Reborn: My Girlfriend Is A Paranoid

Chapter 78 In The Future, Will You See The Scenery With Me?

Girls dormitory.

Ruan Nianxi has been in a daze since the afternoon.

She glanced at her phone from time to time to see if Xie Shu had sent her a message.

But their latest chat history is still in the afternoon...

He said he was busy with something and would contact her at night.

But now it's dark...

At noon, he said that he was busy with his homework and had no time. In the afternoon, he said that he had something to do, but he didn't say what he was doing...

It's been two days, what is he doing?

Didn't he really hide from her on purpose?

Did he reconcile with Su Qianyi and then abandon her?

By the way, I almost forgot about the fact that they were in the same class, they can meet every day after and after class...

Ruan Nianxi pursed her lips uncomfortably, exited from VX again, put down her phone, and was distracted by looking at the things on the table.

Some things, once there are signs, Ruan Nianxi can't control her thoughts, and will make all kinds of wild guesses.

Suspicion is one of the main manifestations of paranoid patients. Even if the suspicions in their hearts are not true, they will automatically build some things into a complex, unified, and coordinated thinking framework.

Thinking about it, Ruan Nianxi's heart felt as if it was being cut by a knife, and her breathing began to be difficult again.

What, obviously they met first...

Thinking of the little things she had with Xie Shu in the past few days, Ruan Nianxi's possessive desire was infinitely magnified, but every time this desire was about to reach its peak, her mind would miraculously calm down again, and then keep herself rational .

She can no longer make mistakes at school, and if her parents find out, they will take her away from Xie Shu again.

At the same time... She didn't want Xie Shu to know her real appearance, she was afraid that he wouldn't like her, and then she would withdraw from her world without saying a word.

No matter which one, she couldn't accept it.

Now she doesn't have much strength, even if she has any ideas, she will have to wait until she has the strength to think about it.

After silently adjusting her mental state, Ruan Nianxi got up from her seat, went out to the balcony, and took care of the gardenias she put here on the balcony.

She has no experience in growing flowers, and she doesn't know how to grow them. Yesterday, she saw that the gardenias had withered a lot, and she realized that she could look up information on the Internet. Then she moved the flowers outside to be exposed to the sun according to what was written on the Internet. The place.

There are only a handful of gardenias. In fact, she doesn't need to spend too much energy on taking care of them. After changing the water, she just stood outside and looked at them for a while, and then went into the dormitory again.

There is still half an hour before the access control time. Her roommates have not come back yet, and she is the only one in the dormitory.

Even though she is used to being alone often, she still feels deeply lonely these two days.

I checked my phone again, but there was still no news.

She lowered her eyes, silently sad.

Put down the phone, sit down again, and continue to be in a daze.

These two days... To be precise, these years, she has lived like this.

When she was free, she would just sit like this, recalling the past between her and Xie Shu, always remembering, always remembering, and she would not stop remembering until she had something to do.

As long as there is nothing else to distract her, she can keep recalling.

I have persisted for several years, and now I haven't seen Xie Shu much in two days, and she is not used to it. It turns out that she is too greedy and wants everything.

Just as she condemned herself a few words in her heart, the mobile phone on the table rang suddenly, interrupting her subsequent thoughts.

Ruan Nianxi turned on the phone and saw a red "1" next to Xie Shu's name

He finally texted her!

Ruan Nianxi's depressed mood returned to normal in an instant.

She couldn't wait to open the message, and then saw a message with "pictures and texts":



❀Hot weather❀Go to the playground?

♡♡♡ Join me and visit the playground together? ?

visit the playground

sweet little window dd]

Ruan Nianxi stared at the news for a few seconds, and finally realized that Xie Shu was inviting her out.

At this time, all the sense of loss was swept away, replaced by endless joy.

She typed with both hands and replied: [Okay. 】

Xie Shu: [See you at the playground! 】

Ruan Nianxi: [Yes. 】

After replying to the message, Ruan Nianxi couldn't wait to go out again.

I don't know if it's because it's time for access control, or because I haven't gotten along well with him for two days. She was so anxious that she even went downstairs much faster.

Before arriving at the playground, she received another message from Xie Shu, saying that he had arrived and was waiting for her at the entrance of the playground. After seeing the message, she quickened her pace again.

