Reborn: My Girlfriend Is A Paranoid

Chapter 176 Can't You See It? I Really Like Playing Games

Ruan Nianxi soon fell asleep.

In another dormitory for girls, Su Qianyi was lying on the bed with so many things on her mind, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

She has a little insomnia.

Not only because she has something on her mind, but mainly because she sleeps too long during the day...

Last night, she was not feeling well. After taking some medicine borrowed from another dormitory, she slept until the next day, which is today.

Although she was in a much better condition today, she was still a little unmotivated, and then she fell asleep for a long time, and An Tian even brought her lunch back for her.

In the evening, she finally felt better, so she went out to the infirmary to buy some medicine. Firstly, she had to return it to others, and secondly, she had to take some more herself.

The sports meeting is coming up soon, and she has participated in several sports, so there can't be any temporary problems.

Although she wasn't sleepy now, she still closed her eyes on the bed to get sleepy, but she turned over several times and still couldn't fall asleep at all, and her mood became more and more irritable.

She was a little restless.

As soon as she closes her eyes, she will uncontrollably think of what happened that night when she met Xie Shu.

She didn't know that Xie Shu would go to the infirmary, it was purely an accident.

At that night, she just sat down in the infirmary, waiting for the doctor to take the medicine, and then she saw Xie Shu coming in.

But at that time, she was sitting on the stool next to her, and Xie Shu didn't see her.

It was after he told the doctor about the medicine he wanted to buy later that he turned around and saw her, but when he saw her, he calmly looked away as before, ignoring her or caring about her.

While they were waiting for the doctor to pick up his medicine, he didn't even take a step towards where the seat was set up on her side, he just stood there by the window and waited.

If she hadn't gone to get the medicine later, they probably would have kept their distance.

Because they both bought the same medicine, the doctor just took it out for them together.

While scanning the QR code to pay, she saw Xie Shu had been pressing his phone, but it still wouldn't turn on.

At that time, she guessed that his mobile phone might be out of battery. In order to get closer to him, she took the initiative to say that she would pay for him, but the next second he took out his campus card and paid the money... .

It turns out that the school infirmary can also swipe the campus card, she didn't even know...

Since they took the medicine together, they also left the infirmary together.

At that time, they were on the way for a while. Although Xie Shu walked very fast, she tried her best to follow his pace, and she also tried to find topics to chat with him along the way, but...

But I can't talk at all!

Xie Shu him!


Su Qianyi pulled the quilt and turned over, biting her lower lip tightly, feeling extremely wronged in her heart.

He seems to be answering every question of hers, but in fact he has been perfunctory all the time, and he can't do without Ruan Nianxi in a few words...

How could he do that?

She pulled up the quilt a little more, and buried her whole head in it, trying to isolate herself from the outside world. She closed her eyes and tried to force herself to sleep, but her head kept reminiscing about the past over and over again. .


hours ago.

School infirmary.

When Xie Shu came out of the infirmary, Su Qianyi followed closely behind him.

That's fine, Xie Shu actually didn't care too much, because they would separate not far ahead, and he wasn't going back to the dormitory, he was going to the playground, so he wouldn't always be on the way.

It's just that he didn't expect that Su Qianyi would take the initiative to talk to him.

"I see that the medicine you bought is also heat stroke prevention. Have you also suffered from heat stroke?"

Xie Shu didn't deliberately not answer, but answered naturally: "No, I bought this for my girlfriend. She trained in the sun for a long time today. I was worried about her, so I bought her a preventive in advance. If she gets heat stroke, I will feel bad."

After the air was quiet for a long time, Su Qianyi said "oh" in a low voice.

In fact, Xie Shu answered that way on purpose, he thought that if he said that, Su Qianyi would not talk to him again later.

But he still thought too much after all.

Su Qianyi was silent for a while and then spoke again.

"Well, it is necessary to prevent this kind of thing in advance. I don't know what happened yesterday. I suddenly suffered from heatstroke. I didn't feel it at first. I actually played for a while after I went back. I was still Watching "I'm the King of Singers" on the computer and eating something."

"Then what?" Xie Shu also answered.

Su Qianyi, who originally thought she would keep talking to herself later, was very happy when Xie Shu answered, and immediately said: "Then I felt a little sleepy again, so I fell asleep. When I woke up... "

"I'm asking who won in the end of "I'm the King of Singers"?"

"...I don't know, I fell asleep halfway through watching it."

"Oh, that's okay."

There was silence in the air for a while...

Su Qianyi said suddenly: "Xie Shu, do you have to do this to me?"

Xie Shu: "?"

"We've known each other for so long, don't deliberately perfunctory me, okay?"


"...I had a heatstroke yesterday, don't you care about me? What I want now is just the care of an ordinary friend, even if you just ask me."


"Can you stop saying this word all the time!"


"What's the meaning?"

"6 turned over."


Anyway, no matter what Su Qianyi said, Xie Shu did not show any concern for her, and he would not answer what she wanted to hear at all.

Su Qianyi probably guessed that he did it on purpose, so she was silent for a while and started to play the emotional card again: "Xie Shu, please stop being like this, okay? Let's have a good chat, okay? Even if the relationship can't go back to what it was before, then It’s okay to be friends, right? Ordinary friends.”

Su Qianyi has always known that Xie Shu loves to joke, and sometimes when chatting, he would make a few jokes on purpose, often making her laugh.

but now......

This is no time for joking!

It's not funny either!

He just doesn't want to talk to her!

Answered like that on purpose!

She sniffed and wanted to continue playing the emotional card: "We used to have such a good relationship. Every night when we were not busy, you would ask me to play games with you. We also..."

Hearing this, Xie Shu suddenly smiled and interrupted her: "Before? I used to ask you to play games, can't you see it?"

"I, I know, but then..."

Xie Shu didn't wait for her to finish what she said, and continued what she just said: "As you know, I used to really like playing games, but now I don't like it so much. After dating a girlfriend, I still I prefer hanging out with my girlfriend.”

A few words from Xie Shu came back to Ruan Nianxi, and Su Qianyi was so choked that she couldn't say a word.

With her breathing disordered, Xie Shu suddenly turned around and walked towards a path on the lawn beside her before she could figure out how to answer the conversation.

That was not the direction to the dormitory, so Su Qianyi naturally stopped. She stood where she was, looking at the direction Xie Shu was leaving.

Then, she watched as Xie Shu circled half a circle on the lawn before returning to the main road.

It's obviously closer to just take the main road...

So he would rather take a detour than walk with her?

Everything about him, no matter in words or actions, is all alienation from her...

Does he hate her that much?

Not even a walk along the way?

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