Reborn: My Girlfriend Is A Paranoid

Chapter 144 Mental Collapse

In the practice room, the teacher practiced the students' physical fitness.

Most of the people here have worked as guides before, and only a few of them, like Ruan Nianxi, are working as guides for the first time this year.

Except for them, everyone else has some experience. Although they haven't practiced for nearly half a year, they still know exactly what to do.

Therefore, the teacher paid special attention to those students who were the guides for the first time.

People like Ruan Nianxi who are excellent in appearance, height, figure, and temperament naturally quickly attracted the teacher's attention.

The teacher walked back and forth in front of her a few times, and thought she was good no matter what she looked at, so she asked her college and name, first praised her verbally, and then took the opportunity to ask her if she wanted to join the school's etiquette team. Sides can be recommended.

However, Ruan Nianxi refused.

She has heard of the etiquette team and knows what the etiquette team does, but she has no interest in it.

If it was related to Xie Shu, she could still think about it.

Seeing that she refused without hesitation, the teacher was very disappointed and said a lot of good things to her, telling her various benefits of joining the etiquette team, but Ruan Nianxi was still unmoved, and finally the teacher had no choice but to give up.

The teacher shook his head slightly, sighed, and muttered in a low voice: "That's such a pity."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and looked at the others.

Just in front of her current position is Su Qianyi.

Su Qianyi's appearance, figure, and temperament are actually not bad. Because she performed well in the past, the teacher also had an impression of her, and the impression was not bad, but today...

"Student Su, right? Your movements are very standard, no problem, but relax your expression, don't be too serious, remember to smile." Seeing that Su Qianyi's expression was too serious, the teacher reminded her aloud

They want to show their vigor on the sports field, so what if they keep a straight face?

After listening to the teacher's words, Su Qianyi realized that her expression was not in place.

She should smile.


How should I smile?

In the past two weeks, her mood has been at a low ebb, and she hasn't smiled for a long time.

Also, before coming to the gym, her heart was hit again, how could she laugh now?

Su Qianyi didn't know what to do at all, so she could only forcefully raise the corners of her mouth.

However, there is a big difference between a fake smile and a genuine smile.

Her forced smile couldn't be called a smile at all.

The teacher frowned after seeing it: "Student Su, are you in a bad condition?"

"" Su Qianyi denied in a panic.

"Student Su, don't be nervous, relax a little, the sports meeting will be in two days, if you have any worries, you can put it aside for a while, let's focus on the current work first, okay? Don't let bad emotions affect yourself now." The teacher did not criticize, but spoke to her in a slower tone.

The teacher's consolation had already relieved Su Qianyi's uncomfortable heart a little, but who knew that the teacher's last words almost broke her down.

"Let's not think about things that are easy to distract people. Let's adjust our mentality slowly. I don't ask for expressions now, but you have to do your physical movements properly, and student Ruan over there will do it." It's pretty good, you follow her to learn the movements, straighten your back, open your shoulders..."

The teacher's original intention was just to let Su Qianyi learn from her classmates who did well, but she didn't know that this sentence hit her pain point.

Comparing herself to someone she didn't like, and she was the one who didn't do well, was a fatal blow to her.

So later, Su Qianyi's condition became even worse.

Even if she wanted to cover up deliberately, how should she cover up her expression?

She's not a professional actress, she's doing well now not to break down.

The practice time was only ten or twenty minutes, Su Qianyi made frequent mistakes, and her complexion was not very good. The teacher even worried that she might be sick, and wanted to let her rest, but she said no.

During the practice, she didn't know how many times she looked at Ruan Nianxi, anyway, Ruan Nianxi didn't even glance at her, it was as if she didn't exist.

After an unknown amount of time, the teacher looked at the time and called a stop, asking everyone to stop and rest for a while, and then the teacher also left the lounge, not knowing what to do.

The rest room was very quiet. Everyone was from different colleges, and they didn't know each other at all. Some of them had met in the practice room when they were guides.

Everyone is unfamiliar, so no one talks, and they all picked up their mobile phones to pass the time.

Ruan Nianxi also found a place with fewer people to rest. She took out her mobile phone and wanted to send a message to Xie Shu, but at this time a person suddenly stood beside her.

Ruan Nianxi was looking at her phone with her head down, she just saw someone out of the corner of her eye, she didn't see who it was, she just thought it was someone who was going to rest here, hesitating that she didn't want to get too close to strangers, so she Just like that, he lowered his head and started to walk towards the place where no one was there.

But before she could take a step, she was stopped by someone.

"Ruan Nianxi."

Su Qianyi's voice was so low that only the two of them could hear it.

Ruan Nianxi turned her head subconsciously. After seeing clearly who the other party was, the alienation and indifference in her eyes, even disgust, were completely revealed.

Su Qianyi didn't care what she thought of her at all.

The two of them are people who hate each other, why does she care about her opinion?

"Why do you want to be the guide this time?" Su Qianyi cut to the chase, her voice also very low.

Was it to make fun of her on purpose?

Did he deliberately swear victory in front of her?

To mess with her state of mind?

She was obviously an invisible person for the first two years, but after she had a relationship with Xie Shu during this time, she felt that Ruan Nianxi was everywhere she went.

What a nuisance!

"What? Is this the department you set up? Or is it that you are the leader and are not allowed to participate?"

Ruan Nianxi has never been used to Su Qianyi, and directly replies.

She is acting as a guide to show Xie Shu, why is she being so lenient?

Both of them looked at each other indifferently, and neither of them said a second word.

In fact, their voices are not loud, and people around them should not be able to hear them, but everyone is not blind, and the two of them are facing each other with a bad complexion, and there is something wrong at first sight!

Everyone put down their phones one after another, ready to eat melons.

At this moment, the door of the lounge was opened, and their teacher's voice sounded at the door: "It's you again, and you're here to see the girl you like again?"

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