Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 639: once

"What if I don't listen to the story? Will you let me leave here?" Guo Shouyun asked with a grin. /. qв5. Book

"If you don't listen to the story, you can die now!" Victor said angrily, staring at him.

"Then I'll just listen to the story, and I can live a few more minutes with it," Guo Shouyun shrugged and said, "But I have to say it first, my position will not change, whether you tell the story or not, it will be the same. No matter what the story you tell, in short, it is impossible for me to give up the Far East for no reason."

"Do you still want to hear me?" Victor was really dissatisfied this time, he said with a sullen face, almost word for word.

"Ok, listen to you," Guo Shouyun smiled and sat back on the pile of book stools before saying.

"Ask you a question," Victor didn't directly intervene. He was silent for nearly a minute, as if thinking about where to start this story, and then said, "Ten years ago, you heard about the problem of the new economic system. Have you been?"

"The new economic system?" Guo Shouyun said stunned, "I haven't heard of it, hehe, after all, I was only a teenager at that time, and I was busy all day, just how to fill the stomachs of Shoucheng and Dongting, in that situation Next, how can I have any chance to learn about the economic and economic policies of you Soviet people?"

"Then you must have heard of the name Kosygin, right?" Victor shook his head and continued to ask.

"Kosygin? Of course I've heard of it, the so-called evergreen tree in the Soviet political arena," Guo Shouyun nodded. "Why, do you still have something to do with him?"

Victor first nodded, then shook his head inexplicably, and then said aftertaste: "During the decades of Soviet ups and downs, when it comes to evergreen trees in the political arena, Kosygin is obviously not qualified. The evergreen tree in the true sense should be regarded as my mentor, huh, and also my old superior, the tower of theory of the Soviet Socialist Republic, Comrade Mikhail Suslov.”


Guo Shouyun felt a thunderous sound in his head. The whole person was shaken dizzy. Go over to your old father-in-law. He had had countless guesses. But he never imagined it was. This old man turned out to be the paranoid student of Suslov. And it sounds. There is also a subordinate relationship between the two.

During this time in Russia. Guo Shouyun also has a certain understanding of some celebrities in the former Soviet Union. among these people. If there is any one that can be regarded as an evergreen tree in the Soviet political arena. That became the "grey bishop" Suslov. Undoubtedly can be ranked in the seat position. Because of being low-key. Proceed with caution. This guy is international. even in the Soviet Union. Not so famous. But count his life. People will show up. under the political system of the former Soviet Union. There is a character like him. It seems to be a miracle within a miracle.

According to Guo Shouyun's understanding. Suslov in the course of his eighty-year life. Wrote a legendary political history. He got his start under Stalin. He served successively as a representative of the Supreme Soviet for 45 years, a member of the Central Committee for 41 years, a member of the Political Bureau for 30 years, and Secretary of the Central Committee for 35 years. From 1967 to 1982. He has always been the second leading figure in the Central Soviet Union. Khrushchev was his student. Brezhnev came to the stage with his support. This old man held a funeral for Stalin; dealt with KGB Chairman Beria; criticized Zhukov, Khrushchev, Brezhnev; fought against Malenkov Molotov's anti-Party clique; led the Sino-Soviet debate Etc., etc. Say it bluntly. In the political life of the Soviet Union for decades after World War II. Suslov has been playing a very important role in it. The old man passed away in 1982. Brezhnev chose his cemetery behind Lenin's cemetery. Right next to Stalin. As the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union at that time. Brezhnev's approach is thought-provoking. It is clear. He gave Suslov a position: Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin-Suslov. in the political history of the Soviet Union. Suslov, the "** Puritan". Is a veritable number five character. except him. No one is qualified to sit in this position.

And now. The old fox Victor turned out to be the disciple of the "grey godfather". Well ten years ago. The days before Suslov died suddenly. What exactly is inside the Moscow Kremlin? As the direct disciple of the godfather. What did Victor inherit from his teacher?

Where there are teachers, there must be apprentices. Combine your own understanding of some history. Guo Shouyun suddenly thought. My old father-in-law has a good character. Means of doing things worth mentioning. The Earth does have much in common with the legendary Earth Suslov. The two men lived equally hard. Belief in ** is equally identified. in order to achieve a certain purpose. They are equally unscrupulous. And be humble. Rarely appear in public blah blah blah. All this. All seem to be pressed out of a mold.

