After trying to understand the reason, Xie Shu shook his head, and explained to Jian Qing that he really didn't say anything about Ruan Nianxi.

Is it a compliment if he says it?

Xie Shu's tone was sincere, and Jian Qing knew his character and character very well. Since he had said everything, of course she believed it.

But Jian Qing was even more puzzled, since Xie Shu didn't say anything, why did Ruan Nianxi suddenly care so much about her figure?

But soon, she looked at Xie Shu who was thinking about something with her chin resting, and felt that she had guessed the correct answer.

Recently, the two of them have been in contact and will meet from time to time. At their current age, whether they are boys or girls, they still care more about their appearance.

Especially when facing someone you like, you will care more.

Thinking about it, she used to be at their age, even if she hadn't met someone she liked, but when facing the opposite sex, she would always subconsciously care about her appearance.

What's more, Ruan Nianxi was still facing Xie Shu, and there was a classmate Su next to Xie Shu, so she must be more concerned about this than anyone else.

This... alas.

After thinking about this question, Jian Qing returned to the topic this time.

"Xie Shu, what do you think of Xiao Xi?"

"Ruan... Ruan Nianxi, I think she is similar to when she was a child, she is quite cute."

"It's about the same as when I was a child?"


"Then do you think her personality has changed a lot?"

"It's not big."

There was another silence in the car.

Jian Qing didn't even know where to start.

The difference between Ruan Nianxi now and when she was a child is really too great.

Before she caused trouble at school in her sophomore year, they never thought that Ruan Nianxi would have any problems.

Especially after she got acquainted with Xie Shu in the sixth grade of elementary school, and at the stage of junior high school, Ruan Nianxi behaved like most ordinary girls.

She doesn't like to talk very much, but she also runs around with Xie Shu.

As for her dislike of making friends, she was like this before she met Xie Shu in sixth grade, so they didn't think much about it.

However, after arriving in high school, her personality and temper obviously deteriorated a lot.

As family members, they can clearly feel it.

After some research, they found out that it was because Xie Shu was not in the same class as her at school, and it was no longer like before, no matter where they went, they would call her.

So on weekends, she mostly stays at home alone, and sometimes when they rest at home on weekends, they can see her sitting in the living room alone in a daze.

Sitting for a day, sometimes they let her go out for more walks, and she would lose her temper.

She didn't have any other friends to accompany her, so she stayed alone every time, just like she did before she met Xie Shu, playing with herself.

They actually looked distressed.

At that time, in the eyes of their adults, the situation was nothing more than the two children had some conflicts, broke up friendship or something.

In order not to make Ruan Nianxi feel lonely, they took her to Xie Shu's house on a certain weekend. They wanted to resolve any conflicts between them.

Unfortunately, Xie Shu was not at home that day.

Moreover, his parents happened to have no vacation that day, and they were both at work, so they rushed to nothing.

That time they wanted to leave directly, but Ruan Nianxi refused to leave no matter what.

So they called Xie Shu's parents. The two of them were at work and they definitely couldn't come back. Then they contacted Xie Shu again, and Xie Shu told them that he went out to play with some classmates in his class. Will be back at night.

So in the end, they went back with nothing to gain. Ruan Nianxi spent that weekend in her bedroom, and didn't come out for the whole weekend except for eating.

Later, because they were too busy with work, they didn't have much time to take Ruan Nianxi to Xie Shu's house.

The matter of making them "reconcile" was put on hold just like that.

At that time, they didn't know anything, so they didn't think about how serious the problem was.

It wasn't until she got into trouble at school in her sophomore year of high school that her homeroom teacher called them, and they rushed to school in a hurry.

After dealing with the school incident, when they returned home that night, they saw Ruan Nianxi, who was completely out of control, and invited a doctor to come over, so they fully understood the seriousness of the matter.

After that, they encountered many things, each of which was particularly difficult to handle.

They also took Ruan Nianxi to many countries, but in the end they went around and returned to Shu City.

Moreover, she continued to study in her previous school.

At first they were all worried, fearing that something might go wrong, but the strange thing is that after she returned to school, she became normal again.

Except that he still doesn't care about people and doesn't like to talk to strangers, everything else is almost the same as a normal person, which is more effective than taking medicine.

Later, until she went to college, there were no major problems again.

On the surface everything looks fine, but in fact, she knows that Ruan Nianxi has endured harder and suffered more than anyone else.

Although they couldn't empathize with her feelings at that time, they had seen the scene where Ruan Nianxi was so wronged that she cried more than once.

At that time, she usually couldn't bear it anymore.

They also wanted to comfort her, but it was useless, and she didn't want their comfort.

As parents, how could they not feel uncomfortable and distressed after seeing such a scene?

But they really can't help.

The source of all Ruan Nianxi's emotions comes from Xie Shu, whether it is positive or negative, they are all.

She will be sad, sad, and angry because of Xie Shu.

She will be happy, happy, and also because of Xie Shu.

Although Xie Shu did not take the initiative to "participate" in these matters, they are all related to him.

For Xie Shu...they really...

It's hard to say.

The car was quiet for a long time.

It was so long that Xie Shu thought that she had said something wrong, so Jian Qing kept silent.

But he didn't say anything bad.

Just when he was thinking about whether to take the initiative to break the silence, Jian Qing's voice finally sounded again.

Her voice was steady, with a somewhat irrefutable meaning:

"Xie Shu, in the future, you should stop contacting Ruan Nianxi."

The air fell into silence again.

Both of them were sitting in their seats, staring ahead, they didn't look at each other, and they didn't speak again.

Xie Shu looked calm on the surface, but she was already tense inside.

So, does Aunt Jane already know about their relationship?

Ruan Nianxi told them?

Did she come here on purpose to dissuade him?


He still tightly grasped the thing he bought for Ruan Nianxi with both hands, then lowered his eyes and looked down at the doll in his hand, which was as cute as Ruan Nianxi.

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