Reborn: My Girlfriend Is A Paranoid

Chapter 25 Arranging Seats

In the last class in the morning, after Xie Shu showed the drawing to the teacher, he continued to revise the remaining problems under the guidance of the teacher.

He was attentive, but Su Qianyi, who was in his class, was not as serious as him.

Holding the mouse, Su Qianyi couldn't draw a single line for a long time. She finally drew a few steps, but she deleted them again.

She really can't calm down...

What Xie Shu said to her just now is still in her mind.

How could he talk to her like that!

It's none of her business!

How could he get so close to Ruan Nianxi? ?

Obviously he has her by his side, and she doesn't like Ruan Nianxi, so he can't get too close to Ruan Nianxi!

Wasn't he always like this before?

Even if he deliberately wanted to attract her attention, it would be too much, right?

For the whole class, Su Qianyi didn't do much homework, but thought a lot.

After class, it was noon, everyone in the classroom turned off their computers to pack their things, and left the classroom one after another.

Su Qianyi originally wanted to tidy up slowly on purpose, to see if Xie Shu would wait for her later.

But before she could turn off her computer, she saw Xie Shu carrying the computer bag out of the classroom door.

He didn't look at her the whole time.

Expectations failed, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Pretending to be okay and installing the computer like a normal person, Su Qianyi and An Tian left the classroom and walked towards the cafeteria.

On the way, she checked her phone countless times, but she never got the message from Xie Shu.

All the way to the entrance of the canteen, even when she was already queuing up to get food, she still didn't wait for Xie Shu to send a message to find her.

In the past, although she and Xie Shu didn't eat together every meal, most of the time Xie Shu would be with her. Even if he was with his friends occasionally, he would send her a message to explain.

It's been two days.

It has been two days since Xie Shu took the initiative to contact her to come to the cafeteria together.


Xie Shu had sent Ruan Nianxi a message on the way to the cafeteria.

He thought that since she had no class in the morning, they should be able to go to the cafeteria together at noon.

But after a long time since the message was sent, they all arrived at the gate of the cafeteria, but Ruan Nianxi didn't reply.

Thinking that she is the class monitor, there are a lot of miscellaneous tasks in the class, maybe there is something busy and he didn't see it, so he didn't pay much attention, and went back to the dormitory after casual lunch with his sons in the cafeteria.

They still had two big classes in the afternoon, and when the time came, he went to the classroom with his textbooks.

The big class was held by several classes together, and there were a lot of people. Since he arrived late, when he arrived in the classroom, there were only vacant seats in the first two rows.

The first two rows were similar, so he simply chose to sit in the first row.

After sitting for a while, students from behind came in one after another, filling up the other vacant seats in the first two rows.

When class was only a few minutes away, Xie Shu, who was sitting on his seat looking at his phone, saw someone coming in from the door of the classroom out of the corner of his eye. He raised his eyes habitually, and then talked to Su Shallow recalled that his eyes met.

After staring at each other for a few seconds, Xie Shu lowered his eyes calmly and continued to look at his phone.

Seeing that Xie Shu didn't look at her again, Su Qianyi also looked away with a straight face.

Although the lecture hall is very large, there are also many students who come to class.

At this time, the classroom was densely packed with people, and Su Qianyi, who stepped on the spot, couldn't see where there were vacancies.

So she froze at the door for a moment, not knowing which way to go.

An Tian was also beside Su Qianyi. She looked around the classroom a few times, but she didn't know where to sit.

Everyone in this kind of class came in groups, and most of the people sitting together knew each other. If they were unfamiliar people, there would be an empty seat between many seats.

But she and Su Qianyi are two people, they naturally want to sit together, a seat is definitely not enough for them.

In this way, the two of them looked at the door for a while but did not find a vacant seat.

At this time, the teacher just came.

The teacher looked at the two girls standing at the door of the classroom, and instantly understood what was going on.

He always takes roll calls in his classes, so generally there are very few students who skip classes, so every time there are a few late students who don't know where to sit, he has encountered it several times.

The teacher glanced at the classroom, pointed to the two rows in front and said, "There are vacant seats over there, do you want to sit there? But maybe we have to sit separately."

The place the teacher pointed to happened to be the side where Xie Shu and the others were sitting.

They sat in the middle of the classroom, he and his sons sat next to each other, and there were a few boys from other classes next to them, because they were not familiar with each other, so there was an empty seat between them.

The row of positions behind them is almost the same.

Therefore, if they want to sit here, they can only sit front and back.

An Tian was still a little hesitant, but Su Qianyi quickly agreed.

"Okay, thank you teacher."

After speaking, she took An Tian's hand and walked into the classroom.

At the same time, the teacher also walked up to the podium, and said to the students sitting in the first two rows: "Students on the edge of the two rows before you sit a little further in, and make room for these two female students."

As soon as the teacher finished speaking, Xie Shu felt someone standing next to her.

He raised his head, and met Su Qianyi's eyes again.

Xie Shu: "..."

An Tian: "..."

She finally knew why Su Qianyi agreed to the teacher's proposal.

Xie Shu was sitting on the side, and he had to wait for his sons to sit inside one by one before he could give up his seat.

He withdrew his gaze, touched Liu Ping next to him with his elbow, and silently urged them to hurry up.

It's not that he was worried that Su Qianyi was tired from standing.

The main reason is that he doesn't like being looked at by Su Qianyi all the time.

Soon, Su Qianyi and An Tian sat down in the first two rows. At the same time, the class bell rang, and the teacher took out the list and prepared to roll the roll.

Xie Shu and Su Qianyi are in the same class, and their names are also very close to each other on the list.

When the teacher called the names of the two of them one after another, and they raised their hands to answer, many people in the classroom looked at them in puzzlement.

Only the students in the first few rows knew that the teacher arranged the seats for Su Qianyi and the two of them just now. The students sitting in the middle and the back didn't see or hear them because they were playing with their mobile phones or talking, so they saw the two sitting together. It's a little surprising to be together.

Didn't it mean that Xie Shu didn't chase after Su Qianyi?

Why are they sitting together again?

Could it be that the post on the campus forum in the morning was a rumor? ?

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