Reborn: My Girlfriend Is A Paranoid

Chapter 101: Speaking Out Of Integrity

Class begins.

Unlike the students around her, Su Qianyi did not play with her mobile phone. Instead, she stared at the teacher on the podium who was giving a lecture.

But she always went in through one ear and out in the other, and her mind was not in class.

At this moment, her mind was filled with things about Xie Shu and Ruan Nianxi.

They... sat together.

And...then someone would say...his girlfriend? ?

Ruan Nianxi?


She must have heard wrong!

Or maybe others misunderstood, they just sat together, Xie Shu and Ruan Nianxi are just ordinary friends!

Xie Shu didn’t admit it personally!

That's not it!

She knows that Xie Shu doesn't like Ruan Nianxi at all!

If he liked her, he should have liked her in high school. They must have... not seen each other for a long time, and then they suddenly met each other recently, and then they kept in touch more.

Yes, friends who haven't seen each other for many years suddenly meet somewhere, and they are still in the same school, so it is inevitable that they will chat for a while.

It must be so!

Anyway, Su Qianyi just doesn't believe that Ruan Nianxi is Xie Shu's girlfriend.

She found some "reasonable" reasons for herself in her heart, and after comforting herself, her mood, which had been at a low point, improved slightly.

But it was just a little bit. The position of her heart was still blocked, as if being pressed by a big stone, making her breathless.

She wanted to look back several times to see what Xie Shu at the back was doing, but she didn't dare.

Because if she looks back, it will be obvious, and she may be seen by Xie Shu, or... by Ruan Nianxi.

She doesn't want to see Ruan Nianxi at all!

Except for the students in the first few rows of the classroom who would look up at the teacher from time to time, the people in the back rows all had their heads down and were doing their own thing. As long as she turned around, she would definitely stand out.

Therefore, Su Qianyi never looked back.

She made many excuses for herself. Anyway, she just refused to admit it because she was afraid that she would see some intimate behavior between Xie Shu and Ruan Nianxi and it would hurt her.

The back row of the classroom.

Although she is far away from the teacher, Xie Shu is not too far away.

He was just holding hands with Ruan Nianxi under the table.

Girls' hands feel different to the touch, they are tender, smooth and soft, especially her palms. Xie Shu likes to squeeze them again and again.

That to put it, it's like squeezing a kitten's pads, it's really comfortable!

Moreover, Ruan Nianxi's fingers are also slender, and it feels good to pinch them one by one.

Both of them are in love for the first time, and just holding hands can keep them tossing and turning for a long time.

The voices of the two of them were also very low, so they would not disturb the people around them.

After whispering for a while, Xie Shu's phone on the table lit up. He opened it and took a look at the message, then let go of Ruan Nianxi's hand.

"I'll reply with a message first." He whispered to Ruan Nianxi.

Ruan Nianxi curled her lips and nodded, without saying anything more.

She thought Xie Shu would be fine soon, but she waited for several minutes while Xie Shu was still chatting on vx.

She frowned slightly, leaned her little head towards Xie Shu, and couldn't help but glanced at his phone.

Ruan Nianxi didn't dare to look at it for too long, so she only took a quick glance, and only saw a little bit of the chat content.

What cooperation, what details, what good...

Ruan Nianxi: "..."

Who is he talking to?

Male or female?

A burst of dissatisfaction suddenly rose in my heart.

Her brain began to run wild with no basis.

In just a few seconds, Ruan Nianxi had already made up several stories that made her feel very bad.

For her, the bad thing is that Xie Shu will leave her, be robbed and so on.

Together with suspicion, other thoughts came out uncontrollably. The more she thought about it, the darker her face became.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Xie Shu next to her just put down her phone at this moment and turned to look at Ruan Nianxi, only to find that her face was extremely ugly.

He thought she was not feeling well, so he stretched out his hand to hold her hand. Just as he was about to continue asking her what was going on, he saw that her expression softened in an instant, looking at his bright eyes blinking, full of innocence.

Xie Shu: "???"

He just got it wrong?

"Well, you just...are you okay? Is there any discomfort in your body?" Xie Shu still asked worriedly.

Ruan Nianxi felt the temperature of his palm, and shook her head obediently: "No."

Xie Shu took another look at her expression, which was as gentle as ever, without any abnormality.

He pinched the soft flesh of her palm lightly again, and said softly: "If you feel uncomfortable, please tell me, don't hold on."


In fact, Ruan Nianxi was coaxed into elation as early as the moment they held hands, and she lost her suspicions in an instant.

However, she hadn't been happy for a long time, and from the corner of her eye, she caught another message on Xie Shu's mobile phone page, a money transfer message to be precise, and her face collapsed again in an instant.

Xie Shu: "?"

Xie Shu was looking at Ruan Nianxi and didn't pay attention to the phone. Now that she saw her complexion turn sour, she followed her line of sight, only to find that the vx friend who was chatting with him just now transferred money to him.

Seeing this, he immediately collected the money with his other free hand, and then clicked "x" twice on the keyboard. After finding the word to send and clicking send, he looked at Ruan Nianxi with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

He squeezed her palm, leaned his head towards her, tilted his head slightly, and then explained in a low voice in her ear: "I'm talking to someone about work. I use money to do things. Don't think too much about it. I didn't chat with other women behind your back."

Ruan Nianxi pursed her lips and said firmly, "I didn't think too much about it!"

"Really? Then why are you so stern?"

"I don't!"

"Okay, okay, no, come on, show you my phone, check it casually."

Xie Shu pushed her mobile phone towards Ruan Nianxi.

Ruan Nianxi opened her mouth and muttered, "I didn't say I wanted to check your phone."

"Then I took it back?"

"However, if you insist...then I'll take a look."

Seeing Ruan Nianxi's upright appearance, Xie Shu really almost laughed out loud.

But thinking that she was trying so hard to pretend not to care, he still endured it.

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