Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 583: Turbidity

"What are you thinking about?" Guo Shouyun was still thinking about the annoying questions just now when Nina with a neat military posture appeared in the cabin. His wife's soft voice called back his thoughts, which made him feel annoyed. An out-of-this-world ease. \\

"It's nothing," Guo Shouyun reached out and gently stroked her bulging belly, smiling, "Aren't you asleep, why did you wake up so quickly?"

"I can't sleep, in the middle of the day, as soon as I close my eyelids, I jump." She patted her husband's hand, and Nina gave him an irritated look before saying, "Besides, I'm not tired, what's there to sleep with? ."

"You're not tired doesn't prove that others are not tired," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "don't forget, now your body and bones don't belong to you alone, if I don't feel sorry for you, I have to feel sorry for my own baby. Khabarovsk came over, why don't you rest for a while?"

"Don't worry, I'm not that delicate yet," Nina shook her head and smiled, "Come, accompany me out for a walk, I feel stuffy in the cabin."

"As ordered, General," Guo Shouyun said respectfully as he straightened his back and gave a nondescript military salute.

"When it's not serious," Nina said with a light twist on her husband's face. ^^^^

"I'm only rude to you, but to others, I'm very serious," Guo Shouyun said with a smile as he held his wife's arm.

Guo Shouyun and Nina were on a destroyer of the Pacific Fleet. Due to the lack of necessary maintenance, the destroyer could no longer participate in formal combat drills. To put the price down, Sironov got it out this time. , mainly to support the scene, as for the specific exercise items, it will not participate.

Get out of the cabin. As soon as Guo Shouyun and his wife got on the deck, what appeared in front of them was a noisy ocean, where ships of all sizes were parked in sight, and there were still helicopters and carrier-based aircraft flying in the sky above. pass.

"Honey." He put his arms around her husband. Nina stood on the edge of the deck railing, looking at the huge "Kitty Hawk" aircraft carrier in the distance, and said softly, "You know, in fact, when I was a child, my ambition was to become an aviation soldier when I grew up. I can fly freely in the blue sky. Later, I also planned to be a navy, preferably a ship commander, with my own warship, and can freely sail on the endless seas in the past. .*****”

"Hey, it's fortunate that neither of your two aspirations has been realized. Otherwise, we probably wouldn't be able to be husband and wife now." Guo Shouyun looked at the fleet of the U.S. military opposite and smiled.

Na snorted softly, and then laughed, "Maybe this is the saddest place in my life."

Holding his wife's shoulders tightly, Guo Shouyun smiled and said nothing.


Just as the couple were loving each other, a gray Harrier fighter made a complicated flip, floating over the destroyer, and then with a piercing sound, it dived straight towards the tower of the Far East cruiser outside the 100-meter water area. . I can tell. The pilot skills of this fighter are very good. He made a big gyrate close to the control module of the tower, and then looked like a fighter who came home victorious. Pulling two white lines, Shi Shiran flew in the direction of the Kitty Eagle. At the same time, in the waters where the U.S. warships on the opposite side were assembled, whistles sounded one after another.

"It's really boring," Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled helplessly as he looked at the US fighter jet that was gradually moving away.

Since the two armies have assembled in this area of ​​water, such "goodwill provocations" have never been interrupted. At the beginning, some ships of the two armies were very close to each other, so there were scenes of officers and soldiers on both sides gesturing and scolding each other. In the end, they started throwing things, such as dry bread, wine bottles, etc. Throw whatever you want. Out of desperation, yesterday morning, the commanders of the two sides made adjustments to distance each other's ships to avoid the continuation of similar "conflicts".

But the reality is that this approach has not changed the situation. Since yesterday morning, the mutual scolding between the two sides has been changed to "flag language". In the waters where the front-line ships are moored, the flags can often be seen flying all over the sky. That scene is really shocking. People are amused.

But yesterday afternoon, the situation changed. Two U.S. fighter jets that took off from the Kitty Hawk flew grandly to the waters of the Far East Fleet. The control tower of the ship dived, which startled Sironov, who was on the ship at the time.

