Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 154: mulali taran

?Slightly dark skin, curly black short, thin body, crowded eyes, how does this person look like an Indian monkey? The whole body seemed to have a strong coffee smell. For some reason, Guo Shouyun couldn't help but have a feeling of wanting to laugh when he saw Mulally Taran for the first time. Indeed, the commander of this tiger guerrilla unit is very murderous. When people see him, they can probably directly feel the strong smell of blood on his body, but for some reason, when they see him, Guo Shouyun cannot help but think of him. The Indian soldiers were wearing yellow sackcloth shorts, with a footcloth wrapped around their heads and two tufts of chicken feathers tucked into their ears. In his previous life, Guo Shouyun had seen the Indian military parade, and in his words, it was, "The coffee people are so funny, the whole thing has its own characteristics, a military parade, it's just like Halloween, it's almost every day. There's a pumpkin on the head."

Mulally Taran didn't know what the young man was thinking in front of him. His only thought now was that the smile on his face was very kind. At least on the surface, he was not necessarily more difficult to deal with than Guo Shoucheng in front of him. .

"Mr. Mulally Taran, right?" Going down the steps of the basement, he forced himself to hold back his laughter. Guo Shouyun went straight to the short Nanya man, shook hands with him kindly, and said, "I'm sorry. , There are some very important things that need to be dealt with temporarily today, so I haven't been able to take time to meet you before, I hope you don't mind.


"This is Mr. Guo Shouyun," Nikolayev said with a big smile, even though he knew that he had nothing else to introduce.

"It's okay. It's okay," Mulally Tarandi said in Russian a bit rough, and it sounded like he didn't bend his tongue, but fortunately, everyone could understand, "Mr. Guo is busy with business, I can understand. What's more, I saw when I came here just now that Mr. is meeting with the generals in the military district. Listening to Mr. Vitch, you are here to solve our problems, for which I am very grateful."

"No matter how deep your gratitude is, it's not as affordable as what I want," whispered in his heart, but Guo Shouyun said modestly: "Haha, Mr. Mulally Taran is too polite, and I want to say thank you, in fact, you I should also thank Vicki. The reopening of the foreign trade of the Military Trade Bureau is entirely the result of his strong advocacy in front of me. Hey. To be honest, this matter is very difficult to handle. I just exchanged with the generals of the military region. I took a look. At present, it seems that they still have some concerns on this issue. One is that if this kind of thing goes wrong, they will bear a great responsibility. It's over. The plan can't keep up with the changes, so everyone's mood is understandable, everyone is worse than less."

Guo Shouyun spoke quickly. Mulally Taran's Russian level was obviously not sophisticated enough to be understood immediately. He was stunned for a moment, and finally turned his head to look at a young man who was following him.

This little young man, who should be Muralitaran's interpreter, leaned over, murmured a few birdsong, and then took a step back quietly and let him go to the back.

"What do you mean, sir, there is something wrong with our transaction now?" Mulally Taran's face was a little ugly, and he said in a rather blunt tone, "But what Mr. Vic said before was that nothing happened. The question is, why has something changed now? Is Mr. Guo trying to perfunctory me? This is not the unpleasantness that should occur between friends. "

"Haha, mister misunderstood," Guo Shouyun stepped forward, next to Mulally Taran. He suddenly likes this murderer now, and that's not for nothing, because this South Asian man is very small, almost half a head shorter than Guo Shouyun. Guo Shouyun's height of 1.73 meters is not too short, but since he came to the Soviet Union, most of the time he has not been able to find anyone who is comparable in stature to himself, and today's meeting has obviously made him Found a sense of achievement.

"So far, there is no problem with the transaction between us," Guo Shouyun said with a light smile, moving his eyes away from Mulally Taran, "The only problem between us now is this transaction. In the end, there is still a point that is debatable.”

"A place worth discussing?" This time Muralitaran understood, he frowned and asked, "Sir, please speak."

"I just heard from Shoucheng," Guo Shouyun said, pointing to his younger brother who was following behind him, "Mr. Mulally Taran seems to have a new idea about the current payment method. You proposed to pay for your precious stones. Special products, to offset the payment for this batch of weapons and equipment, I wonder if this is true?"

"Yes, Mr. Guo," Muralitaran nodded and said after a moment of hesitation, "The situation we are currently facing is very difficult. The blockade by the Americans, the siege and interception by the Indians, and the frontal oppression of the dictatorial government that sold us are all very difficult for us. The economic blow is very serious. A few months ago, some of our overseas accounts were seized by the Americans and the funds were frozen. Now the only source of income is the export business of gemstones, and in this regard, we have to suffer from those Western Squeezing by big capitalists. Therefore, if feasible, we hope to replace cash with gemstones to finally realize this transaction. Of course, in order to show sincerity, we are willing to reduce the benchmark by 10% according to the current international standard price. Deal with Mr.

This South Asian man is a rough man and can't talk about business. It is estimated that when he did business with Nikolaev before, he didn't know how much he suffered. After just saying these few words, Guo Shouyun came to a conclusion for the short Muralitaran. According to normal negotiation methods, who will first explain all the difficulties they face? This is a business negotiation, and it is not a beggar begging for food. If you say something pitiful, people will give you more benefits. Otherwise, there will be no businessman in this world, and you will become a philanthropist.

In a few words, he understood the details of Mulally Taran, and Guo Shouyun suddenly lost his interest in playing push hands with the opponent, and played against a business layman. He couldn't find any thrilling thrill. Maybe he didn't realize that as the business grew bigger and bigger, he, a guy who has always been a professional businessman, has a little bit of thinking beyond pure money considerations and instead seeks excitement.

