Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 3 Chapter 430: Cold start (below)

This is a close match. Juventus is the representative of the Italian defensive counterattack. The play has never been slack and the Laco Juniors have shown patience in this battle, especially with Duscher. The defensive system, as if I did not know that there are offensive players in front of the team, the defensive operation is quite smooth.

Wang Ai didn't think much about the sudden burst of play temporarily taught by Irueta. After playing, he did a few moves according to his own idea, and it did play a certain role, but it didn't help much. Italian chain defense, no matter when and where you break through one of them, you can't treat them unless you break through.

As a Turin team that has consecutively issued three European Golden Boy Awards, Canavaro, Zambrotta, Thuram and others are quite familiar with Wang Ai's technical characteristics. They are all very experienced players. Therefore, even if Wang Ai suddenly passed one, the other person was not anxious and impatient, and could not easily get out.

Wang Ai shook his head and retreated several times without any effort, and continued to cooperate with his teammates.

Throughout the first half, the waves were calm, but both head coaches seemed confident.

"Capello thought that after the first half, our physical fitness was going wrong, and Rey, the biggest variable, was about to end. And my confidence is that our tactical start is ripe, even these old guys can persist. , Even if we are more tired than them, but we are younger and have the ability to burst out in a short time. "

In the locker room, Irueta said confidently.

Wang Ai blinked, and suddenly realized: "Coach, you mean we can use this tactic in the second half? What did you tell me in the first half?"

Irueta looked at Wang Ai: "I don't tell you in advance, you have tried a few times and found that individual singles are not working. Can you listen to my next arrangement?"

"Yes, besides, who said that I can't do it alone?"

"That would put you in danger, right?"

"Well, the coach is right." Wang Ai answered with a smile.

Irueta also appeared a smile: "Next I tell you in detail, Rey, you are the key, Juan you have to join them, Robert, you are a sharp arrow, Joan, you also have to pay attention, and Lee and Cesar, if you plug in an assist and find that Rey and other players suddenly speed up, you must keep up. I don't ask you to play a big role, but your sudden acceleration will distract your opponents. Provide cover for our real attack. "

Li Weifeng and Cesar nodded.

"Then the core method of our attack is to use forward Robert as an arrow, with left forward Rey, forward waist Juan and right forward Joan as a small group. The initiator of the operation is Rey. You can discuss a secret sign, or simply say China Then, as long as this sentence appears, the four of you should speed up the movements and speeds at the same time, and use the collective acceleration to impact the stability of the opponent's defense. In the first half, you all noticed that we alone can hardly break through their chain defense. But if three or four of us start at the same time? They will lose sight of each other, then our chance will come. I don't care who you shoot at the end, I just ask you to start at the same time after hearing the order, even if there is no ball The state and the threat-free state should also be immediately tense and fully attract the attention of your players. "

Teammates look at each other and feel that this method seems feasible! So everyone bowed their heads and talked a few words, and they turned their attention to Wang Ai. Wang Ai thought for a moment and patted his head: "Action code: What are you doing!"

Of course, my teammates don't speak Chinese, but I have heard it a little. Sometimes, during training, Wang Ai popped up with two Chinese words, but what do you mean?

Laco's teammates don't understand, and Juventus in Italy don't. Therefore, in the fifth minute of the second half, Wang Ai murmured in front of Zambrotta, who was waiting for the stern battle.

The CCTV commentator Duan Xu, who broadcasted the game, chattered as he approached the monitor and stared: "He seems to be saying ... what are you talking about?"

Suddenly, Wang Aimen speeded up his movements, and his sudden acceleration seemed to be a signal that made the original slow Robert, Belleron, Joan, and Li Weifeng plugged in, and ran like crazy. After the entire elegant Juventus, The defense system suddenly panicked.

Sudden acceleration of a person is not terrible. I am afraid that the sudden acceleration of the group nature. The chain defense is even more powerful. It also uses the collective power to suppress the individual opponent. When the opponent also radiates the collective power, the chain defense naturally does not attack and break. .

Wang Ai's rapid movement frightened Duan, and quickly operated the monitor to zoom out the lens. After seeing that Wang Ai did a fake action and did not wait for the action to finish, he quickly gave the ball to Belleron and ran quickly. Beleron took the lead next to Thuram and pushed it to the forefront Robert. Robert turned around and found that the shot was not good. He pushed the ball horizontally without any hesitation, and then inserted between Cannavaro and Zebina. Joan decisively kicked the door.

With all his attention, Buffon Meng, who was in a state of bravery, flew up and raised the football to the bottom line.

In less than ten seconds before and after, Juventus drew a cold sweat up and down, coach Capello stood up sharply, his eyes froze.

Although the attack was unsuccessful, Laco saw the value of Irueta's targeted tactics up and down. Soon, a few minutes later, everyone made a comeback.

Duan Yan stared at Wang Ai's mouth with his eyes wide open this time, slap: "OK, it's Dongbei dialect!"

The initiator is still Wang Ai. This time he and Belleron changed positions. He defended Emerson on the middle of the road. He also started suddenly at the same time and gave the Belleron on the left the front. After inserting, Belleron returned immediately after taking a step. Facing the approaching Zambrotta, Wang Ai again passed the ball horizontally to Hoan, and Hoan Fuzhi sent back the same immediately as Belleron, and at this time the king Ai has run to the side of Zambrotta. In front of a messy Juventus door, get ahead and shoot!

1: 0!

Alp Stadium was as dead as dead, only the Raco fans cheering in a small corner of the stands.

By the court, Irueta looked calmly with Shen Xiangfu. "I call this tactic a cold start. It's like a computer. No matter how complete your tactical system is and how rich your experience is, I restart it. Both sides are at the starting line On. Use the collective suddenness to hit the other party's collective stability. "

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