Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 292: ? A large river with a wide wave (Case 3: Jackal)

Everyone ’s eyes are following the incredible goal of the Ecuadorian team No. 20. The rare number of Ecuadorian fans is catching up with the excited No. 20 on the court, and the Chinese fans are focusing on the big screen on the sidelines. Many hope to see the "ills" of this ball.

"This ball should be, there should be no problem." The voice of Chinese commentator Duan Xuan couldn't help but fall.

"This is indeed a good shot. From the point of view of the playback, there is no problem. The decision of the Belgian referee is objective." Lao Ma also said difficultly.

Indeed, from a slow-motion view, this ball not only did not come into contact with Li Weifeng in the face, nor did it have a handball or even a high-lifting action, it was a clean, neat and extremely beautiful goal.

When the Chinese team showed a defensive counterattack at the opening, almost all Chinese people believed that relying on our defensive system composed of a large number of overseas players and the advantages of intensive personnel, it should be no problem to at least hold the half. Last time we played Brazil, we did n’t use such extreme defensive counter-attack tactics. We have been playing Brazil for a long time, not to mention the nameless Ecuador?

However, football is like this. Whenever you feel foolproof, there will be a genius to jump out and make you understand what is "incredible". After the big rounds from the group stage that the crowds must reach, whether it is the football association, coaches, players or fans, there is a little confidence expansion. In the past few days, most domestic media have focused their attention on the quarterfinals, which is the best record of the Asian team in the World Cup ... The last four teams of the Korean team were not recognized by the mainstream Asian football community.

Wang Ai, who was standing on the middle circle with his back on his back, was originally prepared to respond. He saw how Tenorio volleyed the goal without stopping the ball. To be honest, Wang Ai didn't think the ball was threatening when he got up. This is completely It's a blinded foot. However, God favored him, the position and strength of his touch were right, and the route of the ball was extremely elegant and fast. So, he scored Tenorio ’s third goal in this World Cup, and it may also be The most exciting goal of his entire career.

Originally this kind of miracle role on the court, as long as Wang Ai was present, usually belonged to him, but now, he was forced to become an audience.

Ali Haan on the sidelines was fairly calm, but his assistant De Jong was pulling him chatteringly. Chen Jingang and Wu Jingui sat beside him with serious eyes, and then bowed their heads to discuss a few sentences. Tang Yaodong, who was standing outside the coach seat, lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. Lao Gao touched his chin against the plastic baffle. Behind them were Nan Yong holding his shoulder and the accompanying Zhu Heyuan. Behind them are the densely seated family group in the grandstand and the female fans sitting together above the family group.

The Ecuadorian team set off an offensive climax. This team, which combines the personal technical skills of South American players and the certain overall collaboration ability of European teams, was inspired by the wonderful goals and finally showed their football level in front of the majority of Chinese fans. The individual breakthrough is sharp. Once blocked by a small range of three or two people from the Chinese team, a large-scale transfer is immediately made to evade and re-find the loophole of the Chinese team's defensive system. It seems to be a sinister viper, constantly cruising outside the Chinese team's penalty area, calmly looking for opportunities. Then in the 10th, 12th, and 15th minutes, three high-quality shots were completed.

Every time, all the audience exclaimed.

This is the level of the World Cup knockout! In previous years, we could only watch TV and watch other national teams play. It seems that it is just the same thing. There are always ridiculous low-level mistakes, and so are the cooperation, and there are not many wonderful shots. But this time, I played for the Chinese team and realized that it was not the case at all.

The World Cup finals may be ugly. Our Super League may be very good. Can that show that we are better than others?

"Better than I don't know, I was shocked." Duan Xuan's comment appeared in the hearts of coaches, players and fans who watched the game early in the country. An Ecuador can really force us to be in a hurry, and even Xiao Wang ran back to shovel ... Hey, it seems that Zheng Zhi is accusing Xiao Wang?

In the TV footage, Wang Ai, who had just broken a sideline and broke the sideline, got up from the ground and met Zheng Zhi head-on. The pressure of this game, Zheng Zhi, was very unsightly. He pointed at Wang Ai and was concise. Said: "Go ahead! No one in front!"

Wang Aigang wanted to argue something, shook his head again, and turned to the frontcourt. Lao Bai had long since returned, there was really no one in front, and the Ecuadorian defenders were all standing on the center line.

"Xiao Wang is really anxious and rarely sees him when he loses his composure." Duan Xuan asked in the commentary: "Captain Ma, is our game really dangerous to the point where he must come back to defend?"

Wearing earphones, a woolly curled old horse's gaze was solemn: "His purpose should be to come back to grab the ball, you see that he barely got any ball in the first 15 minutes, occasionally a straight back or two in the backcourt Too far, or too high, he struggled very hard, so he hurried back to get a ball. "

"If you are a coach, how would you ask Xiao Wang in this situation?"

"It should still be based on the midfield, we all know that Xiao Wang's defensive ability ... Well, generally, he may be better off without him in the backcourt. You know there are fixed players in every position, fixed partners, and fixed coordination. , His arrival said that he added people, but destroyed this backcourt system, it might not be as good as without him. "

Duan Xuan was taken aback by Lao Ma's so outspoken commentary. He didn't catch the words for a few seconds. Lao Ma suddenly felt that he was too real and seemed to say something terrible, but he still felt that he had to make it clear: "Just now I do n’t know what Zheng Zhi said, but looking at the follow-up, it should be that he asked Xiao Wang to leave the defensive system, do n’t add to the meaning of him. Do you see that Xiao Wang is also obedient? Does this mean he also knows that he is not as good It ’s good not to participate. In fact, this conversation reflects a very high level. Do n’t look at it as a quarrel, but it shows that Zheng Zhi has a strong overall view. He knows that defense is not enough, and there is an uncertainty. Sexual factors are better than none. "

"What about the goal just now? If there are more people?"

"You can't look at it that way. That kind of goal is an unpredictable factor. No one can think of it. You have one more person. Maybe that goal is gone, but it's missed elsewhere."

It seems that today Ecuador is very unfriendly to the old horse. His voice has not fallen. Ecuador Delgado 11 and Mendes made a wonderful cooperation in the penalty area and shot with a small angle outside the right post.

Uh ... Lao Ma shut up, I don't want to talk today!

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