"Mr. Mulally Taran, I understand your kindness, and at the same time, I also understand it," took a step. Guo Shouyun walked over to the machine gun placed in the center of the basement. He bent down and stretched out his hand

The thick black barrel stroked a hand, and then he smiled without looking back when he grabbed the string of bullets hanging on the gun. "But to be honest, you should also be aware of the current situation in the Far East and even the entire Soviet Union. The economic downturn is very serious. So, we are not interested in contacting this gemstone business. The gem discount idea you put forward, whether it is I am still the generals in the military region. I am not interested. Everyone is a straightforward person, so I will say something straight. The only thing we are interested in now is the US dollar. The real US dollar, so this business must be normal. If the negotiation goes on, it must be settled in the form of US dollar cash.”

"Why? Mr. Guo, I really can't understand your decision." Mulally Taran really doesn't know how to talk about business. To put it bluntly, his identity is equivalent to a bandit. Since he was a teenager, he has been a soldier in the Sri Lankan government army, and later joined the local guerrillas. It can be said that he has been dealing with guns and guns all his life, and he has not had much contact with commercial things at all.

Therefore, in terms of playing tricks in business negotiations, ten of them are probably not Guo Shouyun's opponents.

"In the past, when we made similar transactions with the government of your country, we also used gemstones or the transfer of mining rights to set off the price of weapons transactions. This point, Wei Wei is fully aware, why now..." Mulally Taran said dissatisfiedly.

"Hehe, Mr. Mulally Taran, the world is constantly making progress, how can you look at the present problem with an old eye? The past is the past, and the present is the present. Let's be clear about this. "Guo Shouyun shrugged and said disapprovingly.

"That's right, Morty," Nikolaev said when he saw Guo Shouyun turn his head, his attitude seemed a little unhappy, so he hurried in and laughed, "Mr. Guo has made it very clear, it must be a dollar cash transaction. To figure out, whether the business can be done this time depends entirely on whether Mr. Guo is willing to help, so don't mention the past."

"Oh?" Nikolayev's remarks obviously had no deep meaning. Mulally Taran heard it. He woke up, and the trace of dissatisfaction on his face just disappeared in an instant.

"Oh, yes, yes, Vicky is right," put on a smiling face, Muralitaran said, "Since Mr. Guo insists on cash transactions, then cash transactions, I have no objection. But Mr. Guo, I There is one more request, that is, for this order, we hope to add some new content on the basis of the original. I have mentioned this before with... this Mr. Guo , I don't know what you mean?"

"I've heard about this. In principle, there's nothing wrong with it. You just need to submit the list." Guo Shouyun glanced at Nikolayev. He knew that this kid must be there. There are other people's benefits behind it. He doesn't bother to pay attention to things like this, as long as it doesn't harm the overall situation.

"There is one more point," Muralitaran seized the opportunity and chased after him, "I hope Mr. Guo can give me some help with regard to the new purchase intention, so that I can have the opportunity to personally visit several military supplies in your land. Reserve, so that we can determine our new purchase list according to the actual situation. I wonder if you can... give me some convenience?”

"This...?" Guo Shouyun frowned.

"Mr. Guo, in fact, we used to have such a link when ordering. This is a friendly gesture." Mulally Taran stepped forward and said, "Although I met Mr. for the first time, But I have already seen that Mr. will definitely be our most sincere friend, so I hope Mr. will help us a lot in this matter... Oh, I heard that Mr. is preparing for the wedding with a beautiful lady , this time I came here, I didn't prepare any decent gifts, but I have already ordered, within two days, within two days, the two small gifts I specially prepared for Mr. will be sent from my country. , At that time, I also hope that Mr. will not dislike it."

"You're too polite," Guo Shouyun smiled. He knew what the two so-called thin gifts were. The precious gems Nikolaev said were about to fall into his own hands. Really, I used to pay bribes to others myself, but I didn't expect that someone would come to give me gifts now, not to mention, this feeling is really good.

But then again, this Muralitaran is going to visit the reserve, is there any problem here? Guo Shouyun couldn't think about it for a while. He felt that it was necessary to go back and ask a few relevant people before making a final decision.

"It's not a big deal to have a gift or not," Guo Shouyun said after thinking about it, "As for the question of the visiting reserve... I can only say that I will try my best to help. We have to see what the military means, and I hope you can understand this.”

"Of course, of course, as long as the gentleman is willing to help, I'm already very grateful," Mulally Taran had a full understanding of Guo Shouyun's identity before. In his mouth, the young man in front of him is the real boss of Far East. According to Nikolayev, whether this business can be finalized or not, and in what form, the Military Trade Bureau has said that it does not matter, and the Far East Military Region has said that it does not matter. Only this "Mr. Guo" can make the final decision. . So, with such a person coming out to help, what's the problem?

"Well, that's fine," Guo Shouyun nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the watch in his hand, waved his hand and said, "Okay, it's not too early today, I think Mr. Muralitaran should also go back to rest. That's it. Let's talk about it. If you have any other questions, sir, wait for news at the hotel in the next two days. "

Obviously, Guo Shouyun is serving tea to send off guests. However, Mulally Taran didn't seem to want to leave at this time. He turned his head and glanced reluctantly in the basement, and then glanced at Guo Shoucheng, who was always standing at the entrance of the basement, and then hesitantly said: "Mr. Guo, This, I still have some personal matters that I want to discuss with this Mr. Guo, you see..."

"Oh, oh, hehe, you are free, you are free." Guo Shouyun didn't mind at first glance, seeing through his thoughts, he smiled, said casually, and walked towards the entrance.

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