Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 310: Beijing Station (3)

Huang Xin hasn't seen Wang Ai for a long time. In fact, not only is Huang Xin the most important friend in Wang Ai's life, Wang Ai is also Huang Xin's most important friend. It's true that Wang Xin is the most beautiful scenery in Wang Ai's lonely teenage life, but also at the stage of Huang Xin University graduation and dazed life, Wang Ai, a young boy, is also her guiding light.

Over the years, the friendship between the two people and the two people has deepened, so that today they have a heart and no separation between each other. For example, in this courtyard that has been "cohabiting" for two years, both of them are wearing clothes, but they are like babies. I confess to each other, and I see the depth of the soul.

Therefore, Huang Xin hasn't seen Wang Ai actually thinking, so he made a joke with Wang Ai. In fact, the development of Liaozu, Liaolan, Liaoshao, Chaojing, Wang Ai only set a goal, and the follow-up did not matter. The main reason why Huang Xin can pick it up is that these enterprises have “templates” inside and outside of China. There is no precedent for this fool ’s cup and civilian stadium. Wang Ai always conceals and proposes some incredible goals, so today Huang Xin mainly asked about these two.

Wang Ai took out four World Cup footballs from the room and handed them to Huang Xin, which were densely signed with the names of internationals.

Huang Xin looked over and over, and asked after he let go: "Your record football?"

Wang Ai smiled bitterly: "The **** were already called out. In fact, all the clothes I wore were specially made up by the Football Association after I returned to China. When I went to Germany, I brought a full set of five jerseys. Training clothes, ball socks, and knee pads are all grabbed. "

Huang Xin smiled, the gentleness in his eyes was like the spring breeze of April.

"Otherwise they ca n’t talk so well. You take these few **** and give them a shot to the champion team. Oh yeah, I also checked back the jersey. You give them a shot. I really did n’t expect this World Cup Actually made the youth of Tübingen famous, the other jerseys of these four teams don't need, it is the youth of Tübingen, which I really did not expect. "

"East corner lost, Sang Yu."

"Huh!" Wang Ai nodded.

"By the way, the national team will not commit a crime with the collective signature of the ball, right? I heard that this ball is limited to a hundred."

"Don't say that, Vice Chairman Nan really asked me, and then I told him that it was for the Fools Cup champion team, he agreed, after all, the take-out is not of a nature with us, we are the only one in the country. The Football Association should provide support for large-scale youth football matches. "

Huang Xin began to report on the situation of other branches. Wang Ai listened and discussed with Huang Xin. The rough consultation was not completed until ten o'clock in the evening. It must not be thorough enough for one night, unless it was a matter of urgency.

"By Sister Huang Xin, our uniforms for the Fool's Cup school-level trials are all on the second Monday afternoon in May, right?" Wang Ai asked, flipping his phone without looking up.

"Well, this is the day." Huang Xin stroked the long hair floating in the night breeze, with a trace of doubt: "Why is this day? You told me the year before last that you want to make sure that the biggest one is held on this day. , The better the number of mobilization, the better the trial? To be honest, it was still very difficult when it was first promoted. After all, people normally go to school. "

Wang Ai raised his head and smiled: "Isn't this considering that many rural children will go home on weekends. It's just Monday, from 1:30 to 3:30, which is equivalent to taking a big physical education class, without delay."

Huang Xin looked at Wang Ai and nodded silently. She was too lazy to argue with Wang Ai. It was not a big deal anyway.

"By the way, how much of our civilian court has been repaired?"


"Well, I will talk about it later in the three eastern provinces."

"Five hundred and twenty-six completed, and ninety-eight rebuilt." Huang Xin flipped over the laptop and pushed it over to show Wang Ai the dense red dots on the map of the province in the northwest of Chengdu.

Wang Ai looked up at the stars on the head and thought for a while before saying: "Looking back, I will discuss with old horse to see if we can mobilize the elementary school next year, and they will all be held on the same day. One day, we organized a football festival for our two provincial youths. On this day, we tried to mobilize the citizens and the township people to come out from home to see the ball. You can see if you can send a small gift there, we can order mineral water and instant noodles. Whatever, when the gift goes on, the viewer has a share. "

Huang Xin looked directly at Wang Ai and wanted to laugh, but when Wang Ai said solemnly, he had to ridicule: "Everyone else sells tickets, we just give them tickets, and that's it, just put money on it?"

Wang Ai smiled silently: "Do this first, cultivate the interest in watching the ball, and then think about making money, there is not much money anyway, you count, if we mobilize a million How much momentum do people go to see the ball on this day? The momentum has risen, and they are afraid to make money? Besides, how much do we spend? One person gives two packs of Huafeng instant noodles for only two dollars, and then catches a bottle of mineral spring Water, a piece of ham sausage, only a total of more than four. You exchanged 4 million for one million people to support, is there any more cost-effective? Shopping malls to open a few stars, spend millions, can have How many people watch? Ten thousand people are coming to an end. "

Huang Xin tilted his head and thought for a while, but also, the four million yuan came up with a million scenes. The absolute value of the money spent was from the perspective of advertising to the "Idiot Cup" and the company. The CCTV standard king, which cost more than tens of millions, is a sensation!

"Can there be so many people?"

"As much as possible, Sichuan people are optimistic by nature and love to join in the fun. When the time comes, we will promote it and let the old horse mobilize some people to run around. Anyway, it takes two hours in a year. The football festival is in the right moment. By the way, you can talk to the Football Association and let the Football Association do the work. The name ca n’t be given to them. After all, we spend money, we organize, but they are also under their leadership. Oh also Yes, let ’s move along with Liaoning Province too. The total is less than one million euros. Let the fool take the money. This is done. I see who can stop the fool from expanding nationwide. "

Huang Xin looked at Wang Ai scolding Fang Qi and said with a smile: "You and the hour said that as long as you are willing to advance a part, she should be able to agree."

Wang Ai shrugged: "OK, I'll raise my salary anyway."

"Are you tired of crying and crying?"

Wang Ailun took a look, then patted his belly and smiled: "The weekly salary will be 100,000 pounds, rich. The 11 World Cup goals, how many bonuses will the sponsors temporarily add? Adidas said Well, 500,000 Euros, Coca-Cola has a minimum of 300,000, there are other odds and ends, 1 million ca n’t stop it, and there are new ones ... Hey, I ’m rich! "

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