Reborn: My Girlfriend Is A Paranoid

Chapter 179 Changing Clothes

In the current position of the two, Ruan Nianxi had to tilt her head to see the hair behind Xie Shu's head clearly.

Although Xie Shu bowed his head to match her, he was still relatively taller than her by a little bit.

Therefore, Ruan Nianxi could only keep raising her chin, tilting her head and leaning on his shoulder. She put her hands through his neck and shoulders, gently pressed her fingers on his upturned hair, and opened the steel clamp with her other hand. The mouth was caught in his hair.

Although Xie Shu's hair is not short, it is not as long as a girl's. His upturned hair is clamped with steel clips, but the hair on the top is short, so it is still there without clamping it. Continue to tilt.

The steel clip was relatively thin and could not hold too much hair. Seeing this, Ruan Nianxi withdrew his right hand and touched Xie Shu's hand based on his feeling. His body and left hand remained the same.

"Another one," she said.

Hearing this, Xie Shu immediately handed the second steel clip that Ruan Nianxi handed over to her just now.

Ruan Nianxi took it and repeated the action just now.

Xie Shu stood still the whole time, letting Ruan Nianxi play with his hair.

She tilted her head and leaned against his shoulder, and he lowered his head just enough to "bury" his head in her neck.

The distance between them...

If other people hadn't clearly seen that the woman was clipping the man's hair, and the man just lowered his head and waited, with his hands hanging by his side without hugging the woman, other people would really think that they were hugging each other.

After Ruan Nianxi helped Xie Shu clip her hair, he actually wanted to hold her, but considering the current situation, he still didn't do that.

"That's it for now. Fix your hair. If you don't want to wear it all the time, you can take it off before you officially go on stage."

Ruan Nianxi stepped back a little, looked at Xie Shu's hair and nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, it doesn't affect Xie Shu's appearance whether he does that hair or not, but she just saw it and wanted to help him do it.

Xie Shu reached out and gently touched the hair at the back. After touching it, she was afraid of messing up, so she immediately took her hand back and held Ruan Nianxi's hand instead.

Xie Shu took her hand and put it to his lips, kissed it gently, then leaned into her ear and whispered, "Thank you, wife."

Ruan Nianxi blushed, turned her head and looked away, and then said calmly: "Okay, let's go to the gym. Our teacher requires us to arrive earlier than you."

Xie Shu squeezed her palm and smiled secretly: "Okay, let's go."


They soon arrived at the gym.

There were quite a few people in the museum at the moment, and everyone was walking towards their gathering place.

Because some teachers haven't arrived yet, everyone just gathers together to chat or play with their mobile phones alone.

Xie Shu's teacher hasn't come yet, so he hasn't separated from Ruan Nianxi yet. He didn't go to the gathering place to wait. Instead, he sent Ruan Nianxi to the practice room where they usually practice.

When the two of them arrived at the door of the practice room, the teacher in charge of them was already waiting there.

Xie Shu thought they would start practicing soon and were ready to leave, but the teacher just gathered everyone at the door and gave everyone a set of clothes.

The teacher also briefly explained that it took some time to buy clothes due to the tight time. Finally, he asked everyone to work harder and stick to the opening ceremony in the morning, and there would be nothing else to do after that.

After a systematic speech, the teacher asked everyone to change clothes first.

Since time was tight, the teacher asked them to go to the bathroom over there to change clothes. After a while, she took them directly to the playground to practice.

They didn't change their clothes for Xie Shu's business, Xie Shu was still about to leave, but Ruan Nianxi pulled him, saying that after a while she changed her clothes to let him see if they looked good, so Xie Shu stayed.

Because there are only girls here, Xie Shu felt that he was too conspicuous as a boy here, so he and Ruan Nianxi followed at the end of the crowd to the bathroom.

The bathroom is only that big, and they have to go in batches to change clothes.

Since Ruan Nianxi was at the back of the crowd, she was naturally at the end of the line. The girls at the front went in. She and Xie Shu were still standing on the side of the corridor not far away.

She looked down at the clothes in her hands, feeling a little nervous.

The clothes were packed in transparent plastic bags. Xie Shu could only see the color of the clothes, but didn't know what style they were.

But he didn't care too much about it, he still held hands with Ruan Nianxi and chatted about other things as before.

"What's the matter?" Xie Shu asked Ruan Nianxi with concern when she saw Ruan Nianxi was distracted frequently.

", just a little nervous."

"What's there to be nervous about? It's just the opening ceremony of a sports meeting. You've all been training for so long, so there's no problem. You just need to follow the rhythm of the training. Don't worry so much."

"Not that."

"Ah? Then what are you nervous about?"

" said what if I don't look good in this suit?"

Xie Shu: "???"

She was worried about this for a long time.

Xie Shu touched her head and smiled helplessly: "You shouldn't worry about anything if you worry about it."

How could she have no confidence in herself?

Every time she wears clothes are very good-looking, even he, who doesn't know how to look at girls' clothes styles, the few skirts he bought for her before, don't she look good on her body?

Although Xie Shu comforted her, Ruan Nianxi was still a little uneasy.

Because she hasn't worn this type of...

Seeing that she was still a little depressed, Xie Shu wanted to say something more, but there was a sudden exclamation from the girls over there, so he looked over subconsciously.

The girls who changed clothes in the advanced bathroom in front came out.

Wearing black cheongsams, they came out of the bathroom one by one.

Girls who can be guides have certain height requirements. The girls present are actually pretty good in terms of figure and appearance.

They wore cheongsams, which made their already tall figures even more slender.

After they came out, I don't know whether it was because they were not used to it or because they were embarrassed. Anyway, they looked a little awkward. Their hands were placed in the slit of the cheongsam unnaturally. The other girls who hadn't changed their clothes saw it. They all looked surprised or surprised.

They all wore skirts, even shorter ones, but this was the first time they wore cheongsams.

The hem of the cheongsam is quite long, reaching to their calves, but the slit... is a little higher up their thighs.

This "one long and one short" made them feel a little uncomfortable for a while.

Although someone suggested to the teacher yesterday that you can try wearing cheongsam for the opening ceremony, the teacher also thinks it is good, they all put on the safety pants in advance, is the first time for them to wear cheongsam, naturally It still takes time to get used to it.

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