"Time flies so fast." He ignored what his son-in-law was thinking. Victor recalled to himself. "Remember it was September of August 1st. It seems to be September 12. The weather in Moscow was bad that day. The cloudy and drizzle lingered for nearly four days. I was working as an archival secretary in the Central Secretariat of the Kremlin. Responsible for sorting out the details of the new economic system reform plan left by Comrade Kosygin. At that time, the domestic economic environment had not deteriorated. However, the shadow economy appeared and the proportion of the industrial and agricultural economy was unbalanced. It has been manifested in many aspects. At that time. Comrade Suslov's health is already very bad. He is nearly eighty years old. He only has four or five hours a day to really think clearly. But even so. He still has three or four hours to spare. Time for day-to-day work. It was that night. I just sorted out all the files. Called his address on the outskirts of Moscow. Asked when he needed the documents. The call was made by the secretary, Cherny. He told me The teacher has just lost his temper. Now he is locking himself in the study. I don't know why. For this reason, Cherney wants me to come over there. Find a suitable time. Comfort the teacher. After all, he He's getting old. Excessive mood swings are not good for his health."

The old man's voice was very calm when he spoke, and with the echoes in the room, an illusion appeared in Guo Shouyun's mind for a moment. The old man with bright eyes sat in front of him with such vigor.


Almost at this moment, a bright light flashed outside the window of the room, and then came the crackling sound of rain hitting the glass window... It was like the first rain since spring.

"At the time, when I received this news, I didn't think much about it," Viktor continued. "I simply packed up the documents and asked the team in the Kremlin to prepare a car for me, and then went straight to the suburbs."

"Did the old man's identity at that time really be as simple as the archival secretary?" Guo Shouyun heard a question, "Can the archival secretary easily use the motorcade in the Kremlin?"

"It was about eight o'clock at night when I arrived at the teacher's address," Victor continued, looking at the water-stained window, "At that time, the teacher had left the study and was eating dinner in the living room, and I felt it at the time. Unusual, because the meal that night was very rich, which was very different from the simple living habits of Comrade Suslov."

"Are there any guests coming?" Guo Shouyun couldn't help but interject.

"You're smart," said Victor, giving him a roll, "but it's best not to interrupt now."

"Oh," Guo Shouyun scratched his scalp and closed his mouth.

"Comrade Suslov didn't say anything when he saw me entering the living room. He just pointed to the chair beside him and motioned me to sit there." Victor continued, "Comrade Victor, did you realize that our Soviet regime, now Facing one of the worst and deepest crisis? Those were the first words he said to me that night, and I still remember them. At that time, I was mainly engaged in economic work, so when I heard this When a problem arises, the first thing that comes to my mind is the economic problem. Undoubtedly, there were already great economic hidden dangers in the republic at that time. Therefore, I briefly put forward some of my own views based on Comrade Kosygin’s discussion. However, at that time, Comrade Suslov's main focus was obviously not on this aspect. He only mentioned one thing to me, that is, the situation in Poland, the anti-Soviet Solidarity trade union led by Walesa, in Poland Recognized, they were aggressive, they had 10 million members in just one big convocation, and the leadership of the Polish United Workers Party was most directly threatened. We were talking about this at the time. At that time, the two comrades Fedorchuk and Semichasny also came, and I understood at that time that something important must happen that night, and the subsequent facts clearly proved this."

"What's the matter?" Guo Shouyun felt like he had a little mouse in his heart, scratching and scratching constantly, making him itchy.

"Shut up!" Victor reprimanded in a low voice, "When did you become so frizzy?"

"..." Guo Shouyun was speechless.

"According to what Comrade Suslov said at the time," Viktor continued, "the problem in Poland is that the United Workers Party has lost its mass base, that is, the entire group of industrial workers. The dissatisfaction caused by the destruction of their entire leadership has made those guys with ulterior motives find a loophole. And a more serious problem is that the plight of the Polish United Workers Party is also faced by us. In other words, according to Comrade Suslov, Poland's today is our tomorrow."

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