Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 531: leather

?The heavy snow outside the car window is still flying one after another, and the gray plateau can be seen everywhere in white, and the bulletproof gas jeep is running in the knee-deep snow, although the body has been hung with anti-skid. chain, but the wheels still slip from time to time.

This time, the **** task was carried out by the independent reconnaissance battalion from the 39th Mohua Division of the Garrison on the Southern Front of Yakutia. This unit has a long history, and its start-up time can be deduced to the 1930s. During the Soviet-Finnish War, the Soviet command, which suffered a lot in snow guerrilla warfare, formed seven snow special operations units in one go, including the independent reconnaissance unit of the Thirty-ninth Motorized Division.

To be honest, in Guo Shouyun's eyes, this so-called independent reconnaissance battalion is actually a "rogue unit" composed of soldiers. , After they entered the plateau snowfall area, they neither reached an armored vehicle nor a troop transport truck. The means of transportation used by a group of people were all high-power single-row ski boats. Dozens of people wearing gray and white camouflage uniforms, AK assault rifles behind their backs, bearskin ear-protecting military caps, and black snow goggles enough to cover half of their faces, rushing east and west on the vast snowfields of the plateau, Jumping back and forth incessantly. Whistling, humming obscene tunes, bored and gunning, all in all, no one is doing business. Guo Shouyun even considered, if he was really attacked in this place, could these soldiers take on the responsibility of protecting him.

"Da da da!" In the distance outside the car window, there were several bursts of assault rifles, and then, six or seven soldiers who had been galloping around the convoy dispersed. Yelling and shouting, he drove towards the hills outside a woodland. It didn't take much time for Guo Shouyun to see a huge gray-white figure rushing down from the hill and rushing towards the direction of the convoy.

"White bear?!" Guo Shouyun quickly saw the shadow. Yes, it was an extremely rare plateau polar bear.

"Still a big guy," the driver in front looked a little excited. He slowed down the car and shouted, "If the whole fur is peeled off, it will be worth at least tens of thousands of dollars."

"Peeling? You think it's white glaze?" Shaking his head, Guo Shouyun sneered, "You can clean up how you want?"

"Hey, sir, don't talk about it. If someone else does it, this bear skin might be wasted." The driver obviously had some knowledge of the situation in the plateau garrison. He laughed, "but it will fall into the hands of these soldiers. It depends on what they plan to do. These people have been in the snow for many years, and they have already become soldiers. They can't do anything else, but it's no problem to deal with one or two bears on the snow. I saw it back then... you see. They did it."

No, just as the driver was talking, the soldiers outside the car had already started catching bears. Guo Shouyun saw a small soldier half standing on the ski boat with his hands off. The assault rifle behind him was also in front of him. Losing the control of the master, the ski boat began to zigzag on the snowy field, and as the boat swayed, the rifles in the hands of the small soldiers also swayed from side to side.


When there were less than ten meters away from the oncoming white bear, the rifle in the soldier's hand rang, and with the sound of the gunshot, the huge white bear let out a miserable howl, and the whole galloping body turned a few times on the snow. A roll, with a big snow fog. After it rolled in the snow a few times and stopped. A sturdy hind leg has not dared to land. Obviously, the shot just now hit the soles of its hind legs.

The injured polar bear looked extremely angry. It was limping on one hind leg, spinning in circles in the snow, and every now and then its huge round head was raised and a horrific howl came out.

The little soldier who fired the shot at first clearly accomplished his task. This guy steered the ski boat and took a punt at a distance of more than ten meters from the white bear. After turning around, shouting suddenly, Ling Kongfei rushed down and drove back to the defensive array on the left flank of the convoy.

At the same time, the soldiers who were driving around in the ski boats rushed back. They were in two groups, in two teams, and rushed straight towards the white bear along the left and right sides.

The next scene made Guo Shouyun feel a little unbearable to watch. He finally realized how fragile the polar bear's huge body is compared to humans with high IQs.

