Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 771: doomed

? Holding an October issue of "Global Finance" magazine in his hand, looking at a comment published on the opening page of it, Guo Shouyun's face has a weird smile. Seriously, looking at such a comment, his heart is full. He wanted to overturn the five-flavor bottle, and the ups and downs came together, making him not sure whether to be happy or to cry. , qв5.

The sniping campaign in the Hong Kong dollar exchange market and the Hong Kong index market finally ended by the end of September. Affected by good news from various quarters and the huge market capital, the international speculators with deep pockets, after the last strong attack, brought hundreds of In the process, despite the steady operation of Warner, Guo Group and Wanlong Fund still suffered heavy losses of nearly 20 billion US dollars. ----The financial market is not a place where anyone can win and undefeated. Since Guo Shouyun planned to enter the market to defend the market, he was fully psychologically prepared. Frankly speaking, he did not put all his own money at once. The property has been lost, and he is already very satisfied.

On October 3rd, Guo's Group and Wanlong Fund completed the asset delivery. The 47 billion yuan that Guo Shouyun took out before has only recovered less than 3 billion funds, except for the 20 billion lost during the battle. In addition, the remaining large amount of assets are all stocks and securities in the Hong Kong index. According to the agreement between him and Liu Haitao, the Guo Group will deliver these shares and securities to Beiyuan Group. At the same time, Beiyuan will deliver the funds to the Guo Group according to the face value of the stock price when the Hong Kong market is stable three months later. Therefore, from this point of view, Guo Shouyun's difficulty of shortage of funds at hand has not been solved, and the bigger problem is that as the year draws to a close, the Far East government's fiscal appropriation plan for the new year is coming again. Money, this thing will only show a penny less when it is used.

If you don’t know about Chai Migui at home, the international financial community will obviously not consider how much loss Guo Shouyun and his Guo Group have suffered. The only thing they care about is how exciting this financial battle in Hong Kong is. The economic situation in the Far East In the face of the Asian financial turmoil, how stable and good it is. Because of this, "Global Finance" in the October issue of the magazine, listed the "world's most influential 12 people in the financial industry" for the new year. They are: "Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, the source of Asian financial stability, Premier Zhu of the State Council of China, the economic policymaker of the Far Eastern Republic of the Russian Federation and Guo Shouyun, president of the Guo Group, and Qiao, the fund manager of the Soros Fund. Ken Miller, News Corp. Murdoch, Deutsche Bundesbank President Titemeier, Botong Bank Chairman Li De, Morgan Bank Chairman Warner III, Zurich Insurance Chairman Hubby, Merrill Lynch CEO Colemans Key, Morgan Stanley's Meck and Goldman Sachs' Cursin."

Rankings like this seem very nonsensical, but in fact, it reflects a big problem, that is, the new era of financial control of the world has officially arrived. And to be on this list, Guo Shouyun's original purpose has been achieved. At least it is certain that as long as there are no serious problems in the operation of the Guo Group, it is unlikely that the Russian government will attack him.

Put down the magazine in your hand. Guo Shouyun took a long sigh, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the desk, lit it for himself, then stood up, walked slowly to the window, and looked at the city street outside the building through the clear glass window .

During this period of time, the global economy is suffering from shocks. As a member of the global economy, the Far East economy does not have the problem of bubbles. However, in the recent period of time, the exports of major enterprises in the Far East have been facing the impact of shrinking. Shrinking exports means lower customs tax revenue, shrinking government revenue, slump in the export industry, and fewer job opportunities. It can lead to too many problems. , so that, more often than not, these issues can make an economic decision utterly overwhelmed.

now. The trend of the economic situation has not caused too obvious problems in the social class, and under the effective control of Guo Shouyun, the large enterprise groups in the Far East have not had any plans to reduce labor, but then again, the current problem is this economic crisis. The persistence of this is very strong, and no one knows how long it will last, nor how much impact it will bring to the Far East.

