographed.”

After all, what Gu Qingchen gave to Yan Xiaoju wasn't a magic medicine, but it only had some restraining effects.

You don't look fat in life, but after being on camera, you will look fat. So even if Yan Xiaoju is already very thin, she still has to pay attention to her figure.

It's not for beauty, but she doesn't want to lose this opportunity.

For her, becoming an actress and star was a turning point in her life.

She didn't want to rely on others, so she was even more demanding on herself.

Because other people have never been in this industry, they said they couldn't understand.

Men, in particular, are even more incomprehensible.

"I see, you are suffering by yourself, do you like to be a star so much? It's not bad to be a star in other industries. You are in the medical department of Hongfeng. After graduation, many medical research institutes are rushing for you. You will be a doctor in the future. It's not bad to be a professor or something."

Xu Tianyi said he didn't understand. In his opinion, people in that circle were quite messy, and he felt that Yan Xiaoju's temperament was really not suitable for that circle.

If you don't do well, you will offend a circle of people, and there is absolutely no need to suffer by yourself.

Yan Xiaoju has not thought about this question, but she has to wait for Hongfeng to graduate and then go to the Medical Research Institute for further study.

She needs to have the ability to be independent, so it is her choice to enter the entertainment industry.

Gu Qingchen has always respected Yan Xiaoju's choice. Anyway, no matter what Yan Xiaoju does, with her escorting her, nothing will happen to Yan Xiaoju.

Of course, this was something Gu Qingchen didn't tell Yan Xiaoju. She didn't want Yan Xiaoju to deny her efforts.

Up to now, Gu Qingchen has actually done nothing but dealt with An Lan.

As for strength and opportunities, it is up to Yan Xiaoju.

"Xu Tianyi, it seems that you really care about Xiaoju." Han Zhengxiu smiled, a little ambiguous in his eyes.

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