When she was approaching the entrance of the playground, she saw a familiar figure standing under the street lamp from a distance.

He straightened his body and faced the playground. He didn't know whether he was looking at the people exercising or the couple walking inside...

Ruan Nianxi slowed down her pace slowly, her excited heart was pushed back to the original place, and then she pretended to be in a normal state of mind and walked over slowly.

While looking at the people in the playground, Xie Shu kept paying attention to the direction of the girls' dormitory.

When he turned his head to look over there again, he happened to see Ruan Nianxi who was walking towards him slowly.

Seeing that she finally came, he turned to face her, and took a few steps towards her: "I called you out so late, didn't I disturb you?"

Ruan Nianxi shook her head: "No."

She had nothing to do.

After answering, Ruan Nianxi realized that Xie Shu had a thick book between his right arms.

But she didn't think too much about it, thinking it was an extra-curricular book or professional book, she just glanced at it and then looked away.

But in the next second, Xie Shu picked up the book and handed it to her.

Ruan Nianxi: "???"

"For you."


Xie Shu turned his head and looked into the playground, his body also turned around: "Let's walk around a few times."


So the two entered the playground together.

On the playground, some people are running, some people are running along for a walk, there are couples on the lawn, and many people are having fun together...

Xie Shu glanced sideways at Ruan Nianxi who was beside him, she was still looking down at the things in her hands over and over again.

The pop-up book he made has a book strap, and it is specially tied with a bow. If you want to open the book, you have to take off the book strap first.

But she would just hold the book back and forth to look at the patterns on it, but would not open it.

"What kind of book is this? Why doesn't it have a name?" Ruan Nianxi asked curiously without seeing the name of the book after reading it for a long time.

Only then did Xie Shu understand what she was doing just now. He smiled and did not answer first, but pointed to the book tape: "Open it first and have a look."

If he didn't say anything, Ruan Nianxi could only listen to him first, and unwrap the book tape.

Then, she turned to the first page of the book.

As the pages of the book are turned, various paintings appear on the pages...

The lights in the playground were very bright, and Ruan Nianxi could see the "content" in the book clearly. She opened her eyes wide and turned to look at Xie Shu in disbelief.

"Isn't this a photo of us... when we were kids? Why is it in this book?"

Ruan Nianxi looked at the photos of them when they were children standing up from the book, and was a little surprised.

She had never been exposed to pop-up books, and she didn't have this concept in her mind, so Xie Shu directly told her that he made it.

Hearing this, Ruan Nianxi was even more surprised. She took another look at the "content" in the book. Except for the photo of their childhood in the middle, which looked like it was printed, the rest...

Was it all drawn by him one stroke at a time?

Not only are most of the three-dimensional images drawn, but even the flat pages have various patterns.

How long will this take?

Suddenly, as if remembering something, she looked at Xie Shu again and asked him, "Have you been doing this for the past two days?"


It turned out that he wasn't hiding from her, but was giving her a gift, and she still suspected him...

There was a sudden burst of self-blame in my heart, but in the end it was completely replaced by the sweeping happiness.

He made it himself! !

"You are amazing!" Ruan Nianxi said what was in her heart.

Xie Shu still smiled and said nothing.

The two of them walked slowly along the playground.

Ruan Nianxi looked at the pop-up book in surprise. Under Xie Shu's guidance, she realized that the books could be set up with small traps to hide "content". When those small traps were opened, the various paintings hidden inside were all painted by him. The painting is full of the two of them!

Although Xie Shu's paintings are not that kind of exquisite realism, he still draws all the characteristics of him and Ruan Nianxi, so they are easy to recognize.

In the middle of the page, under the photo of the two of them, there are other embellishments. A mini scene stands under the photo. There are two small QQ people on both sides of the small scene that can move left and right. There is no doubt that these two are also them.

He even made a small mechanism that could be pulled and recorded the events of their first contact in the form of pictures. Ruan Nianxi couldn't help but laugh while looking at it.

She never forgot the first time she came into contact with Xie Shu.

He was the first person in her memory to stand up and help her, how could he forget?

Ruan Nianxi liked it more and more, after carefully reading the content of the first page, she reluctantly turned the page.

When the second page was opened, various pictures stood up again.

