Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 671: retribution

"For those who are ignorant but who like to be arrogant, he can never see the fact that in this world, the best option to retain influence is to stay away," contempt. He glanced at Victor, and Yelena continued, "Since I can see through your mind, I can naturally see through Guo Shouyun's mind. In general, he has a lot of similarities with your character. He is suspicious, Contradictory and assertive, hehe, for a person like him, being at the mercy of others is never acceptable. qb5. If I stay by his side, I will continue to give him advice in the same way, always. If I tell him what should be done and what should not be done, he will inevitably become estranged in my heart, and over time, will even become annoyed with me. So now, I am doing the opposite, and when he is walking towards Leaving him at the most prosperous moment, giving him the greatest autonomy and the greatest room for choice, in this way, my impression in his mind will always be so good, and he can always think of me at a certain time, together with me. He also remembered the advice I once gave him. Haha, in the long run, as time goes by, do you think my influence on him will continue to expand, or will it gradually dissipate?"

Victor's face was grim. He admitted that this woman is indeed a master of human hearts. Everything she said was absolutely in line with psychological standards. At the same time, the old man also thought of a question, and that is the purpose of this woman's visit to Leningrad this time - there is no doubt that she is begging for death, as she said, after leaving Guo Shouyun, she The influence on the lord of the Far East can only be maintained, and at this time, if she suddenly died in Leningrad, then the most likely thing is that the relationship between the Far East and Leningrad will be completely broken, Guo Shouyun It is no longer possible to go down the same road with Leningrad. Obviously, this is exactly what Yelena wants.

"I have a question. I wonder if you can give me an answer?" Victor said after pondering for a moment.

"No," Yelena answered quite succinctly, she smiled, "I will never solve any doubts for you, because for me. I can only watch you die tragically in distress and doubts. Only then will I feel relieved, I will feel at ease, and I will feel like drinking nectar, which penetrates my heart and spleen."

"Me? Haha, is there such a deep hatred between me and you?" Victor was not angry at all, he said with a light smile.

"Oh, I can give you an answer to this question," Yelena said calmly. "It seems that the hatred between us can't be described only by the word "deep". Hehe, I know that you have sent someone to investigate my details. And the results you have come out seem to make you think that you already know me very well. In-depth. But now, I can give you a really correct answer. All the things you have investigated are what I want you to see. To be precise, they are all fake. Haha, serving in the KGB In the past ten years, Mr. Victor, have you ever thought about it. Those intelligence collectors you trusted have actually betrayed you long ago. For them, there are obviously more important things in this world than loyalty. "

"Your joke is not funny at all." Victor naturally wouldn't believe the woman's words, he said blankly.

"Is it a joke?" Yelena smiled, "Well, now let me prove it to you. If I'm not wrong, the report you got from them. It's nothing more than what I am of German descent. Far East separatists, at the same time, in order to prove the authenticity of this information, they provide you with a secret file that has been in the KGB for a long time, and in this file, I have a tragic life experience, etc. Wait, things like that, hehe, Mr. Victor. Am I right?"

Victor's face was terrifyingly blue. Now, he has completely believed what this woman said. Because the subordinates provided him with the investigation report, almost no one knew about it except himself.

"How is it? It's surprising, right?" Yelena looked quite proud. She fiddled with her little hands and said softly and skillfully, "Maybe something that surprises you is still to come. Haha, I know your precious son. How did he die? Oh, to be precise, it should be the news of his return to the Far East, what leaked out?"

"It's you?" Victor's mood fluctuated obviously, in order to calm down this fluctuation, he took a deep breath and said.

"Yes. It's me." Yelena laughed. "I just wanted to give you a taste of the loss of a loved one. Haha. White people give black people. It should feel good, right?"

"It doesn't matter." He shrugged. Victor said calmly. "For me. Yakov is going to die sooner or later. One day sooner or one day later. What's the difference?"

