Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 429: sow melons

"Oh, do you know what's going on?" Guo Shouyun turned his head and asked with a slight frown. In his impression, Nina is definitely a wife with general knowledge, especially when she is at work, she never disturbs herself, but today...

"Madam didn't say it," the bodyguard replied truthfully, "but she went to the hospital for an examination this afternoon, and after she came back..."

"I see!" Before the bodyguard could finish speaking, Guo Shouyun stood up abruptly from his seat. Because of the action and suddenness, he suddenly stretched the corner of the tablecloth, turning over the wine glasses and Hearing the caviar also shocked Khodorkovsky and others.

"What's the matter?" Khodorkovsky staggered backwards and avoided the red wine that was flowing from the table, "You are considered a rich man in the Far East, so you are not so stingy as to invite dinner. Are you going to drop a cup?"

"Is Nina's health ill?" Smolensky asked closely. "I just heard that she went to the hospital. What happened?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing," Guo Shouyun suppressed his excitement and said in a calm tone as possible, "Maybe Nina has something important to do with me, everyone, please take it slow, I'll go back and have a look, wait a while. Come again. Well, if the result is the same as what I expected, I think when I come back again, you will hear good news."

Guo Shouyun did not directly announce the news that Nina might be pregnant, because there is no accurate information on this matter now, and he did not want to create unnecessary embarrassment for his wife.

After a few simple courtesies with several giants, Guo Shouyun couldn't wait to leave the banquet and hurriedly returned to the villa area under the **** of bodyguards. Walk in a few minutes. It's like a century has gone by tonight.

The Guo's Manor under the shadow of the night is quiet and peaceful. Those bright posts and dark posts placed everywhere are as dedicated as ever. Not many people know about it. A little life from the manor is quietly brewing.

When the car was parked in the small parking lot in front of the villa, Guo Shouyun jumped out of the car impatiently without waiting for his entourage to open the door for him, and trotted all the way into the villa, to be honest. He is even more nervous now than when he gambled wildly in the foreign exchange market these days. He really hopes to hear good news from Nina's mouth - "I am pregnant." For this sentence, he I would rather donate all the wealth that has been madly rolled up these days to God. Of course, the premise is that the old thing can be received.

"Where's Nina? Where is she?" The hall on the first floor of the villa was very quiet. Except for the two servants who were busy cleaning the carpet, there was no other person in sight. Guo Shouyun walked in quickly and asked.

"Ah. Sir, Madam is in the bedroom upstairs," a servant stood up. replied.

"Just her?" Guo Shouyun said in surprise.

"Miss Victor is also there," said the servant, shaking his head. "Mrs. Sanariva has fallen asleep just now, and Miss Nikita and Miss Larissa have not come back."

"Okay. I see," Guo Shouyun said casually, apparently not in the mood to delay here, and then trotted into the elevator.

The light in the bedroom shared with his wife was dim, Guo Shouyun tiptoed to the door of the room with an uneasy mood, when he held the door handle of the house. A faint sobbing sound came from the door where a gap was exposed. It was Nina's cry. Even through a door, Guo Shouyun heard it right away.

The moment he heard the cry, Guo Shouyun's heart that was beating violently sank slowly, he stood outside the door for a while, and finally sighed, quietly opened the door, and walked in slowly.

The air conditioner in the bedroom was not turned on. Nina sat on the edge of the bed with her back to the door. She hadn't changed the military uniform on her body, not even the boat-style military cap on her head. Beside her, Victor, who was wearing a pink short skirt covering his hips, was lying on the edge of the bed, his two big smart eyes looking pitifully towards the door.

Although Guo Shouyun's footsteps were very light, he couldn't hide the vigilant little Victor. Seeing the person he trusted the most came in from the door, the little elf jumped up from the bed in a hurry, walking with two white and tender With long legs, he ran to Guo Shouyun's side very quickly, and then jumped so lightly, his whole body hung on his body.

"You're back," Victor's action woke up the crying Nina, she hurriedly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand, then turned around and said, "Is the thing over there over? Don't bother you."