The two teams of soldiers rushed forward. When they were less than two or three meters away from the white bear, they suddenly made a cross and merge. The two leading soldiers drove the ski boat to the maximum horsepower, and then rushed to the angry white bear. In front of him, he suddenly turned less than half a meter away from it, and after making a 90-degree arc, it almost brushed the body of the white bear and staggered. The snow swept up by the stern of the ski boat splashed on the big head of the white bear.

The polar bear is also a kind of bear after all, but its response is not slow at all, but at this time, its quick response has become a fatal injury. When the two ski boats flashed past its eyes, the guy subconsciously stretched out his front paws and tried to slap the two guys who offended his majesty. And just when its big claws scratched out, before it had time to recover, the two ski boats that followed were already in front of it. The one on the left slammed into its huge head, and the one on the right was just on top of its fat, bloated cock.

The huge impact brought by the collision of the ski boat smashed the huge white bear one by one. It didn't even have time to let out a miserable howl. Couldn't get up again.

"Sir, it looks like your fur coat for winter this year has fallen," Yelena said with a gleam in her eyes as she watched the soldiers outside the window waving their guns and cheering, "This kind of thing is something you can't find, of course, if It would be even better if you could add a red fox scarf."

"You may not know yet, I hate fur the most," Guo Shouyun said calmly, taking his eyes back from the window, "I'll give you this thing, you just came to the Far East, maybe you're not interested in people here. The climate is not yet used to it, and it will always come in handy to have something like this around.”

"Hehe, thank you for your kindness, sir," Yelena said with a slight smile, "but although I like fur, I don't have the right to ask for this thing in front of me. Well, it's not just me. In the Far East, besides Mr. No one is qualified to use it."

"What do you mean?" Guo Shouyun frowned, he felt that there was something in the woman's words.

"It doesn't make any sense," Yelena said, shrugging her shoulders. "You think, if I put this thing on, what will Mrs. Nina think? What will Mrs. Shanariva think? Others, and Nikita, Larisa, Xenivina, what will they say? Hehe, for sure, even if they don't complain about Mr., they will hate me in turn. As for the others, that It's even more difficult to say, if you give it to General Toryomenko, General Sijakhov and General Sironov, you will be dissatisfied, you should give it to the officials of a certain state, and the others. The state officials will be dissatisfied. So, you can only keep this thing for yourself. If you don't need it, you can leave it to your children. Only then will everyone have nothing to say and maintain the peaceful appearance on the surface. situation."

"Maybe what you said makes sense," Guo Shouyun tilted his head and thought for a while, and said with a sigh, "but have you ever thought about it, the people who are interested in this thing are not just a few women, but not just a few women. Generals and officials of the states, in addition to these people, there may be people watching from outside the Far East. These people may not care about this bear skin, and they may also prefer to see my woman, my general, and one of my officials. There is a conflict between them. In this case, they may find a way to kill me, then throw the leather on the street, and let everyone fight for me."

"Sir is right," Yelena said without hesitation, "but in my opinion, no matter if you have this bear skin or not, those who want to get rid of you will not give up any chance. Simple. Say, if you have this skin in your hand, they will assassinate you, if you don't have this skin in your hand, they will still kill you, there is no chance of compromise between you and them, and there is no room for concessions. More often, the less you have this skin, the more ruthless they will attack you, the faster you attack, the more reckless you are. In this case, think about it, sir, why don't you make this skin into How about a coat, put it on your body safely? At least that way you can resist more wind and cold, attract more attention, let the world pay more attention to you and understand you, so as to create a certain degree of anxiety for those people. What about taboos? The Chinese say: The most important thing in these four simple words is a weapon. It can lead to death, and it can also become the best amulet. The key issue is to look at Can you master this piece of leather completely, and even wear it all the time? Oh, don't forget, sir, although those people outside are not interested in this leather, there are too many people in the Far East who are interested in it Now, you put the leather on your body, I'm afraid it's not that easy when they move you, right? You saw it just now, it's actually very easy to deal with that bear, you can kill it with a few shots, but it's just to protect it The skin on the body, a team of soldiers have to spend their time, exhaustion, and even risk their lives. Hehe, the mystery of all this is obviously in this piece of skin. "

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