There are still small scenes + characters + small organs to hide the "content", but the characters on this page are obviously a little longer than those on the first page.

Although I am still a QQ person, my face is not as round.

On the third page, the characters seem to have grown a little longer, and the scene has changed, which she finds interesting.

Page 4......

Xie Shu just kept looking at her silently without urging her, and when he watched her smile, he would also curl the corners of his mouth accordingly.

Due to time constraints, the pop-up book Xie Shu didn't make too many pages, only five pages in total.

Five pages is not much, but what he did was very interesting, so Ruan Nianxi read it very slowly.

She finished reading the previous pages and turned to the last page.

As soon as the page was turned, various little hearts stood up as densely as stars in the sky, which made Ruan Nianxi even more shocked.

There isn't much on this page, just a dense love bridge like a sky bridge standing outside, and a small mechanism made into a window shape.

With her previous experience, she skillfully pulled the note next to her and opened the window this time.

"Outside the window", there are blue sky and white clouds, as well as looming mountains in the distance. At the same time, there is a sentence:

"Will you accompany me to see the water-colored mountains and soft red fragrant earth in the future?"

Ruan Nianxi stopped suddenly, and Xie Shu also stopped, turning to look at her at the same time.

He wanted to say something, but he watched Ruan Nianxi slowly close the window, then read the book again and lowered his head.

Whatever he wants to say can only be swallowed by him.

Under the light, Ruan Nianxi lowered her head, and lowered her head so deeply that Xie Shu couldn't see her expression, let alone what she was thinking at the moment.

no respond.

Xie Shu really didn't expect her reaction.

After thinking about it, he tried to hold Ruan Nianxi's hand, but when he first touched it, Ruan Nianxi took it back a little as if he was frightened.

She moved slightly, but Xie Shu still noticed it.

Helpless, he could only take his hand back.

No rush for now.

"There is still half a circle left in this circle, and the time is just about the same. I will take you back to the dormitory when you get there."

As he said that, he turned back to his body and walked first, very slowly, giving Ruan Nianxi enough time to regain his senses so that she could keep up.

But also because of his turning around, he didn't see Ruan Nianxi's hand that wanted to grab him again...

Xie Shu walked away first, and Ruan Nianxi could only follow.

Soon the two walked side by side again.

But this time, there was less cheerful laughter between the two, and there was only silence along the way.

Xie Shu didn't want to put any pressure on Ruan Nianxi, he knew that he should give her time to relax.

After the easy journey ahead, she was probably surprised by the sudden words of promise for life.

Moreover, seeing that she has put away her things and is still holding her tightly, there shouldn't be any major problems.

When she was about to leave the playground, Xie Shu wanted to say a few words to let her go to bed early tonight, but suddenly felt that the corner of her clothes was slightly pulled.

He turned his head and looked over, only to see that it was Ruan Nianxi's hand.

She still lowered her head, holding the pop-up book tightly with her other hand.

Xie Shu raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, reaching out to hold her little hand that was holding the corner of his clothes.

"Let's go, the dormitory will be closed soon, I'll take you back first." He said softly.

"En." Ruan Nianxi's voice was like a mosquito, but Xie Shu could hear it clearly.

Then the two walked out of the playground holding hands.

On the way to the girls' dormitory, the two still didn't say anything, but it seemed like they talked a lot...

There were smiles at the corners of their mouths, and the temperature of the hands they were holding was getting higher and higher, but no one was willing to let go.

They held hands from big hands to small hands, and finally became fingers intertwined...

Ruan Nianxi quietly raised her head and glanced at Xie Shu, seeing that the corner of his mouth was also smiling, and gently pursed his lips into a smile.

Such a scene, which only appeared in her dreams before, has come true today.

On the half-circle return journey, she actually struggled in her heart, because she knew that she was very possessive, and in the future, she didn't know if she could control it...

However, she was really too greedy for his tenderness.

She couldn't refuse, and he didn't refuse either.

So, in the future, she will not let go.

Xie Shu, running is useless.


Combined chapter, the number of words is about the same.

Dear readers, I suddenly learned that my loved one passed away at night, and I will go back to my hometown tomorrow. I may be a little busy these days, so try not to delay the update. If there is no update, I will ask for leave.

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