"Haha. Victor is indeed Victor." Yelena smiled indifferently. "Being able to be cold-blooded to your level. It's really like finding the essence of politicians. Originally. I also have a little sympathy for your desperation. Now it seems. This sympathy is really treated as a piece of chaff. Wasted. You are not worthy of sympathy at all. Then again. More than 20 years ago. When you abandoned Bella and the child in her womb. You should have no mercy, right?"

"Bella?" Victor's mouth twitched twice. Immediately he looked up. He looked sharply at the woman across from him.

"A woman who has been with you for nearly ten years." Yelena said blankly. "A woman who handed herself over to you since college. A woman who was willing to break an arm for you. Just because she wasn't of Russian descent. You abandoned her without pity. Is this your political career? Caused by the ground?"

The woman said these words. Victor didn't listen at all. His turbid yellow eyes were fixed on each other's face. Vaguely. He seemed to be back more than twenty years ago. Yes. Bella. That one had a smile on the corner of his mouth all day. It seems that every moment is a carefree woman. The facial features of the woman in front of her. How does she look like Bella?

"Are you Bella and my daughter?" Victor said in a tremulous tone, as if a mouthful of phlegm was stuck in his throat.

"Are you worthy?" Ye Liena said dismissively with a sarcastic smile, "In my opinion, you are simply a beast who doesn't deserve to have relatives. Compared with having a father like you, I would rather die."

After saying a word, Yelena stood up from the sand, she stretched the hem of her shirt, and said with a light smile: "Okay, I've finished what I'm going to do today, are you going to kill me, or are you going to let me I leave?"

Victor didn't speak, he stared straight at the woman opposite, his breathing became more and more rapid.

"Why, are you soft-hearted?" With a mocking voice, Yelena walked towards the door. As she walked, she said indifferently, "If that's the case, then I'll leave. But don't worry, I'll still be there. I came back, but at that time, hum, I guess I came here specifically to worship you."

"You you" Victor covered his lower abdomen with one hand, and his face was full of pain. He seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't even say a complete sentence.

"Anyone must be responsible for what he has done. Good deeds will always be rewarded with good deeds, and evil deeds will definitely be rewarded with evil." Although she could see the old man's illness, Yelena's face showed even the slightest sympathy. No, she reached out and pushed open the door, and while walking out, she finally said, "Maybe you think you did the right thing in the beginning, whether you leave Bella or exile her cruelly, you are all for this country. But you also have to remember that she is also a human being, a person equal to you, you have your aspirations, she also has her aspirations, and as an equal person, you have no right to treat her like that. Humph, At the beginning, you ruined everything for her for your own selfishness, and now, I will get it back for her, and the grievances between you will end here."


The door was only closed behind Yelena, and at this moment, the woman who had always been strong and said she had already died, seemed to burst into tears.

The scorching sun in the sky is as old as ever, and the scorching high temperature transpires everything between heaven and earth. Under the scorching sun and high temperature, Guo Shouyun wandered around the desolate October farm. For him, it seemed that there were too many questions to think about now.

As Yelena said, her departure did have a great impact on Guo Shouyun, but contrary to her assumption, the giant is not considering the policy suggestions she mentioned at the beginning. Thinking about another question - is it necessary to become as ruthless and ruthless as Victor as a person in power? Could it be that outside of power, can't you retain a part of the human touch more or less? Furthermore, can a person who has completely lost his humanity still be considered a person?

Yelena is going to leave the ownership of the October Farm, but she is obviously not in the mood to take care of this place. Now, on this open and barren farm, except for a dozen old and dilapidated old buildings, there are There is a long grass that can't see the end.

"Tell me, am I old now?" After walking in the yellow grass for nearly twenty minutes, Guo Shouyun found a small protruding grass slope, and sat down on the lower edge of the grass slope. He took a stalk of grass and put it in his mouth, and said to the driver who was following him with a wry smile.

"Oh, why do you ask that, sir?" The driver is a rough man, how could he understand Guo Shouyun's thoughts.

"Hehe, I don't know why, I've been thinking about life issues recently," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Tell me, in your eyes, what is life?"

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