Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 499 People of the City Y (59)

"Solved? Hmph, I think you are really going back as you live!"

The old man of the Luo family's tone was very sharp, and he seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Luo Qiaolian.

Luo Qiaolian was also stunned for a moment, not understanding why her father would speak to her in such a tone.

After all, she helped a lot this time and put in a lot of effort. Being able to rescue Luo Yingming, her credit is not small.

"Dad... what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean? Literally! I thought you had any way to divert the media's attention, but I didn't expect that you were using Gu Qingchen's so-called peach-colored news to divert attention! I think you are really blinded by your hatred! To think that using this kind of low-end news would just make you burn your body and make it worse!"

The old man of the Luo family was angry, said a lot of words, and finally coughed violently, and then stopped.

The rest of the Luo family rushed forward to appease the old man of the Luo family, some brought water, some took medicine, and some gave the old man of the Luo family good luck.

Only Luo Qiaolian was still unconvinced, she just wanted to help, and she did help divert the media's attention, didn't she?

Even if there is no credit, at least there is hard work!

Moreover, since she had Gu Qingchen, she has been reprimanded several times in front of the Luo family master.

This time, she originally thought that she could be praised, but in the end, it was still the old man of the Luo family's reprimand!

How can Luo Qiaolian accept this?

"Dad! Are you confused? I succeeded in diverting everyone's attention. If it weren't for me, Yingming would still be stared at by everyone now. Now as long as our Luo family works a little harder, Yingming can come out."

Luo Qiaolian still naively thought that what she did was right.


The old man of the Luo family threw the water cup in his hand to the ground, making a loud noise, and everyone was startled!

Luo Qiaolian was also stunned, and she took a deep breath. She didn't expect that the old man of the Luo family would be so angry this time.

This is a bit too abnormal, isn't it? The old man asked her to do this, and she did it very successfully, so why yell at her?

"You are simply ignorant! I asked you to divert the media's attention, but I didn't let you use Gu Qingchen to divert the media's attention! Because of your mistakes, it is now more beneficial to Gu Qingchen!"

The old man of the Luo family looked at Luo Qiaolian with a kind of hatred that iron could not become steel.

In the end, it was Luo Yingming's father who stood up and explained the situation.

"If you make a fuss about someone else, it might be easier to deal with it. But you are selfish and make trouble with Gu Qingchen. Do you think your so-called lace news can make a difference to Gu Qingchen? Not only did it not work, you also stimulated Gu Qingchen and made her fight back against our Luo family thoroughly! Didn't you see it? She officially declared war with us this time! She is a businessman and we are in politics, if it is true If you declare war with Gu Qingchen on the bright side, we are really in a disadvantageous position! Why did your father ask you to find the news to suppress the wise thing? Just so that this matter will not be put on the bright side. Now It's good, Gu Qingchen's counterattack like this, as long as anyone who is not stupid knows, this is a declaration of war with our Luo family!"

Luo Qiaolian was stunned and blinked, feeling a little stunned.

She didn't think of this, just thinking about how to rescue Luo Yingming and attack Gu Qingchen at the same time!

I have to say that the old man of the Luo family is right. Luo Qiaolian has been in the backyard of the Rong family for too long and has already derailed from this society. All she thought about was the fight in the backyard. She couldn't see the big things clearly.

Only then did Luo Qiaolian understand what she had done.

Luo Qiaolian slumped on the chair, her whole body was a little dazed.

Could it be... is she really doing something wrong?

So... what should we do now?

Seeing Luo Qiaolian's dejected appearance, Luo Yingming's father couldn't bear it. After all, Luo Qiaolian wanted to save his son.

"Don't be sad, it's already like this, we have to find another way to remedy it. But on the news side, you must not mix it up any more. Also, for the rest of the time, you will stay at the Rong's house honestly, as long as Don't continue to cause trouble for us, that's fine."

Some words that were originally meant to be comforting were printed in Luo Qiaolian's heart, full of blame.

She thought Luo Yingming's father was blaming her, saying that she was doing a disservice.

It's just that she didn't do it well, and it's not easy for her to make a noise in front of so many people.

Under the appeasement of everyone, the old man of the Luo family slowly came to his senses, waved his hands, and everyone stepped back and no longer surrounded him.

"Okay, if it was before, we could still use our relationship to bring Yingming out. Now that Gu Qingchen is making such a fuss, Yingming will probably stay inside for a while. The top priority is to let the media cool down first. We can't do it any more. The more we do now, the worse it will be for us. People like us must never appear in the media and be talked about by the people every day. As for the above, I will try to suppress these things, the Luo family. Everyone in here is listening, you must not do anything wrong during this time, not at all! You must not let Gu Qingchen catch you, do you hear?"

The old man of the Luo family only now feels that this girl, Gu Qingchen, is a difficult girl. Originally, I thought that Gu Qingchen could be solved without his help.

Now it seems that if he doesn't make a move, the Luo family may really not be able to fight that girl.

After hearing the words of the old man of the Luo family, everyone in the Luo family nodded in agreement.

Luo Qiaolian was kicked home by the old man of the Luo family, so she should stay at the Rong's house when she has nothing to do, and don't go out indiscriminately.

However, all kinds of news from the media have already been raised, and it is really impossible to suppress it like this.

The next day, another revelation came out, and this time the revelation was very clear, pointing directly at the Luo family!

The fact that Luo Yingming used the power and information of the Luo family to start his own company was completely exposed.

Even some confidential documents were provided, and there were witnesses!

There are still many witnesses, one is a friend who cooperated with Luo Yingming, one is the woman Luo Yingming played with, and the other is Luo Yingming's driver!

You know, don't underestimate the driver. The driver may know more about a lot of confidential matters than the woman beside the man.

Luo Yingming's driver was the one who knew many of Luo Yingming's secrets.

This time, all the focus returned to Luo Yingming again.

Only this time, the nature is different.

The crime of Luo Yingming's loan company breaking the law is completely different from Luo Yingming's use of political means to help Luo Yingming for personal gain!

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