Reborn: My Girlfriend Is A Paranoid

Chapter 152 Before And Now

In fact, Su Qianyi just happened to pass by here, because Xie Shu and the others were right on the way she had to go to the practice room.

She saw Xie Shu from the beginning, but she didn't think to stop.

But when she passed by, she happened to hear someone mentioning her in front of Xie Shu, and then she stopped unconsciously.

She didn't know what they said before, but she only heard the few words they said afterward, especially what Xie Shu called "ordinary classmate relationship".

At this moment, Su Qianyi didn't know whether she should be happy or sad.

Because she is in the same class, she can still have the identity of an ordinary classmate relationship.

If they were in different classes, wouldn't he say "I don't know her well"?

The boy talking to Xie Shu at the back also noticed her, so he didn't continue the topic. After that, Xie Shu just glanced at her lightly, then ignored her, and continued to chat with that boy about other topics .


In the end, Su Qianyi didn't say anything, turned around and went to the practice room.

When she arrived at the practice room, almost everyone was here, including the teacher. Because of the tight schedule, the teacher didn't give them too much time to tidy up and prepare, and soon let everyone start practicing.

During the practice period, Su Qianyi was still distracted frequently. The teacher called her name several times and asked her to take a break several times, but she was still trying to be brave.

It's too harsh.

Now Ruan Nianxi's high-spirited appearance is too dazzling.

Although she always knew that Ruan Nianxi was good-looking, she never cared about it before.

What's the use of being pretty in the past?

Every time I see her, she just keeps a straight face, no matter how she looks, she looks embarrassed.

But now...

This person has become her.

Although she really doesn't want to admit it, but now she has to say that she seems to have experienced Ruan Nianxi's feelings.

It's too uncomfortable.

Especially when she thought of the scene where Xie Shu was holding Ruan Nianxi's hand, she was so heartbroken that she couldn't even stand still.

Fortunately, the time was up at this time, the teacher asked everyone to rest first, so she found a corner seat and was about to sit down to calm herself down, but the teacher came over as soon as she sat down.

The purpose of the teacher looking for her is to persuade her to go back and take a good rest. In her current state, she really can't practice well. Even if she persists, the effect may not be very good.

After all, the teacher is a teacher and understands the art of language. She didn't say anything that would make Su Qianyi sad. She avoided the serious and took the light. She only cared about her body and asked her to go back to rest.

The teacher came to find herself alone, and Su Qianyi had to start to reflect on herself at this time.

She always knew she was out of shape.

She thought that if she persisted, she would forget the things that made her sad, so she persisted, but she was wrong, the more she got to the back, the more uncomfortable she was, and the more out of state she was.

If it continues like this, it may hold everyone back.

So in the end, considering the group, Su Qianyi finally nodded in agreement.

Let's go back and have a rest first.

After leaving the practice room, Su Qianyi walked unsteadily towards the side door of the gymnasium.

When passing by another practice room, because the door was open, she unconsciously glanced inside, and saw Xie Shu in the crowd at a glance.

At this moment, the memory flows backwards.

Su Qianyi felt that the time had returned to the time when they had just entered the first year of high school and were still in military training.

Standing in the crowd, Xie Shu was tall and handsome, with a warm smile, so radiant and attractive, she could always see him at a glance.

In adolescence, there is always a person who will throb in everyone's heart.

During the period of military training in the first year of high school, she would always be with other girls, listening to them whispering about Xie Shu, and then quietly looking for that tall figure in the crowd.

Sometimes their eyes would occasionally meet a few times. Whenever this time, she would always look away in a panic, while he would smile at her embarrassedly, which made her heart beat faster every time.

Over there, Xie Shu, who was discussing his position with his teammates, also seemed to feel a strong gaze on him.

So he searched around, and finally found that the person looking at him was at the door of the practice room.

Within a few seconds of their eyes meeting, Xie Shu looked away with a calm expression and continued to discuss with his teammates.

After a few years, the cheerful young man who was always embarrassed when he saw her now only looked at her with indifference and alienation.

Su Qianyi felt that her breathing became a little more difficult.

The feeling of suffocation in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

She breathed the surrounding air with difficulty, walked towards the dormitory alone with heavy steps.

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