Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 564: minsk

"Shouyun," Standing on the steel deck with the sea breeze blowing, General Sironov in admiral's uniform carried his military cap, scratched the pale white who was disturbed by the sea breeze, and said with a sigh, "You really? Are you planning to repair it? It will cost a lot of dollars, and none of the Ukrainians are good things. You have to get the necessary parts back from them, and I am afraid it will not work without a big loss.\\m/ "

"I know." On a pure white sun lounger, Guo Shouyun wore a pair of wide-brimmed sunglasses, his upper body, and a pair of black and white flower pants. He closed his eyes in the presence of the old god. Hearing the old general's words, he snorted without turning his head and said.

"Then do you think it's worth it?" After taking two steps on the deck, Sironov walked to the guardrail, holding the thick guardrail in his hand, and asked, "Nearly 100 million dollars, this is not a small amount, Ukraine The lion's mouth is chilling. For us, this amount of money is enough to build three or four small ships. For our current Pacific Fleet, it is impossible to prepare for operations and blue ocean defense. We lose To meet this condition, therefore, it is enough to have some ships to fill the facade, and there is no need to retain such a big guy."

"Nothing is worth it or not," he stretched out his feet and waded by the chair for a long time, presumably looking for his slippers, but he couldn't find them in the end, Guo Shouyun rolled over and sat up, took off the sunglasses in front of him, absent-minded said, "I just want to keep it, like you said, to support the facade, how do you use that kind of gadgets that are a few feet long to support the facade? To keep the facade, you have to say it's this big guy, I like it , in order to keep it, I'm not afraid to spend money. *****"

Sitting in a chair and looking at it. Only then did Guo Shouyun realize that his slippers had grown legs for some reason, and he ran to the horizontal ditch on the deck a few meters away.

"***," cursed in a low voice, he stood up barefoot, one at a time, and pulled two slippers on, and then continued, "Minsk, the giant of our Far Eastern Military Region, it is It's less than half of the official service period. Tell me honestly, are you really willing to scrap it like that?"

"If you say willing, that's a lie," he reached out and patted on the guardrail. Sironov turned around and looked at the Yak 38 vertical take-off and landing fighter jets parked in the opposite hangar, not without emotion. said. "As you know, I used to serve on this aircraft carrier back then, when it was just launched, with a displacement of 40,000 tons and an endurance of more than 13,000 nautical miles, it is a maritime combat capability that the whole world is envious of. \\But having said that, the pride and pride of the past cannot replace the reality of the predicament. We no longer have the funds to maintain it, let alone the ability to maintain it. If we don't scrap it, what other options are there?"

"So, you can't bear it, and I can't bear it either. I think the officers and soldiers on this ship can't bear it either. Since everyone can't bear it, why don't you spend money to repair it?" Pulling on his slippers, Guo Shouyun raised it in an unsightly manner. Dahua pants, walked to the old general's side, first reached out and patted his shoulder. Then he smiled and said, "Aren't we rich? No, we also have money, and a lot of it, it's nothing more than the cost of playing one less time for everyone. So, I mean, repair. Not only repair. But also overhaul. , and even buy back the technology and equipment of the original logistics base in Ukraine. I have already thought about it. And it has been arranged. Recently, someone from Ukraine will come to negotiate this, huh, don’t forget, They still owe us a favor, and it's time to pay it back."

Sironov was silent. He knew that the boss in front of him was determined to keep the Minsk. At the same time, if he really bought back the relevant equipment and technology from the Ukrainian logistics base, he would be able to keep it. It is not just one Minsk, but two aircraft carriers of the Pacific Fleet can be maintained as a result. \\

As a very orthodox soldier and a veteran admiral, Sironov will retain the deepest affection for his ship even if it deteriorates. Two "two aircraft carriers? You must know that there are only three aircraft carriers in the four major fleets in Russia now.

"Come on, old man." Holding the old general's shoulder, Guo Shouyun patted his shoulder lightly and said with a smile, "Anyway, I have spent so much money on this, and I have to give me a chance to open it today. Eye-opening, see how majestic our carrier-based aircraft is. Give an order quickly, a few more beautiful ones, go up and fly around."

