Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 471 People of the City Y (31)

Rong Yu's eyes were slightly heavy, and when he looked at Gu Qingchen's eyes, there seemed to be something more in an instant, which was shocking and heart-wrenching!

His heartbeat accelerated, Gu Qingchen felt like he was about to be swallowed alive, and his breathing became much tighter.

It really takes a lot of courage to look at Rong Yu, otherwise, it will really feel difficult to breathe, and it will be difficult for you to control yourself.

Just when Gu Qingchen opened his mouth to say something to ease the current tense atmosphere, suddenly, Gu Qingchen only felt that the whole person's eyes were darkened.

Then, the overwhelming kiss fell on her lips.

The kiss came violently and long. Originally, Gu Qingchen still had some messy things to think about, but now, almost in his mind, there is only the existence of this kiss.

Rong Yu squeezed in like a forced squeeze, so that she couldn't think about anything else.

You can only sink together with Rong Yu, and then... sink again!

Although the night was deep, the room was still full of enthusiasm and the temperature rose rapidly.

The next day, Gu Qingchen woke up late.

Originally, Gu Qingchen planned to get up in the morning, first go to the Gu Group to have a look, then to the hospital to see Xiao Jue, and finally to the police station to find Liu Tao.

As a result, because last night, Gu Qingchen and Rong Yu were a little late, and after a busy day, Gu Qingchen fell asleep all of a sudden.

When he woke up, Gu Qingchen looked at the time, and it was almost noon.

Seeing Rong Yu lying beside him, leaning on his head, and looking at Gu Qingchen, Gu Qingchen felt a little helpless.

"Why didn't you wake me up, it's already noon!"

Gu Qingchen did not expect that Rong Yu woke up earlier than her.

"It's noon at noon, and you haven't woken up, so of course you have to get enough sleep first."

In Rong Yu's view, other things are not as important as Gu Qingchen's sleep and rest.

Gu Qingchen was very sweet in his heart, but on the surface he curled his lips, "I'm a busy person right now, so I don't have time to sleep in. I'll get up first."

Rong Yu smiled and also got up.

Gu Qingchen was almost as fast as the wind. After simply packing up, he planned to go out.

In the end, Rong Yu stopped him, "What's the hurry, eat first."

"Don't eat for now, I'll go to the hospital to take a look, and then go directly to the police station."

Rong Yu didn't let go, but still pulled Gu Qingchen to the dining table very strongly, "Let's eat first, then there's no need to go to the police station."

Gu Qingchen couldn't beat Rong Yu, so he had to sit down to eat.

Of course, the lunch was prepared by Rong Yu. As soon as he took a bite, Gu Qingchen forgot to work on it, and concentrated on eating.

Rong Yu also followed Gu Qingchen to eat some. After eating a lunch for about half an hour, Gu Qingchen was full.

"Then I'll go first. Did you drink the medicine in the morning? After I leave, you go back to bed and lie down, and let me find out that you are disobedient. Hehe, tomorrow's medicine will definitely make you unforgettable for the rest of your life!"

Gu Qingchen has already found a way to rectify Rong Yu, Rong Yu, this fellow, really can't take the bitter medicine she prepared.

"Don't rush. Go next door with me."

Next door is Rong Yu's villa, or in other words, as long as the place next to Rong Yu's villa is around Rong Yu's villa, it is Rong Yu's territory.

Because he doesn't want someone to disturb his life, the easiest way is to have no one around, only him.

Gu Qingchen followed Rong Yu to the villa next door with some doubts. This villa was not the one where Gu's father and mother lived before, but another one.

Gu Qingchen was a little strange, not knowing why Rong Yu brought her here.

"Young Master Rong! Young Master Rong! What a blessing for three lifetimes! This villa is really luxurious. This is the first time I know that the Dynasty Hotel has a villa!"

Gu Qingchen saw that it was Liu Tao. He didn't expect Rong Yu to bring Liu Tao here. No wonder she didn't need to go to the police station.

Although Liu Tao is not a small person, when he saw Rong Yu, his whole person felt a few steps lower and his posture was very low.

Of course, when Liu Tao knew Gu Qingchen's identity that day, he lowered his posture, but compared with Rong Yu, it was really much worse.

All right.

Gu Qingchen didn't bother about this anymore, anyway, she didn't want to compare with Rong Yu.

After all, Rong Yu's identity was there, and even if Liu Tao wanted to snub him, he wouldn't dare to snub him.

Rong Yu obviously didn't want to pay attention to Liu Tao, so Liu Tao was the only one who was there happily. Rong Yu glanced at Gu Qingchen and said, "If you want to ask anything, just ask here, so as not to run back and forth. If you have anything in the future, just call him here."

Rong Yu's tone was as if Liu Tao was his subordinate and could be controlled anytime, anywhere.

And Liu Tao didn't mean to refute at all, and seemed quite happy. Just because Rong Yu said he could come here to report.

All right.

Gu Qingchen felt that Rong Yu was indeed much stronger than her in terms of people's hearts.

After all, her mind-reading is limited, she can only read what the other person is thinking at the moment, while Rong Yu can read this person through various expressions of the person.

"Miss Gu, you want to know the results of yesterday's investigation, right? I brought it here for you today, can you take a look?"

Liu Tao even brought the records of the investigation, so it can be said that he was fully prepared.

And after listening to Liu Tao's words, Rong Yu's eyebrows were wrinkled. From entering the room to now, he only said one word to Liu Tao.

"Mrs. Rong."

Liu Tao was stunned for a moment, swallowed a mouthful of saliva subconsciously, and quickly changed his words, "Yes, yes, look at my brain, I must be too excited today, such an important title can be wrong all of a sudden. I'm sorry, Mrs. Rong."

Gu Qingchen glanced at Rong Yu, Rong Yu's expression had obviously softened a lot this time, and he seemed to think that Liu Tao was still on the road.

Gu Qingchen said that he was a little helpless. He didn't expect Rong Yu to be so childish.

In fact, what is called, that's how it is, is it necessary to be more serious?

But Rong Yu is serious!

Seeing that Rong Yu was not angry, Liu Tao relaxed a lot. He took a deep breath and looked at Gu Qingchen and said, "This is the investigation record. I have also sent someone to investigate the brother of the deceased. Also locked in the bureau, Mrs. Rong, look... Do you have any suggestions?"

Originally, Liu Tao didn't stand in line yesterday, but Gu Qingchen saw that he was afraid of being involved in the disputes of the big family.

Gu Qingchen didn't mind Liu Tao's choice to protect himself.

If this matter is placed on her, I am afraid she will also choose to do so.

Originally, she wanted to get Liu Tao personally, but she didn't expect that she had not waited for her to go. Rong Yu had already done Liu Tao.

But that's fine, it saves her a lot of trouble.

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