Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 52: Everything is ready

? Shouyun is very excited, he is really excited. This evening talk at Nina's house was like a high-cost auction aimed at buying the future, and now it seems that he won this auction, he won Nina, and most importantly, he also He won the support of the old General Xie Miao, and at the same time, this also means that he has won his future to a large extent.

After the secret conversation in the study, the old General Xie Miao locked himself in the room for a long time until he came out of the door at half past nine at night and attended the so-called family banquet. That is, at this somewhat dull family banquet, the old general disregarded the objections of the nurses around him, and had three glasses of strong vodka with Guo Shouyun in a row. Then, he made his decision in front of everyone: Nina and Guo Shouyun will hold an engagement ceremony in two days, and they will be officially married in mid-August, and on the day of their engagement, Guo Shouyun must transfer it to Nina Twenty-five percent of all company shares under his name.

The old general's decision shocked everyone present, including Guo Shouyun and Nina. But the old general's decision is obviously not something that can be disobeyed, not even Nina, who has always been favored.

The old general was obviously in a very bad mood tonight. He stayed at the banquet table for less than 20 minutes before leaving for an excuse. Before leaving, he handed a neatly folded envelope to Guo Shouyun , In this shriveled envelope, there are only a few pieces of manuscript paper that others seem worthless, but for Guo Shouyun, it is an extremely rich wealth, and this wealth is enough to make him in the future for a long time. Endless use.

If there was anything that Guo Shouyun regretted tonight, it would have to be Nina's attitude. This girl obviously had some misunderstanding because of the abnormal performance of the old General Xie Miao. Therefore, from the time the old general retired until the end of the dinner, she never showed up again. Even when Guo Shouyun left, she didn't come out to see him off.

But for Guo Shouyun, these seem to be of little importance. He achieved all his goals tonight, and he got what he needed most.

On the way back from Nina's house to the Ukrainian Hotel, Guo Shouyun opened the envelope and carefully checked the manuscript paper specially given to him by the old general. On this manuscript, the old general listed in detail a series of high-level Soviet Union Officials' names, positions, telephone numbers, home addresses, preferences, etc., among other things. There are also personal interactions between these people and the old general. In this list, there are a large number of names that Guo Shouyun is familiar with, such as the current Moscow Mayor Luzhkov, such as the Minister of Internal Affairs Pugo, such as the Soviet Union's state-owned enterprises and industry, construction, transportation, post and telecommunications facilities. President Tijakov. Another example is the Governor of the Central Bank, Grashchenko, and so on. Guo Shouyun is not stupid, he knows why Father Xie Miao gave him such a list at this time, obviously. Father Xie Miao can exert a certain influence on these people, but these people are precisely what Guo Shouyun can use now or in the future. The old man was persuaded that he wanted to earn a guaranteed future for his granddaughter.

Guo Shouyun pondered that he would be engaged to Nina in two days, and it was estimated that the old general would personally handle the engagement ceremony. Before that, as the prospective groom, he would definitely bring gifts. According to the names listed on the list, visit them one by one, and this is contrived. It was enough for him, a yellow-skinned foreign boy, to gain a firm foothold in the core of Moscow's power.

Of course. For Guo Shouyun to obtain such a huge network of relationships, he also has to pay a heavy price. Twenty percent of the shares in all the properties under his name is not a small sum, but for this price, Guo Shouyun is very happy to pay, In any case, this is also the land of the outsiders. This share is just deducted from his account, and then deducted from Nina's head. Nina, she is the only woman Guo Shouyun has truly moved since he came to this world, and it is difficult for a man like him, who is mercenary and whose money is paramount, to give all his heart to a certain woman. Therefore, It is also a very good choice to marry Nina back. Think about it, is it unacceptable to assign part of the property in your own name to your wife?

As the so-called "spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease", after saying goodbye to the jealous Yakov in front of the Xiaohonglou, Guo Shouyun hurriedly stepped into the jeep that escorted him back to the Ukrainian hotel, urging the driver to "hurry up, hurry up." Point" - he's going back to pop champagne and celebrate, and it's a great day for him.


The cork of the champagne was lifted into the air under the action of air pressure, and then, the foam splashed out from the mouth of the bottle, and Guo Shouyun was covered all over.