"It's no problem," Sironov seemed to accept the title of "Old Man" happily, he stretched his elbows, bumped the young man's ribs, and smiled, "But first, you will pay for the fuel costs. .*****”

"You're a general without being a businessman. You're a condescending talent." Hehe smiled, Guo Shouyun put the sunglasses on his face again, looked up at the sky, and said with a smile, "ok, I'll reimburse you, just give me a flight. Well, I have already decided, isn't Lao Mei going to hold a joint military exercise? Let's make it look good and get the Minsk out for me to save them from being paranoid all day long."

Sironov didn't say anything directly. He waved his hand to his entourage and gave a brief order. Then he turned to Guo Shouyun and said, "Shouyun, I really don't know what you think, when will the Americans be able to With good intentions, let’s take a look at the purpose of this joint military exercise. They are anti-drug, maintaining air routes, eliminating the consequences of emergencies, and offshore defense. . The location of the play is in the Sea of ​​Japan, and what kind of offshore defense is there to defend against? South Korea? North Korea? Or Japan, the Far East? When did this area become the world of the Americans?"


A harsh siren sounded above the deck of the aircraft carrier, which was a signal for an enemy submarine to urge the submarine-hunting fighter to take off. And with the intermittent sound of the siren, there was a commotion on the wide deck of the aircraft carrier, and a large number of undressed and blank-looking aviation soldiers got out of the emergency hatch and crowded onto the deck. Looking at the scene in front of him, Guo Shouyun's mind immediately thought of the American soldiers who were raided in the Pearl Harbor incident.

"My old general, it seems that the quality of your soldiers is not very good." Looking at the "bandit soldiers" in front of him, Guo Shouyun leaned back on the deck railing, stretched his arms back, and supported his elbows with his elbows. Staying on the railing, he said with a smile, "No matter what the purpose of the Americans is for this military exercise, in short, if we look at this situation, we will definitely lose our face."

"If you don't go to sea for a year, no matter how good a soldier is, he will become a ruffian." Shaking his head helplessly, Sironov smiled bitterly, "My ship of 2,000 soldiers has been here for a year, and we have It has been announced that in four months, they will all retire. You think, in this case, who can ask them to guarantee what quality?"

"Retire? It's easy to say," Guo Shouyun said refreshingly, leaning on the railing. "It's not time for these people to retire. When you look back, you can send the order down. I want to repair, maintain, and ask for Minsk. Let it continue to go out to sea to carry out cruising missions, not only it, all ships that are still in service will be maintained, and those that need to be sailed will be sailed. Not only that, the Amur Shipyard will also fully resume production in March next year, The cheetahs that the No. 402 factory gave up to continue to produce, we will take over and make them, and the two produced will be equipped for you."

"Oh?" Sironov's face first flashed a look of joy, and then a look of doubt. Guo Shouyun said of the No. 402 Factory and the so-called "Cheetah", he naturally knew that the No. 402 Factory was the famous military shipyard in Severodvinsk, Onega Bay, while the "Cheetah" It is the new nuclear submarine they launched nearly two years ago. It's just that because of the shortage of funds, the production of this series of submarines was stillborn, and none of them could be produced in the end. But now, Guo Shouyun said that he would restart the Amur Shipyard and take over the production process of "Cheetah", which means that the submarine submarine attack power of the Pacific Fleet will be greatly enhanced.

As for his doubts, that is that the investment in this area is absolutely not small. At the same time, the concept that the Guo Group has always adhered to in the past is to focus on the development of the 6th Air Force and despise the allocation of funds for the Navy. Now he has suddenly changed his concept. , what exactly does that mean? Could it be said... that the first head of the Far East really intends to take the road of military confrontation with Moscow, which is a good thing.


In the silence of Sironov, the four Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopters docked on the second deck moved the propellers. In the muffled sound without the slightest echo, they slowly lifted off with the commanding action of the chess player. In a search formation, they circled over the aircraft carrier for half a circle, screeching and flying over the open waters.

Almost at the moment when the helicopter took off, a large number of soldiers rushed to the deck. These soldiers waved their military uniforms and military caps, and screamed loudly to send off the submarine hunting helicopter formation.

"It's been a year," Sironov's eyes got wet from the scene in front of him, he sighed and said, "To be precise, it's thirteen months and three weeks and four days, on this deck, for the first time. Something's flying. These guys seem to have been waiting too long for this day."

"I have to take part of the responsibility," Guo Shouyun said in a deep voice, watching the four black dots slowly disappear into the sky, "but... I believe everything will be fine."

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