Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 535 Amazing news (25)

Rong Sheng is really exhausted physically and mentally now, the pain in his body and the awkwardness in his heart make him very uncomfortable.

Although he wanted to talk very much, he said that he was not the son of Meng Xianglin, but the heir of the Rong family.

But because the family doctor gave him anesthesia, for the time being, he couldn't move anything but could hear voices.

"Mr. Rong, and this Mr. Meng, I need some of your blood for testing."

He is a family doctor who doesn't like gossip very much, so he is in the Rong family, only treats and saves people, and never asks about the Rong family's affairs.

The principle of see no evil and speak no evil is vividly displayed in him.

That's why Mr. Rong only called this family doctor.

Without hesitation, Meng Xianglin put his arm in front of the family doctor, "Come on, you need to know how much you need. I just want to know, how long will it take to get the results?"

What Meng Xianglin cares about most is not how much blood he has been drawn, but when the results will come out, thoroughly proving that what he said is true.

Of course, the most important thing is to heal Rong Sheng's hand, and then recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestry!

The family doctor said calmly, "When Young Master Rong Sheng's anesthesia has passed, when he wakes up, the test results will almost be available."

"What? How can it be so fast! The hospital takes three days at the fastest, how can you detect it in just an hour! It's impossible!"

Luo Qiaolian originally thought that even if it was really tested, it would take several days. The big deal is that she has tried to change the results in the past few days.

But the family doctor actually said that when Rong Sheng woke up, she would be able to get the test results, and she panicked.

She did this test for Rong Sheng many years ago, and it took a few days at the time, so she would know.

After everyone heard Luo Qiaolian's words, they all looked at Luo Qiaolian.

Gu Qingchen smiled and said meaningfully, "It seems that the second lady is very clear about DNA testing. You are right, it does take three days for the hospital to get the results. It's just... I'm very curious, how can someone who has never done DNA testing know so clearly about such a professional thing."

That's right!

That's it!

Ordinary people, if they don't try it, how can they know exactly how long a DNA test will take!

In addition to the two previous test sheets, everything seemed to indicate something.

Rong Qingtian was originally unwilling to do this test, but after hearing Gu Qingchen's words, Rong Qingtian gave Luo Qiaolian a deep look.

It was obvious to Luo Qiaolian that at that moment, there was a trace of guilty conscience caught by Rong Qingtian.

Originally, Rong Qingtian was reluctant to believe that Luo Qiaolian would betray him, but this trace of guilty conscience made Rong Qingtian want to see what was going on.

"Doctor, collect it."

Rong Qingtian did not agree with the collection before, but now he agrees.

Luo Qiaolian was anxious, worried about her son's situation, and at the same time worried that things would be revealed.

It's just that no matter how worried she is, there is nothing she can do now, the time is too tight, and in front of so many people, she has nothing to do!

Or... looking for someone from the Luo family?


At this time, even if the Luo family is found, the Luo family is here, and with the temper of the old man, maybe he can't even enter the door.

What's more, if the Luo family really came, maybe the old man Rong would directly throw his anger on the Luo family. If the two families had a conflict, then the matter would be really serious!

The family doctor took the blood sample very quickly and it was done in no time.

The family was quiet and no one spoke. Rong Qingtian didn't go to see Rong Sheng, but sat there thinking about something.

Meng Xianglin was more like a father than Rong Qingtian, he accompanied Rong Sheng almost the whole time, and everyone could see the distressed look in his eyes.

After Rong Qingtian glanced at it, he felt very annoying!

That feeling is as if it was my own place, but I found out that it was taken by someone else.

At the same time, Rong Qingtian felt deeply suspicious, suspecting that Rong Sheng was Meng Xianglin's son.

Because the more he looked, the more he felt that Rong Sheng looked a bit like Meng Xianglin.

On the other hand, looking at Gu Qingchen's side, Rong Yu still seemed like no one else, holding Gu Qingchen in his arms, Gu Qingchen sat on his lap, Rong Yu didn't mean to let go at all.

Gu Qingchen tried to break free several times without success.

In the end, she didn't break free at all, and sat in Rong Yu's arms with great peace of mind, because she saw some people's eyes and they started to breathe fire!

Ha ha!

This person, of course, is that Lily.

In fact, from the very beginning, when Lily saw Rong Yu hugging Gu Qingchen, she was not very happy.

It's just that Lily's camouflage is very good, and there is no awkwardness on the face.

However, Rong Yu never let go of Gu Qingchen. Gu Qingchen broke free several times, but Rong Yu did not let go.

This made Lily see it and felt extremely uncomfortable.

She knew all too well what kind of temper Rong Yu was in the past, not to mention holding a woman, even if she saw a woman, she felt disgusted.

However, now that Rong Yu is clinging to Gu Qingchen, how could Lily not be jealous or angry!

Originally, Gu Qingchen felt that it was inappropriate to wait for so many people's faces, but when she read Lily's thoughts, she immediately felt very at ease.

To put it bluntly, there is a human flesh sofa, which is still very comfortable. By the way, I can still breathe lily, which seems to be good.

As if seeing through Gu Qingchen's careful thoughts, Rong Yu's hand squeezed Gu Qingchen's waist.

Gu Qingchen ducked and glanced sideways at Rong Yu, "What are you doing!"

Rong Yu slightly hooked his lips, as if nothing had happened, he just thought it was interesting and made a small gesture at will.

"I just want to see how comfortable you are sitting?"

Gu Qingchen raised his eyebrows slightly, with a smile on his lips, "It's not bad, it would be better if it was softer."

Rong Yu basically did not have any fat on his body. Although Rong Yu had already relaxed his entire body and tried to make Gu Qingchen sit as comfortable as possible, a man's body was different from a woman's after all.

Rong Yu squinted his eyes and whispered in Gu Qingchen's ear, "Soft? I can't do this, but a little harder... I can definitely satisfy you!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

After Gu Qingchen heard Rong Yu's words, he almost choked, and his face turned red. It was really hard for her to believe that the words just now were said from Rong Yu's mouth.

The main thing is that although he said it in a low voice, only two people could hear it. But after all, in front of so many people, it was always a little awkward.

But at the same time... it seems to be a little exciting!

This kind of feeling really made Gu Qingchen feel a love-hate feeling!

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