Change the angle. From a federal perspective. The influence of the Asian financial turmoil has already begun to spread, and it is only a preliminary impact. More than 40 private commercial banks across the federation have gone bankrupt, and TASS has been upset frequently these days. Announced the pessimistic forecast of the coming financial turmoil by the federal treasury department. Yesterday, Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov came to Khabarovsk, and they counted the total amount of bad debt funds in their respective firms: the former Menagep Bank, over the past few years , a total of 7.3 billion US dollars in bad debts. At the same time, due to the long-term investment in Western Siberia, Khodorkovsky still has nearly 30 billion in funds that cannot be withdrawn in the short term. That is to say, Lao Huo has to prepare an additional emergency fund of nearly 30 billion US dollars in order to respond to the bank capital crisis that may come at any time. In contrast, Vinogradov's International Commercial Bank is not much better. He is now facing a run on 230,000 depositors that may come at any time. The emergency funds he needs are as high as 27 billion. .

Funds, if you put it in the past or at a time when the environment was relatively mild, such a sum of money would definitely not be difficult to directly divide up several financial oligarchs in the Soviet Union. The generated forces compete, and several giants are desperately trying to expand their forces, and there is only one way for them to expand externally, and that is investment, a large amount of investment. In this way, after more than a year, most of the liquidity in the hands of several giants and even the savings of bank depositors has been invested in the infrastructure industry with a long period of validity. This means that , the liquid funds of the oligarchs have become fixed assets, and they can now come up with emergency funds to deal with risks, which is really pitiful.

Compared with Hovey, the situation of Berezovsky and Gusinski is not much better. Of course, among the giants facing the biggest crisis, they have always been the most well-funded and the most powerful. Smullensky, this guy has been in a crazy economic expansion since 1995. From oil to infrastructure, to shipping, heavy industry, and even armed cash trucks, he has to reach out and do it. Once he did, of course, by far, the largest amount of his funds was occupied by the Agricultural and Industrial Bank he acquired in 1996. This bank originally belonged to the federal state had actual debts of tens of billions of dollars. With its huge financial strength, Smurenski devoured the bank and directly led to a huge debt of liquidity in his hands. According to the news that Guo Shouyun got, Smullensky's Agricultural Savings Bank directly owes as much as trillions of rubles in savings. If he cannot raise enough funds in the short term, once the good news comes out, the depositors will run on money. Then the old man Smullensky is not far from death.

In his previous life, Guo Shouyun used to wonder why several economic oligarchs in the Russian Federation fell apart under the influence of a financial crisis. They only lost more than one billion dollars, how could they be so fast Bankruptcy? Now he finally understands that the reason why several oligarchs broke down so fast is not because they are undervalued, but because they are expanding too fast, resulting in too little liquidity on hand. Facing the sudden financial turmoil, Their financial chain was interrupted at once. Since they cannot raise enough funds to deal with depositors jumping in the short term, the only fate they can choose is to transfer assets as soon as possible and find opportunities for bankruptcy and liquidation.

There is no doubt that for several oligarchs, what can really maintain their influence in the federal political arena is not only the money in their hands, but also the monopoly of their banks on the country's financial and economic lifeline. Both are indispensable. Nowadays, in the face of the huge amount of bad and bad debt funds frequently appearing in commercial banks, and in the face of long-term investments in various economic fields, the commercial banks under the names of several oligarchs have fallen into operational difficulties. If someone intends to clean them up, now Undoubtedly the best opportunity.

Outside the window and downstairs, the streets of Khabarovsk are already prosperous, and there is an endless stream of people passing by. However, in Guo Shouyun's eyes, behind this prosperity is an unprecedented crisis. , the alliance of the three giants is likely to have problems, and in the current situation, without the support of Hovey and the two, the future of the Far East will be more difficult to control.

57 billion, this is the total number of gaps on the books of Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov. Judging from the current situation, they themselves cannot raise such a large amount of money. Yesterday two People came to the Far East together. Although they didn't say it directly, the meaning was already obvious. They hoped that the Guo Group could pull them in at this time and dismantle the funds for them. As for Guo Shouyun, he has to borrow this sum of money. It is a kind of friendship between friends, and at the same time, it is also a responsibility that strategic partners must share when dealing with risks. It can be considered from another angle. Well, the Guo Group itself can't come up with so much money now. If Guo Shouyun wants to lend out the money, he must use the emergency reserve of Yuanshang Bank----this is a risk, one that is likely to bring the Guo Group into a doom and gloom. great risk to the land.

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