"Ah, it's over," Guo Shouyun patted the little guy's very upturned buttocks, pretending to laugh casually, "Actually, if you don't let people find me, I'll be back. Hehe, God knows the end. This crucial battle will be so simple. Our opponents are very smart and decisive. Seeing that nothing can be done, they hurriedly withdraw from the field. Without a leader, it is too easy to clean up a group of small fish and shrimp. ."

"Well, I also saw it on the news," Nina reached out to unbutton her husband's shirt, and said covertly while sorting out his changed coat, "My father called to ask this afternoon. , He said that you fought beautifully in this battle, but you caused a lot of trouble. He asked me to tell you that if you want to continue to live a happy life in the future, you have to accept it as soon as you see it, after all, the Germans are not easy to provoke. "

"Oh, the little baby is getting heavier and heavier." Holding the little Victor who was hanging around his neck, Guo Shouyun took a sip on the little guy's upturned nose. He said with laughter, "I still use his old man to remind us about this kind of thing. We are not the kind of people who don't know the importance. You can hang up the phone to Leningrad when you come back... Forget it, we will be there tomorrow anyway. Withdrawn, I believe my father will know for sure."

"I know," Nina was silent for a moment, as if hesitating about what to say.

"Hey," Guo Shouyun could naturally feel his wife's mood. He walked to the bed with Victor in his arms, first put the little guy on the bed and stood up, then sighed and said, "I know what you're thinking. Actually, ...Actually, you don't need to take some problems so seriously. We are two people who are bound together. Children are important to us, but they are not so important to us. I still say that , we are still young, do we have time..."

Just as Guo Shouyun said this, a pair of soft arms stretched out from behind him, wrapping tightly around his waist, and then another soft chest pressed against his back.

"I understand what you're saying," Nina's voice was very gentle, and in this gentleness, there was obvious excitement, "But I really can't wait, and, and I'm going to check it out today When I was pregnant, the doctor also told me, he said, he said I was really pregnant this time, it was true, this time it was true..."

When Nina's words came to this point, her voice was clearly crying. It could be seen that she had been waiting for this day for a long time, and it was very bitter.

"Really?" Guo Shouyun was shocked, and he finally understood now that Nina's cry just now was not because of loss, but because of excitement. At the same time, it was this excitement that made him a husband of misunderstanding.

Turning around suddenly, holding his wife's shoulders with both hands, Guo Shouyun asked anxiously, "Is it really there? Don't tell me I heard it wrong."

"Well," Nina's eyes were full of tears, she nodded vigorously, hummed, and gave her husband a clear affirmation again.


He put his arms around Nina's neck, Guo Shouyun gave her a strong kiss on her rosy mouth, and laughed loudly: "Haha, I'll just say, I, Guo, have always been invincible and invincible. Man, I have worked hard for so long this time, how can I not get the slightest harvest? God is reasonable, so you plant melons and you get melons, and if you sow beans, you get beans. How can I not have a good harvest after working so long? It makes no sense. Well."

"You, haven't you seen Victor here? Why are you still so crazy, and you don't speak the slightest sense." Nina's face was shy, she stretched out her hand and punched her husband's chest, and said angrily.

"What's the matter, she doesn't understand," Guo Shouyun pulled Nina to the side of the bed, and then hugged little Victor on his lap before he said excitedly, "Who does this matter now? You know? Did you tell your father?"

"Besides the doctor and me, only you know," Nina's face was filled with happiness, she tilted her head and leaned on her husband's shoulder, and said softly, "I want to tell you this news first, On my father's side, I'll tell him later."

"Well, yes, yes, this kind of thing, my husband has the most priority, and my parents can put it aside." In addition to being excited, Guo Shouyun almost didn't reveal the word "old thing", "Also, let's We have to get ready to celebrate, tomorrow, no, tonight, we will celebrate with the great success in the foreign exchange market, we call it a double happiness, and it is impossible to not celebrate."

Guo Shouyun said, he was about to get up to get the phone.

"You're crazy, it's nine o'clock now, what are you celebrating?" Nina stopped him and said angrily.

"What's the matter at nine o'clock?" Guo Shouyun grabbed the phone and said with disapproval while broadcasting the switchboard number, "Such a big happy event, let alone nine o'clock, it should be celebrated even if it is twelve o'clock. Don't worry about it, Just leave everything to me, um, you can think of a name for the child, hehe, I've transferred this power to you."

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