After that, things became a little dramatic. The old general who was annoyed was furious, and immediately issued an order to the 6-base aviation force to upgrade the originally scheduled three-time-a-day aviation drills to six times a day. Anyone who arrived at the exercise waters A fighter jet must be dispatched to dive into the tower of the American aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk. ^^^^

To be honest, diving into the tower is a difficult and dangerous job. It should be kept in peacetime. Whether it is the US military or the Russian army, whoever dares to play this kind of technical work will be punished severely. But this time Well, with the acquiescence of the generals on both sides, this kind of difficult performance turned out to be a means for the pilots of both sides to compete.

However, in order to ensure safety and avoid catastrophic consequences, every time the pilots dispatched by the Far East Fleet are veteran pilots with more than 3,000 hours of flight records, and the Americans are estimated to be similar. After all, for both sides, This is not only a fun game, but also a big issue of face.

In addition to the contest in the sky, the underwater contest between the two sides also started at the same time. The submarines of the two armies were cruising around under the ocean, constantly visiting each other's vigilance, and evading each other's anti-submarine reconnaissance, as close as possible. Proud of the opponent's main ship. *****

Frankly speaking, this kind of "playful" activity has fully revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the US and Russian armies. If you want to see where they have each other's advantages and where they exist, you can see at a glance.

"I heard that you are going to the dinner party on the Kitty Hawk tonight?" Facing the gradually sinking sunset, Nina blew the sea breeze for a while, then suddenly turned her head and looked at her husband's smiling face, which was slightly yellow in the sunset. , said softly.

"Well, I received an invitation from General Cleming just now, and I have agreed to attend," Guo Shouyun said absent-mindedly, looking at a submarine that suddenly appeared out of the sea in the distance.

"Actually, you shouldn't have accepted this invitation," Nina said, shaking her head. "Everyone knows that the Americans are not at ease. You have also felt the movement in Moscow during this time. In less than a month, You have meddled in the affairs of the Far East military three times. This was originally a big problem. Even Lutskoy did not dare to make it so obvious. And tonight, you are going to attend the dinner party of the Kitty Hawk again. Tomorrow Moscow is going to be crazy. After all, there are not only Americans, but also Koreans and Japanese on the aircraft carrier. The Kremlin can sit by and watch your peace with the Americans, but it cannot accept your contact with these two parties. One point, you should know."

Guo Shouyun naturally took into account the concerns of his wife, and he was even certain that the reason why the Americans brought Japan and South Korea in this time was to force themselves to go further and further away from Moscow. Why do you say that? the reason is simple. In the recent period, in order to find another diplomatic breakthrough, the Kremlin has just formulated a new East Asian foreign policy, and its focus is not only China, but also South Korea and Japan.

Now, a very contradictory issue is in front of us. The East Asia policy of the Russian Federation is based on the fact that the Far East is closely connected with South Korea and Japan. In other words, if the Far East becomes independent, the Russian Federation will not have this tightness. According to the region of East Asia, what kind of East Asia policy does it still engage in? Why does Moscow's influence penetrate into East Asia?

From the perspective of Japan and South Korea, the fundamental reason why they value the foreign policy of the Russian Federation is the special existence of the Far East. Everyone is too close, and the medium and short missiles in the Far East can almost Covering the whole of Japan, in this case, from the perspective of security, developing relations with Russia is also very important for these two countries. But what if Russia lost the Far East? Do Tokyo and Seoul still have to pay attention to Moscow? At that time, they will probably ask very realistically: Where is Moscow?

It is based on this consideration that the Americans have brought in military observers from Japan and South Korea in the military exercise this time. Their most basic purpose is to establish a direct connection between Khabarovsk and Tokyo and Seoul, thereby offsetting Moscow. The Existential Significance of East Asian Foreign Policy. As for the participation of the Philippines and Australia, those are just two additions, to a certain extent, to deceive people.

"I know what you said," Guo Shouyun said with a sigh, "but for me, I have no choice now, you should be able to see that I can only endure and follow the pace of the Americans. Go. Under the current situation, without their support, it is difficult for me to resist pressure from all quarters."

"Then how long will you endure?" Nina said, "I don't want to see you go further and further down this road. Compared with now, I hope to be able to return to the past, back to where the Guo family just started. when."

"There is no turning back medicine in this world," Guo Shouyun said with a smile as he took his wife's shoulders, "Wait a little longer, you must be at peace first, although this is a shameless fallacy, but for me, now But this is the only way to choose. I think... maybe next year, next year, the opportunity for us to turn around will appear."

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