"Hee hee..." Victor, who was kneeling beside the coffee table, was amused by the fountain-like scenery in front of her. She fiddled with the teddy bear in her hand and kept giggling.

"Be careful sir."

Nikita in the silk nightgown took no time to get up and said while wiping the champagne on her face with the cloud in her hand.

"Looks like you're very happy tonight, sir," Larisa, who seemed to have just taken a shower and was wearing a bathrobe, took the champagne from Guo Shouyun's hand and said with a charming smile.

"Well, you can see that too?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, grabbing Nikita's wrist and pulling her into his arms.

"Yes, the smile on Mr.'s face has not disappeared since entering the door. Isn't this the best proof? What's more, you have to open champagne to celebrate now, if it's not a good thing, then what's a good thing? Celebrating." Nikita first let out a coquettish cry, then leaned in Guo Shouyun's arms and sneered.

"Ha, you're right," Guo Shouyun took the goblet that Larisa had filled with champagne for him, took a sip of the mellow glass, and then said, "Come on, pull, Larisa, Fill them all up, and you all have two drinks with me."

Larissa quickly filled all the cups on the coffee table, not even the one in front of Victor. But the little guy obviously didn't know much about etiquette. She didn't wait for Guo Shouyun and the three to clink glasses, she picked up the glass and drank the whole glass of golden champagne inside.

"Sir," after all, she was a specially trained female agent, and Larissa was just trying to taste it, she refilled the glass in front of Victor, and then said, "I almost forgot to tell you that Mr. Smolensky gave him this afternoon. You called twice and he said he had something very important to discuss with you."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun held the cup, looked at the greedy Victor, and asked absently, "What to discuss?"

"He didn't say it," Larissa said. "He just wanted you to go to the Neuflin coffee bar in the Plaza de la Rebellion at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning, and he said he would be waiting for you there."

Guo Shouyun watched little Victor pour another whole glass of champagne into his stomach, and couldn't help reaching out to take the goblet she just put back on the table, and then said, "Tomorrow at eleven o'clock? Well, I know. But whether I can go or not will have to wait until tomorrow. Hey, I have a lot of things to do in the past two days, and I'm afraid I can't take care of those messy things. "

"Oh, then do you want to inform Comrade Yakov, maybe he has other plans." Nikita couldn't help but said at this time.

"Well, what you said also makes sense," Guo Shouyun snorted coldly. He knew that since the two women around him were sent by Victor, they must not only be tasked with serving people, but in a sense Said that they were eyeliners for two days, the eyeliner that the future old husband placed beside him.

Guo Shouyun was full of fear for this old husband who he had never met before. This old guy is definitely a cunning and ghostly old fox. When he came to Moscow this time, he enthusiastically prepared a place for him to stay, but on the other hand, he did everything possible to avoid him and not meet him. What does this mean? This shows that the old guy may have other plans in his heart. Maybe he wants to sink again, and when everything becomes clear, he will really stand up and contact him. And Guo Shouyun was still suspicious of one thing during this time, and that was the Kuibyshev Lakeside Bombing. Maybe this old man was behind it. After all, in the end, the only winner was this old fox. For such an old man, Guo Shouyun felt that it would be better to be a little more careful.

But having said that, it seems that it is not enough to be wary of Victor. Like the two women around now, hehe, stunners, even though he knew that they were most likely the eyeliners of others, Guo Shouyun still did not intend to drive them away, after all Coming here is tantamount to frightening the snake, and maybe the old fox Victor will be even more afraid of himself because of this.

One hand stroked Nikita's round and greasy thigh, fully enjoying the seductive texture of the woman's beautiful legs, Guo Shouyun said casually, "That's it, I'll call Yakov tomorrow morning and see. Let's see if he's going to have a relationship with that tyrant. But in my opinion, Mr. Yakov probably won't have the heart to pay attention to that Smolensky tomorrow, because we will have more important The characters need to be visited."

"Oh? What character is so important?" Larissa leaned over and sat beside Guo Shouyun, asking casually.

"Well, it's these people," Guo Shouyun simply took out the list from his pocket and put it on the table in front of him, knowing that some things could not be concealed. The biggest gain, I think no matter in Yakov’s eyes or in the eyes of my old husband, anyone on this list is probably much more important than Smolensky.”

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