After chatting with the teacher for a few words, Xie Shu stood at the back of the line.

There is no fixed position for them to line up, that is, men and women are separated, and they stand in two lines.

Xie Shu came late and was the last one standing.

There are relatively more girls in their class, so the girls' team is longer than the boys' team.

After Xie Shu joined the team, the squad leader wrote down his name, and then asked other students to tell those who hadn't arrived to speed up.

While waiting, Xie Shu, like many others, turned on his mobile phone.

Opening the vx, he received the timetable that Ruan Nianxi sent him a few minutes ago, clicked to save it, and then casually sent her another piece of his timetable.

After sending it, he didn't forget to add another message asking her to study hard in class.

Although most teachers don't care about students playing with mobile phones in class, he thinks it's not good to disturb her in class. After all, she is going to be a female bully in the future, so it's good to learn more.

After he sent the message, Ruan Nianxi also briefly replied "Yes".

Afterwards, he quit vx and was going to start comparing his and Ruan Nianxi's schedules to see when they both had no classes.

He had just clicked into the photo album when someone called him behind him.

Everyone was in the same class, and they were so familiar before, but he already knew who was calling him just by hearing the voice.

He couldn't help feeling depressed for a while, but he still had to turn his head back.

Turning her head, she wondered when Su Qianyi had already joined their team.

Same as yesterday, Xie Shu just looked at her and didn't speak.

Su Qianyi seemed to be used to it, and she took the initiative to say, "Xie Shu, I bought you breakfast."

As she spoke, she lifted the thing she was carrying in her hand, hoping that he would accept it.

Xie Shu didn't even move her eyelids, and said to her calmly, "Sorry, I've already eaten."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and ignored her.

Although she was ready to be rejected in her heart, when she was actually rejected, Su Qianyi still froze in place, not knowing what to do.

Almost the whole class will be there, and the men's and women's teams are standing next to each other, so almost everyone around them heard their conversation just now, and many people looked at them.

But Xie Shu blocked them all, focusing on his and Ruan Nianxi's schedule.

Only Su Qianyi was still standing there in a daze, feeling extremely embarrassed facing everyone's gaze.

In the end, it was her good friend An Tian who came out of their team and pulled her to the back of their girls' team. This way, there were fewer people looking at her, which made her feel a little less embarrassed, but sad. was infinitely magnified.

Standing at the end of the girls' line, she could clearly see Xie Shu looking down at her phone.

He's obviously not busy, and he has time to look at his phone, but he just hasn't replied to her messages.

In the morning, she sent him two messages very carefully, one was "Good morning" and the other was telling him about the breakfast she brought him this morning, she thought he should have seen it... ..

Now when she goes to school to check in, sign in, fill out forms, and pay, she has to use her mobile phone. She doesn't believe he didn't see it.

Moreover, she didn't see him in the cafeteria in the morning.

She went to the No. 2 canteen on purpose today. The No. 2 canteen is closer to the boys’ dormitory. In the morning, boys usually go to the No. 2 canteen, and girls go to the No. 1 cafeteria. The breakfasts in the two canteens are similar. He probably won’t Just go to a cafeteria.

At that time, she thought that if she met him, she could give him breakfast in advance. Even if he didn't want it, she could just give it to him and leave like yesterday, but just now so many people looked at her, and their weird eyes made her She didn't know what to do, and was dragged away by An Tian in the end.

She pursed her red lips, feeling unwilling.

An Tian patted her shoulder lightly next to her to comfort her.

It seems that the fact that Xie Shu made up her mind not to have any contact with her really hit her hard. Just one weekend, one night to be precise, made her forget how proud she was.

She waited for him downstairs in Xie Shu's dormitory all day yesterday, but she couldn't persuade him to go back. In such a hot day, if she hadn't sent umbrellas and water, she would have suffered from heat stroke.

She went to bed early after returning to the dormitory last night, and she didn't answer when they called her. She didn't know if she was asleep or secretly sad.

This morning I woke up early to buy breakfast for him at the second canteen near the boys' dormitory, but was rejected.

Hey, although being a good sister shouldn't say this kind of thing, I have to admit that Su Qianyi is doing it on her own right now, and really doesn't blame others.

If she had recognized her heart earlier, the current situation would not have happened.

In the end, it was herself who regretted it.

After a while, those late students finally came. After the teacher said a few words to them, he arranged for everyone to get on the bus together.

The girls' team goes first, followed by the boys' team.

Xie Shu was the last one to get on the bus. When he got on, the seats in front were almost taken up. There are many seats on the bus, and there are more than enough seats for the same class. There were no seats in front, so he went to the back to find Take an empty seat and sit down.

As for his three sons, because one of them suffers from motion sickness, he always sits in the back seat by the window, and he, because he always liked to sit with Su Qianyi, the other two The son naturally became a fixed seat-mate.

Now without Su Qianyi, he would sit alone.

He purposely sat by the window, thinking that he would be able to look at the scenery outside the window when he was bored for a while, but as soon as he sat down, he caught a glimpse of a figure standing on the aisle of the car next to him from the corner of his eye.

He looked over and saw that Su Qianyi was looking at him without blinking.

Xie Shu: "..."

He didn't want to talk at first, but Su Qianyi took the initiative to ask him: "Can I sit next to you?"


"But there's no one else sitting here?"

Xie Shu was the last one to get on the bus. After he got on, most of the people almost sat down, including Su Qianyi who got on first.

An Tian also suffers from motion sickness, so Su Qianyi sat alone, but when she saw Xie Shu pass her position, she got up and followed behind.

"There are other vacancies in the car, you can sit in other seats." Xie Shu continued to refuse.

"But I just want to sit here." Sit next to you.


Xie Shu was silent for a moment, then said, "Okay."

Before Su Qianyi could be happy, she saw Xie Shu get up and come out from his seat, and then went to the seat on the other side of the bus and sat down.

She pursed her red lips tightly, her eyes fixed on Xie Shu.

Xie Shu turned a blind eye and looked down at the phone.

"The female classmate at the back, hurry up and take your seat, we're about to drive." At this moment, the uncle driver at the front spoke, and the car started at the same time.

Su Qianyi finally sat down helplessly.

She just wanted to sit next to Xie Shu, and it's okay if she doesn't speak...

But this wish was all in vain.

Even my heart is empty.

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