Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 279: bristle

"Crack!" Guo Shouyun smashed the telephone receiver firmly on the glass-steel table, and the golden inlaid receiver with the curled hanging wire flew up and bounced twice in the air under the table. Then chased and swirled there. . qβ5,

"Bastard! Eat my food all day long, use my food, take my food, you're full, you want to rebel!" Standing at the table with a pale face, Guo Shouyun cursed angrily.

The sound from the bedroom made Hornikova, who was eating in the living room, shuddered. She raised her head subconsciously and looked at Rilke, who was opposite, but found that the other party was also looking at him in astonishment. Own.

Just when the two of them hadn't figured out the situation and couldn't react, the door of the living room was suddenly pushed open, and the two bodyguards rushed in with one hand in their arms. The door was not closed tightly, so the two bodyguards who had been standing outside the door must have heard the unusual sound, so they rushed in immediately.



Two loud noises came from the bedroom. Listening to the sound, it should be something like a glass vessel that was smashed. This time, not only the two bodyguards, but also Hornikova couldn't sit still. They stood up in a hurry and ran towards the bedroom door like a fire.

In the room, Guo Shouyun was holding a cigarette with a livid face. He was pacing back and forth in front of the bed, which was covered with shards of porcelain. It is estimated that it has become a piece of broken porcelain in that place.

"What's the matter?" Rilke originally planned to wait for Hornikova to speak first, but he looked at it. The woman was obviously very afraid of Guo Shouyun who was in a rage. She curled up by the door, a delicate small picture His face turned pale with fear. see this. Rilke knew that he had to wait for the woman to speak first. That's probably unlikely, so I had to bite the bullet and say.

"Humph. What's the matter?" Guo Shouyun sneered, while taking a lighter to light a cigarette, he said, "Someone in the Far East is trying to rebel against me. They want my surname Guo to come to the United States. Don't go back."

After saying this, the lighter in his hand also moved to the cigarette, the flames flickered a few times, and a well-filtered cigarette fart was lit.

"Bastard!" Guo Shouyun's mind was obviously not on the cigarette, he was choked by the sudden thick smoke, and only then did he realize that the cigarette was upside down.

"Shouyun, don't worry, let's talk about what's going on first. Let's discuss and discuss, there will always be a solution. Linley" Rilke said with a frown.

Throwing the cigarette in his mouth to the ground, stepping on it and crushing it hard, Guo Shouyun turned his head and stared at Rilke for ten seconds. Then looked away again. He stared at Hornikova's face for more than ten seconds.

The man didn't speak, but stared at the others. Moreover, those straight eyes were like a bayonet. Facing this kind of scene, whether Hornikova or Rilke, they were all like a small rattle hanging in their hearts, banging dong dong. There was a jubilation.

"Hey," just when the two of them were uneasy, Guo Shouyun, who was originally looking ashen and could be described as furious, suddenly laughed. Said, "Misha, you know, I suddenly found that you have a crow's mouth."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun's unreasonable remark made Hornikova breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time stunned. "Crow's Mouth?" What is "Crow's Mouth"? It's obviously a cherry mouth.

As for Rilke, he is not in the mood to think about the crow's mouth now. What he is most concerned about is what happened to the Far East. Although Guo Shouyun's anger came quickly and was suppressed quickly, he knew that something must have happened in the Far East. Otherwise, the big boss Guo, who always likes to smile and pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, would not have been so rude.

"Okay, let's go out and talk," Guo Shouyun didn't explain what "crow's mouth" meant. He took out a cigarette from his pocket again, and waved to the crowd at the same time and said, "If you don't agree with the environment, you're right. It's not bad at all, look, when we're on Yankee territory, we can't even control our temper."

"Oh, and," Guo Shouyun thought of something after taking two steps out. He pointed at the two bodyguards standing at the door, and said, "You two, go and turn on the encrypted phone and connect to the ground. The port data, band modulation and key book are all in Polaninov. There are some things coming from China in a while, so pay attention to answering.”

"Yes, sir," the two bodyguards responded, then turned and walked out.

"Let's go out and talk," Guo Shouyun also came to the bedroom door while the two bodyguards went out. He reached out and patted Rilke's shoulder, and walked into the living room first.

In the phone call with Shoucheng just now, Guo Shouyun initially learned about the current situation in the Far East, the rebellion in Chita Prefecture, the advance of the Morolev division in the direction of Ulan-Ude, and the unstable mood in the Far East Military Region. Said on the phone. And he also emphasized one point, that is, there is an old business friend who just arrived in Khabarovsk two hours ago, and she is now advising Nina and others.

