Reborn: My Girlfriend Is A Paranoid

Chapter 18 Getting Used To It

Maybe it was because she already had a reasonable explanation in her heart, so Su Qianyi didn't care as much about Xie Shu's behavior of ignoring her later on than in the daytime.

After eating, she continued to paint, and it was very late when she finished.

She washed up and went to bed, and at the same time habitually picked up the phone and glanced at vx.

There is news, but it is not from Xie Shu, but from some groups or other friends.

The red lips were pressed into a straight line by her, and after she replied those messages indifferently, she went in and out of various software aimlessly, not knowing what to do.

After a long time, she entered vx again, and seeing that Xie Shu still hadn't sent her a message, she felt uneasy again.

She knew in her heart that Xie Shu might be deliberately ignoring her to get her attention, but she was inexplicably uneasy at this moment.

It seems something is missing.

She finally clicked into Xie Shu's chat box and scrolled through their previous chat records.

Previously, at this time at night, it was her bedtime, and Xie Shu's "good night" would be sent to her on time.

But these... haven't been there since last night.

She scrolled up a little bit more, and at one point in the morning, she found the "good morning" that Xie Shu sent her.

This has been gone since this morning too...

Su Qianyi choked for breath, the things she was used to usually disappeared suddenly, it was still difficult for her to accept it all at once.

But she still kept telling herself that Xie Shu would return to normal in a few days, so she didn't need to care too much.

From high school to college, he has been by her side all the time, and he will definitely be in the future!

Maybe it was his roommate who gave him some idea to play hard to get with her.

As an adult, she wouldn't care about those tricks on little girls!

After thinking about it, Su Qianyi exited the chat box, plugged in the earphones and watched a movie casually, planning to go to sleep when she was sleepy.

As for Xie Shu, he had already said goodnight to Ruan Nianxi and fell asleep for a long time.

Xie Shu slept soundly, but Ruan Nianxi was completely out of her mind by him today.

She always felt like she was dreaming.

Xie Shu was so nice to her today, she felt unreal while being happy.

After all, she had been left out for several years, experienced too much pain, and suddenly her dream came true... This was too different from before, and she felt it was too unreal.

She suspected that this was what the doctor said was a delusion.

She took several pills for relief, but this time it didn't seem to work.

No, I have to find a time to see a doctor.

If things get serious later and she can no longer control herself, her parents will definitely not let her stay here.

She doesn't want to leave.


next morning.

Xie Shu was still the first to wake up.

He still didn't get up to disturb his sons' sleep, but picked up his mobile phone to send Ruan Nianxi a good morning.

He originally thought that Ruan Nianxi was still sleeping at this point, but who knew that as soon as he sent the message, the other party replied "Morning" to him in seconds.

Xie Shu raised her eyebrows, Ruan Nianxi got up so early? ?

It happened that she was online, so Xie Shu chatted with her a little longer.

Later, after the alarm clocks set by his sons rang one by one, he asked Ruan Nianxi if he wanted to go to the cafeteria for breakfast together.

Ruan Nianxi was quiet for several minutes before replying with "OK".

Then Xie Shu got up and took a shower.

They have another class in the morning.

After washing up, he took a look at the class group, and the teacher sent a message in the group about what he needed to bring to class in the morning.

This morning, I only need to bring my computer, nothing else.

They have a lot of professional courses, and sometimes they need to bring different things to class.

For example, yesterday they needed to bring a pocket of tools to class, today they only need to bring a computer, and tomorrow they may need to bring some manual materials.

Sometimes there are too many classes and they will forget what to bring. This kind of thing has happened many times, so the teachers are also used to posting what to bring in the group before class.

Several people put on their computers and went out, heading straight for the cafeteria.

For the college students who have become a habit of staying up late, although it is already bright at this time, most of them are still sleepy.

Xie Shu went to bed early, but now he is very energetic, in stark contrast to his three sons.

The three of them were yawning and listless, but when they saw Ruan Nianxi at the entrance of the cafeteria, their spirits instantly rejuvenated.

Although they are not chasing Ruan Nianxi, they can't embarrass themselves in front of girls, can they?

Coming to Ruan Nianxi, Xie Shu saw that she had serious dark circles under her eyes, and was puzzled: "You...didn't sleep well last night?"

Ruan Nianxi has fair skin, so her dark circles look obvious, those who don't know think she has stayed up for several days.

Ruan Nianxi twisted her fingers nervously and nodded slightly.

But she didn't sleep well.

Didn't sleep at all.

She had insomnia last night.

Xie Shu frowned and looked at her empty hands: "Is there no class in the morning?"


"Then you should go back to sleep after breakfast to ensure the quality of sleep."


The short conversation ended, and several people went to line up at the breakfast window.

Xie Shu was halfway through swiping the card before remembering that he seemed to have forgotten to recharge the money yesterday. He bought something outside the cafeteria last night, and he didn't use the meal card, so he forgot all of a sudden.

Now that he suddenly remembered, he wanted to stop, but his habitual action had already made him swipe the card.

He originally wanted to take back the card and continue to borrow his sons' meal cards, but the next second the machine in front of him beeped, the card was swiped successfully, and the balance of his meal card was displayed.

"Damn it! How many zeros are there!!?"

Before Xie Shu had time to react, Zhao Lin who was behind him was the first to speak in shock.

"What happened?"

Li Da and Liu Ping, who were in line behind Zhao Lin, were just looking at the menu on the window, and didn't pay attention to the balance on the Xie Shu card, which would be startled by Zhao Lin's exclamation.

Even the other people behind looked at Zhao Lin curiously.

Zhao Lin looked at Xie Shu, and asked him puzzled: "Xie Shu, how much did you charge to the card at one time? I didn't see clearly just now."

Xie Shu also looked confused: "I...don't know either."

Did he recharge yesterday?

He doesn't remember.

Several people were very strange, and Xie Shu himself didn't see it clearly, so he handed the card to Zhao Lin and asked him to use his own card to check it himself.

This time the people behind looked curiously.

Zhao Lin swiped the card, and the balance was displayed.

This time they all saw clearly.

Zhao Lin: "No, Xie Shu, are you that rich? Can you charge 10,000 in your meal card?"

Li Da: "When did you save so much money??"

Liu Ping: "Not at all."

Xie Shu: "..."

Although he didn't know what was going on, Xie Shu could vaguely guess what was going on.

He glanced at Ruan Nianxi who was standing silently beside him.

I... seem to have been fed a mouthful of soft rice unintentionally...

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