Reborn: My Girlfriend Is A Paranoid

Chapter 140 It's All For Each Other

Xie Shu looked as if he didn't eat oil and salt, which made the squad leader very anxious.

Xie Shu really had no interest in participating. Seeing that the squad leader had no intention of leaving, he decided not to move against me.

The squad leader didn't speak, so he concentrated on drawing.

It is estimated that there are really no good candidates, and the squad leader is also quite embarrassed.

The director above said that we should try our best to find those who are tall, good-looking and good-looking...

There are quite a few girls in their class who meet the requirements, but the candidates for their professional girls are already full.

Boys...there are not many boys, and it doesn't mean that they are not good-looking, but they are really incomparable with Xie Shu, but Xie Shu doesn't want to participate.

The squad leader was perplexed, and looked at Xie Shu who had been looking at his phone for some time, and was about to ask again.

If you don't agree, forget it, they can't force people to participate.

But to the monitor's surprise, this time Xie Shu hesitated for a few seconds and agreed again.

Not only the monitor was stunned, even Su Qianyi, who was in the same row as Xie Shu across the classroom aisle, was also stunned.

Su Qianyi had been listening attentively to Xie Shu when the monitor was talking to them, so she also heard what Xie Shu refused earlier.

She chose the usher. If Xie Shu played, then they would be considered to be on the same stage, right?

She thought so, but Xie Shu always refused. She was a little disappointed at first, but she didn't expect him to agree again!

While surprised, she was also a little happy.

Then they... can appear at the opening ceremony together again this year.

The monitor was also surprised for a while. After recovering, he was afraid that Xie Shu would go back on his word. He immediately took out his mobile phone and reported his name in the group, and then dragged him into a small group, which was that their college was going to perform at the opening ceremony. people, and some teachers.

After pulling him into the group, the squad leader left with peace of mind. Before he left, he did not forget to pat Xie Shu on the shoulder: "Good brother, the group will notify you of anything going on in the future. Just pay attention to it. You should do your work first. I will let you know." I'll go first."

Before Xie Shu could answer, the squad leader ran away.

Xie Shu: "..."

The squad leader left, Xie Shu could only read the news in the group first.

No one has spoken in the group yet, and they haven't notified anything, so there's nothing wrong with this meeting.

So Xie Shu returned to the chat box with Ruan Nianxi, and sent a message asking her: [Why are you going to be a guide this time? 】

The two actually chatted a few minutes ago.

At that time, the squad leader didn't leave, Xie Shu didn't have the mood to continue drawing, so he chatted with Ruan Nianxi on his mobile phone, and then Ruan Nianxi told him that she was the guide of their college.

At the same time, on his side, the class monitor asked him if he would participate. He thought that although he and Ruan Nianxi were not from the same academy, they could attend the opening ceremony together, he hesitated and agreed.

After the squad leader left, he continued to chat with Ruan Nianxi.

The guides in each college usually choose girls with good looks and good temperament. Ruan Nianxi is satisfied in all aspects, and it is inevitable that she will be selected.

But in Xie Shu's memory, he didn't seem to have seen Ruan Nianxi as a guide.

When Su Qianyi was called to train as a guide before, he went to see her. In the training room, guides from all schools in the whole school were training there, but he hadn't seen Ruan Nianxi...

Therefore, he can be sure that Ruan Nianxi has never been a guide before.

This time, I heard her say that she was the guide again, so I was very curious about why she wanted to participate.

Ruan Nianxi: [Would you like to try it this time, don't you like it? If I don't like it, I won't participate. It's too late to regret it now, and the teachers can find someone else. 】

Ruan Nianxi was a little nervous.

Although the academy wanted to choose her as a guide every time before, she was never interested, so the academy called someone else every time.

But this time, she wants to go.

The reason is simple, because she doesn't have to hide anymore, she wants to show Xie Shu her best side.

Although she doesn't know whether Xie Shu will see her at the opening ceremony, but......

The school's official website should post related videos later on. If he didn't see it at the scene, she can find the video for him to watch afterwards.

Xie Shu: [No no no! I just asked casually, we Ruan Ruan are so good-looking, we must be suitable to be the guide, you are the face of your academy! 】

Xie Shu was worried that Ruan Nianxi would give up her interest and not participate because of her casual words, so she praised her several times afterwards.

Also, he just agreed to the monitor's words to attend the opening ceremony on behalf of his class, isn't it just to be with Ruan Nianxi?

Although they are not in the same college, they are not in the same class, but...

They are still on the same big stage!

The two chatted for a while and went to class again.

Xie Shu glanced at the other group, but there was still no movement, so he put down his phone and continued drawing CAD.

The previous experience allowed him to draw these very quickly, and the homework of his school days was really easy for him.

He was serious, and his three sons were still immersed in the joy of having a "girlfriend". After drawing a few lines in the last class, they went to chat with the "girlfriend".

Seeing Xie Shu draw so fast, they really wanted to put a sack on him and beat him up!

damn thing! When did you become the king of scrolls!

The Single Dogs organization has disbanded, but their anti-involution organization has only just started!

Su Qianyi had already forgotten that this was the first time she had peeked at Xie Shu, and she hurriedly looked away again, but she couldn't help but want to look at it again.

She wanted to call him and talk to him, but she knew that he would probably ignore her.


Su Qianyi suddenly remembered the content on the sticky note from yesterday, and her mood turned bad instantly, and she was very irritable, and her hands on the keyboard also pressed randomly because of the bad mood, which was regarded as venting.

But when she calmed down and was about to draw CAD, she found that there was a problem with the software.

While she was in a hurry, she suddenly remembered something.

By the way, Xie Shu seems to have said that if it is about study, you can find him!

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