Now Guo Shouyun is in Washington, and this is where the Americans are. Therefore, his call with Moscow may be overheard by a certain department in a certain bureau, so I dare not say too much on the phone, but one thing is certain , Guo Shouyun knows that Sun Hongyu has arrived in Khabarovsk, "old friends in business", how many other Guo brothers do they have?

"Hey, it's obvious that this is a premeditated and planned operation," Rilke said after listening to Guo Shouyun's remarks, frowning for a while, "It is estimated that some people were planning this event when the enlarged meeting was held. There's a conspiracy, and all they need to wait is for you to leave Moscow. Maybe...maybe we came to America by mistake this time."

"There must be a premeditated plan, this is too obvious," Guo Shouyun said with a sneer, "Morolev. What kind of thing is he Morolev? The situation in Chita Prefecture is there, if no one is behind He supported him. He didn't mention mutiny. It would be good to have the hundred and ten tanks under his hands. There were the Post-Baikal Military District, the Siberian Military District, and the Far East Military District at the back. He Morolev's team was dissatisfied. The border guards also dare to make a big deal of independence? He has nowhere to plant two acres of single-headed garlic, and he still talks about independence?! But having said that, since someone is premeditated, it is the same whether we come to the United States or not. If we hadn't come here. We might still be on the train right now, it would have been even more troublesome!"

"Well, that's not bad," Rilke said with a nod.

"Then what are your plans?" Hornikova doesn't care about the past. In her opinion, it is no longer necessary to discuss whether or not to come to the United States at this time. The most important thing to consider now is, Just take immediate action.

"Plan?" Guo Shouyun shrugged and said casually. "I can't tell you the specific plan, because I don't know what's going on in the Far East. But Shoucheng mentioned it on the phone just now. Sister Hong is now in Khabarovsk. I know who is Sister Hong, she is The kind of person who never comes to the door for nothing. And she rushed over at this time. That must have been some news. What's more, the few hints Shoucheng mentioned on the phone just now were very calculated, which was not his style at all. Therefore, it can be concluded that in Khabarovsk, Sister Hong has already made certain plans. What we need to do now is to wait and get in direct contact with the Far East side to see what the specific situation is. "

Guo Shouyun sank when he said this, and then said indifferently: "People's hearts are greedy, and unrestrained power means rapidly expanding ambition. I have known this for a long time, but I am dealing with the second commander of the Far East Military Region. On the issue of authority, I ignored this understanding. This is a huge mistake. Now the only hope is that Nina and the others can delay the situation over there as much as possible and strive for more for us. time."

"I'm afraid that would be difficult," Rilke thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Nina is more than pure and kind, but lacks courage, of course, not to mention ruthless, she can't control the situation in the Far East. Shana Riva has both She has courage and means, but her identity is there, and in the face of the current situation, she has no right to speak at all. As for Nikita and Larisa, not to mention them, the Far East Military Region. If something changes, how can they stop it?"

"What they have to do now is not to stop, but to delay," Guo Shouyun said calmly, "If things develop to the point where they have to be forcibly stopped, it's useless to say anything. Even if I go back, it's just a dead end. one.

"Oh, what do you mean..." Rilke asked.

"Those guys now have too much power. If they want to relieve this crisis, we must seize one point and find a way to divide their power before they rebound," Guo Shouyun frowned slightly. said.

"This, this sounds like it's a bit difficult," Hornikova tilted her head and thought, and finally shrugged.

"If there were no difficulties, someone would have done such a thing long ago, how could such a thing happen today?!" Guo Shouyun glared at the woman and said angrily.

"Then what do we do now?" Rilke changed the subject and said.

"Well, Misha will tell the hotel in a while and book the nearest flight for me, and I'll rush back as soon as possible," Guo Shouyun said after thinking for a while.

"Then what about this?" Hornikova pointed to the three platinum cards on the table and asked in a low voice.

"What about this? They can do whatever they want," Guo Shouyun said angrily. "The Far East has been lost. What do you think we bought it for..."

"Sir," before Guo Shouyun finished speaking, a bodyguard had already walked in with a piece of manuscript paper. He quickly walked to the table, put the manuscript paper in front of Guo Shouyun, and said, "The first encrypted message It has been translated."

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