“Oh! It seems that there is another big boss coming to our circle!” A voice with a hint of joking came from the door.

Everyone turned their attention to the door, where there was a young-looking man wearing rimless glasses and a casual suit.

He is not tall and looks very gentle.

But no one present dared to look down upon him. This is the aura brought by wealth.

The person who came was none other than Brother Ma, and he was looking at everyone with a smile on his face.

“Mr. Ma!”

“Mr. Ma!”


Everyone stood up to greet this man who was considered the top of the food chain.

Brother Ma waved his hand and sat down naturally on the main seat.

“Who else hasn’t come?”Of course I said this to Peng Zhijian.

Peng Zhijian said with a smile:”There are also Mr. Liu from JD.com, Mr. Liao from Guhao.com, and Mr. Peng from Bread Travel.”…..”

Peng Zhijian named six people in succession. If it weren’t for the report given by the system, Wu Yun would have never heard of the name Bread Travel.

Data show that on December 22, 2014, Bread Travel CEO Peng Tao announced to Tencent Technology that all Series C financing of a total of US$50 million had been received.

Wu Yun was checking the information while listening to the chatter of the people around him.

After a while, Old Liu with a bunch of white hair on his bangs also walked in. Seeing Brother Ma in the main seat, he smiled and explained:”Sorry, sorry! There is a traffic jam on the road, everyone has been waiting for a long time!”

Lao Liu naturally sat down next to Brother Ma, and even joked a few words with Brother Ma

Soon, all the people attending Xiao Ma’s party in the evening arrived.

Wu Yun is sitting directly opposite Xiao Ma, with Peng Zhijian on the left and Cheng Wei from Didi on the right.

After the waiters served the dishes one after another, Brother Ma said:”Everyone here is or will soon be our partner of Tencent, so the main reason for calling us together today is to connect with each other.”

“I believe that the old horse opposite me is also doing the same thing as me!”

These words immediately made everyone laugh out loud

Yes, although the Tencent system and the Alibaba system have not yet fully faced each other, it can be seen from the actions of both parties that they are eager to poach all the opposite markets.

However, after the full launch of WeChat Pay, the competition between Tencent and Alibaba has become fierce.

“Lao Peng! There are some new faces here that I haven’t seen before, let me introduce them to you!”

Peng Zhijian immediately started from Old Liu:”This is Mr. Liu from JD.com, everyone knows him!”


Peng Zhijian gave an introduction

When introducing Wu Yun, Brother Ma deliberately glanced at Wu Yun and was very impressed by Wu Yun, the Dragon Crossing the River.

“Come! Let’s take a sip first! Let’s talk while eating and drinking!”

After everyone drank a glass together, Brother Ma started to move his chopsticks, and then the others followed suit.

“Regarding this first World Internet Conference, let me first share my views!”

After Xiao Ma Ge swallowed a piece of green vegetables, he put down his chopsticks and rested his elbows on the edge of the table. He said with a smile:”I’ll show off my shame first!”

“For this conference, I think the country’s most important purposes are: first, to allow countries to seek consensus in disputes, seek cooperation in consensus, and create win-win cooperation. I hope that Internet giants can exchange ideas and explore rules, building consensus”

“Now the Internet is developing too fast. Our country alone has 630 million Internet users, 1.2 billion mobile phone users, and 500 million Weibo and WeChat users. Therefore, the country wants to establish such a platform for everyone to communicate together.”

After Brother Ma said the first point, he raised his glass:”Come on, don’t just listen to me, let’s have a drink together!”

Brother Xiao Ma took a sip of liquor, exhaled the smell of alcohol, and continued:”The second purpose, I think, is more macro. I wonder if you have read the topic information provided by the organizer.”

“They are all macro issues. I think the country mainly wants to convey the concepts of standardization and legalization to the Internet through the conference. After all, the Internet is not a place outside the law. After so many years of development, there are still many problems.”

“The organizer just wants to bring us together. What’s the joke? It’s called catching them all in one fell swoop!”

“Ha ha ha ha~”


Wu Yun was eating delicious food and listening to everyone’s opinions, which he found quite interesting.

The whole banquet was somewhat different from Wu Yun’s imagination of the big boss guiding the country. Everyone was talking loudly, expressing their own opinions on the topics of this World Internet Conference and its subsequent impact, and they were silent or silent about business matters. It’s just a taste

Wu Yun quietly watched them pretending to be 13, and occasionally discussed his views on travel with Cheng Wei next to him.

“Mr. Wu, I see that you have always been obsessed with first-tier cities. Are you ready to give up on second-tier and third-tier cities?”Cheng Wei asked curiously

Wu Yun smiled bitterly and said:”I also want to roll it out across the board, but the financial pressure is huge! Unlike you who only build a platform for shared bicycles, we also tend to be asset-heavy.”

“Producing bikes takes time and it costs money! The national market is so big, we cannot be the only three shared bike companies in the future. I believe there will be more small and local shared bike companies rising in the future.”

Wu Yun glanced at Cheng Wei, who was listening carefully, and continued:”So maybe Didi will be able to make some achievements in shared bicycles in the future.”

Cheng Wei shook his head and said:”It’s still early, at least we won’t consider getting involved in other fields until we occupy the national market or become the unshakable number one.””

“President Wu must also know that we are burning money right now. If you invest 100 million, it will disappear soon. It is possible that not even a single bubble will be taken.”

Didi is currently riding a tiger and is in a difficult position. Express and Uber are eyeing them, and they must persevere despite gritting their teeth.

However, Cheng Wei changed his voice and said enviously:”Mr. Wu, your little red car should not be short of money! The deposit is probably in the tens or tens of billions!””

Wu Yun shook his head and said:”It’s not that exaggerated. Moreover, I don’t dare to use the deposit. I can only earn some interest and live off the riding expenses.””

Because they are both people in the travel field, Wu Yun and Cheng Wei exchanged contact information.

No matter how Wu Yun tried to test it, Cheng Wei showed no interest in sharing bicycles.

But now Didi is competing with Kuaidi and Uber for the market. Their brains are about to be knocked out and they have no time to care.

Wu Yun did not express his views on the World Internet Conference, but only expressed his optimism for certain industries in the future, which made everyone affirm his vision.

Throughout the banquet, Peng Zhijian served as a lubricant, keeping the atmosphere at the table warm.

At the end of the banquet, under the chairmanship of Peng Zhijian, everyone who attended the banquet dispersed happily.

Wu Yun did not leave because he wanted to ride back with Peng Zhijian’s car

In the end, only Brother Ma, Peng Zhijian and Wu Yun were left in the banquet hall.

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