Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 322: Egg said (3)

They exchanged mobile phone numbers with He Jiong, and Wang Ai returned to the hotel with the national team. This is the last night in Changsha. Tomorrow, he will go south to Zhuhai to participate in an event hosted by Gree Air Conditioning. The course of the entire national team is neither clockwise nor counterclockwise, but instead of flying around like a fly, there is no way for the enterprise to make the money. Different companies arrange different times, so they can only allow international players to travel back and forth.

The next morning, Wang Ai was eating at the hotel restaurant. Zhu Heyuan was quite a bit of a dusty servant and walked in with a happy face, holding a newspaper to Wang Ai: "Xiao Wang, look, People's Daily!"

Zhao Junzhe immediately stood up and stretched his neck to look at it. Wang Ai swallowed the big meat buns and stood up in doubt: "Isn't it reported? The day we returned home?"

Zhu Heyuan pushed Zhao Junzhe's head, let him clean his mouth, and then move forward, and here is the time and Wang Ai explained: "That is the big guy, this is your own. Look, front page, special edition. , You are so big! "

"Lying trough, really!" The restaurant suddenly made a sensation, and the internationals put down their chopsticks and crowded.

There are not so many copies of "People's Daily", and the newspapers have not been sold, but Zhu Heyuan borrowed it from the hotel. The crowd was so turbulent that Wang Ai didn't even see it. When he moved forward, he asked Lao Hao to expel like flies: "When you come home, watch slowly, what do you grab with us?"

"I didn't make a reservation at home!"

Lao Hao glared at the triangular eyes: "When I don't understand it, right? The newspaper reported that I must send a souvenir to me. Go on the sidelines, I have to retire and I didn't get it once."

Wang Ai was listless and took four more buns, letting go of the crowd center, and walking and nibbling while nagging with Zhu Heyuan: "You should tell me sneakily first, you see it happened."

Zhu Heyuan was happy with his visit, and could not be ridiculed with Wang Ai. Constance on the side had already finished eating. He also walked to the door of the restaurant with the two of them. The hotel manager stood guarded with a smile on his face: "Congratulations, Dr. Wang."

Wang Ai smiled: "Hello, thank you."

"You haven't eaten well?" The hotel manager said carefully: "Shall I send a breakfast to your room?"

"Uh, no need." Wang Ai still pinched the bun in his hand, unable to shake hands: "After eating these two buns, I was full, I just ate a lot. Uh, the buns taste really good. I don't want to bun this bun. gone."

The hotel manager smiled and said with a smile: "Thank you, thank you. If you can't afford you, I really want you to advertise for us."

Constance wants to blow the hair again, but Wang Ai didn't dare to agree, so he said: "Let's take a photo, as long as we don't have to use it for commercial purposes."

"That's good, that's good." The hotel manager waved his hand and immediately approached a photographer, regardless of Wang Ai's hand holding the bun, and clicked and clicked to get a few.

Wang Ai instantly felt that he was being tricked! The manager of the family said afterwards: "Dr. King Wang, the winner of the World Cup Golden Boots said that our buns are delicious!" Then there are photos, not ads but ads!

Realizing that Wang Ai was a little unhappy, the hotel manager hurriedly explained: "We promise not to use it for commercial purposes, at most hang one in the restaurant. I think your photo is very lifelike and very kind. Oh, in addition, we will help you Especially prepared for all the newspapers and magazines that can be bought in Changsha all over the country today. "

After that, two people came out of nowhere, and the two of them took over a shelf to hold hundreds of them.

Wang Ai shook his head and had to admit that this service industry's real TM was in place! Take advantage of you first, and then give you a gift package full of sincerity. You are unhappy and can't say anything.

"Okay, you really can see the stitches. But okay, you can see this picture yourself, collect it or hang it in the restaurant, but you can't put it in the newspapers or the food company I endorse should ask me to lose money. Then Do n’t blame me for passing on the contradiction at the time. ”Wang Ai added with tears and laughs:“ Now that we have a good impression of each other, we may not be able to cooperate in the future, which really compels me to criticize you openly, and you will definitely not be worth the loss. ”

"You can rest assured, you can rest assured, I promise, come and help Dr. Wang to the room." The middle-aged chubby manager was not angry at all, still smiling.

Wang Ai shook his head and shook hands with him before he left. He could have wiped the edge, but the method was very clever, and he was a wise man.

Until returning to the room, Wang Ai and his team had the opportunity to see how the People ’s Daily reported him today. Even Zhu Heyuan followed, sitting on the sofa and reading other newspapers.

Wang Ai was really shocked when he picked up a newspaper full of ink, and it was the front page! Of course, not the headline, but the front page two, that is, the lower part of the upper and lower parts of the front page, the upper part is imitation Song font, serious and correct, the lower part is italic.

The guide is: "The World Cup Golden Boots Return to China, please see the 13th edition of the" Golden Boots Special Report "for the detailed report. The official title is" All credit belongs to fans, all praises are given to the motherland. "The author of the article is People's Daily special Xinhua News Agency. Reporter, collected from around the World Cup finals.

"In one fell swoop, Wang Ai, who has scored a single goal in the Men's World Cup for several decades and became the first in the World Cup at the age of 18, FIFA broke the convention for him and held the Golden Boot ahead of the final night. Awards ceremony. Since his return to the Asian Championship in 2000, six years have passed, and the years of six awards have passed. The young doctors who followed the country at that time have grown into a world-renowned one in everyone's eyes. The youth star has gained an unimaginable glory. On the night of receiving the trophy, when the reporter asked him what he thought, he did not tell how hard his training was, and did not thank his family for his efforts, but seriously told the reporter: 'No fans There will be no sport at all; without the support of the state, they will not reach the height they are today. Therefore, all the credit belongs to the fans, and all praises are given to the motherland. "

"As a journalist who has worked for many years, keep in mind the purpose of neutrality. However, at the moment when he said this sentence, I couldn't help but blur the sight. At the blurry end, I clearly saw his clear eyes and A clean soul, just as it was then! "

"As an assistant coach of the older generation of well-known stars, Tang Yaodong couldn't help crying at this moment. I clearly saw this is the epitome of generations of Chinese footballers, and the countless days and nights that made the fans' dreams and efforts . "

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