Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 592 To eat or not to eat? (12)

Seeing Gu Qingchen stop, the three boys quickly walked towards Gu Qingchen.

In front of Gu Qingchen, the three children looked at Gu Qingchen carefully, and then exchanged glances with each other.

"Asian girl, are you going to Kryonku?" A blond-haired, blue-eyed boy looked at Gu Qingchen before asking.

Gu Qingchen also looked at the three boys, and could see that they were not too old, they didn't look like serious boys, and they were more ruffian.

It seems that these boys saw a girl from Gu Qingchen here, so they wanted to bully him.

In this regard, the driver had reminded Gu Qingchen just now, but Gu Qingchen did not expect that she was stopped by someone before she entered the Kryonku Market.

Gu Qingchen looked at the blond boy and said, "I really want to go to Kryonku."

After the three boys heard it, they were stunned for a while. They didn't expect that Gu Qingchen's English was so good. They didn't know that what Gu Qingchen spoke was pure royal colloquialism, otherwise how would they dare to blackmail Gu Qingchen?

"Asian girl, don't you know that if you want to enter the Kryon Library, you need an entrance fee and protection fee?"

Entry fee? Protection fees?

Gu Qingchen listened, was stunned for a moment, and then quickly understood.

[I didn't expect to meet a single Asian girl today, hehe, such a good opportunity, not cheating some money, I'm so sorry for myself. 】

Gu Qingchen saw through their minds, she really thought there would be an entrance fee just now. After all, she had never been to such a place before, and it was normal not to know.

Unexpectedly, these three boys saw her haunt alone, so they wanted to cheat some money.

Really... Does she look so innocent and deceitful?

If she was in China, Gu Qingchen would definitely be too lazy to pay attention to these people, but now that she is abroad, she really doesn't know much about this place.

So... Gu Qingchen has another way to deal with it.

"How do you charge for it?"

When the three heard that Gu Qingchen was going to pay, they immediately became happy, as expected, they are still Asian girls who can be deceived!

The three summed up and stretched out two fingers towards Gu Qingchen, "Fifty euros."

Fifty Euros is not much, that is, a few hundred dollars. For Gu Qingchen, it is basically negligible. Gu Qingchen could also see that although these people wanted to cheat money, they were not ruthless.

Gu Qingchen pondered for a while, and did not rush to give the money, but asked, "Is the fifty euros the entrance fee and protection fee?"

The three nodded, "That's right!"

Gu Qingchen also nodded, then took out two hundred euros and put it between his index and middle fingers.

"Then do you want to make more money?"

When the three of them saw the two big tickets, their eyes suddenly lit up. They probably didn't expect that Gu Qingchen would be so generous, and... so easy to deceive!

Now, they can basically be sure that Gu Qingchen must be coming to Kryonku for the first time, otherwise how could she not know that Kryonku has no entrance fee and protection fee at all!

"Asian girl, tell me, what do you want us to do?"

The blond boy was still calm, and didn't lose his sense of balance without seeing the money.

"I don't need you to do anything, just be a guide for me, and the two hundred Euros will be yours."

Gu Qingchen has her own thoughts. She came here alone, and it was indeed a little lack of consideration. She has already encountered this kind of trouble before she goes in. After she goes in, seeing her strolling alone, she may encounter more trouble.

Moreover, these three teenagers knew that they were often here, and they should be very familiar with Kryonku. It is more convenient to have such a person as her guide.

Of course, the most important thing is that Gu Qingchen can see that although these three teenagers are trying to cheat money, they are not bad in nature. It's just that kind of problem boy.

Such teenagers are relatively simple to use, because the things they consider are also simple, unlike real adults, who have too many thoughts, and their goals are easily not so simple.

For these three teenagers, what they lack now is money. As long as she gives the money in place, these three teenagers will definitely do their best.

This... is actually a means of using people.

The blond boy and the other two boys looked at each other before agreeing, "Okay, we'll only be your guide. If you want to do something bad, or offend someone, we don't care."

Gu Qingchen smiled and nodded, these teenagers are quite witty, but judging from their requirements, it is more proof that these teenagers are not bad by nature.

"make a deal."

Gu Qingchen agreed, and the blond boy took out the two hundred Euros that Gu Qingchen was holding in his hand.

"My name is Kevin, he's Louis, he's McQueen."

The taller boy was named Louis. The boy who looked like he was stunted was McQueen.

Kevin, the blond boy, spoke with a bit of momentum, "What's your name?"

Calling Gu Qingchen an Asian girl just now was an unpleasant name. Now that Gu Qingchen gave them money and hired them as guides, they naturally couldn't call him that again.

"Gu Qingchen."

Kevin awkwardly called Gu Qingchen's name, but the sound was not accurate, it sounded a bit weird.

"Let's go." Gu Qingchen said, and Kevin and the others followed Gu Qingchen into the Kryon Library.

When he was watching from a distance just now, Gu Qingchen already felt that Kryonku was very lively and the voices were full of people.

After really entering, Gu Qingchen really felt the breath here. It has to be said that it is basically impossible to find such a place in China.

A variety of small vendors and shops of different styles are intricate and overwhelming.

Because Gu Qingchen gave the money, Kevin did his due diligence and was responsible for introducing him to Gu Qingchen. Gu Qingchen listened all the time, but he was very serious.

"Here, it's only open on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays every week, and many people come here to sell those old things. Today, it's crowded here because of large gatherings. This kind of large gatherings are held twice a year. Every time There are collectors and antique lovers from all over the world who will come and set up stalls with their treasures. I tell you, you must never be looked down upon by those small vendors, and maybe just pull out one of them, they are all famous people!"

Gu Qingchen listened with relish, but did not expect such a place to exist abroad. Listening to Kevin's meaning, there are many famous people here, but they can put down their bodies and come here from all over the world to set up street stalls. Oh, it's really different!

For a while, Gu Qingchen became very interested in this place.

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