Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 325: Egg said (6)

"The day before yesterday, a friend of mine came to see me at home. We ate and chatted until very late." On the screen of the "Special Edition of Focusing on Chinese Football" in CCTV's "News Weekly" on Saturday night, Wang Ai and Bai Yansong face Sit and talk.

"So what did you talk about?" Bai Yansong curiously said: "If I won the Golden Boot Award with such a high gold content, I might not be able to sleep either."

"What did you talk to your friends the night you won the Golden Microphone Award ten years ago?" Wang Ai asked suddenly.

Bai Yansong said with a smile: "After drinking too much, I just fell asleep and didn't talk about anything."

Wang Ai smiled and shook his head slightly, his eyes full of meaning: he had seen the CCTV Spring Festival Evening, you just have some things to say on this occasion.

Okay, so far, do n’t watch both of them look relaxed on TV, but this is a serious news program after all, and it wo n’t change because the topic is easy. After all, many leaders watch it.

"I'm mainly full of anxiety. Chinese football can't say that no one has reached such a high position before, but realistically speaking, objectively speaking, no one can really provide me with experience and tell me what I should think at this time. What to do. So, I can only find friends to chat and relieve this tension. "

"Nervous?" Bai Yansong said in amusement: "You are not nervous in the World Cup game, why are you nervous when you are idle? I have watched your interview program on our station, but I have never seen you nervous."

Wang Ai ha ha smiled: "The situation is different, now I just figured it out, so I just relaxed. I went to the Olympic Organizing Committee that day and filmed commercials for the Beijing Olympics. But that night I could n’t sleep, I felt that these two feet were not on the ground, and it was erratic to step on them. I also wondered if I was sick. Once I checked my temperature and moved again, everything was normal, and I knew me There is something wrong in my heart. "

"Are you proud?" Bai Yansong suddenly asked.

Wang Ailun gave a smile, then nodded with a smile: "Yes, indeed proud."

"I remember you were calm in an interview in the stadium lounge on the night of the final. All the credit you said belongs to the fans, are you even proud of it?"

Wang Ai laughed again: "Yes, what I said at that time was indeed my true idea, but after returning to China a few days later, there were flowers applause everywhere, excited fans everywhere, and my mindset changed a little bit. To put it simply, the fans are holding it, there is a fire in my heart, a false fire. For example, you rarely invite personal interviews for this show, don't you also invite me? So, I have your firewood in this false fire. "

"Haha!" Bai Yansong tilted his head with a smile, quickly turned his face back to the camera, adjusted it, and then turned his head: "So what do you think now?"

"I thought of a classic debate, chicken first or egg first. I don't understand this biology, I don't say it, I'm speaking from a philosophical point of view."

"Well, then Comrade Wang Ai, the young philosopher, please give us a solution." Bai Yansong made a gesture of invitation.

Wang Ai chuckled: "I wonder if you have noticed that there is no Tai Chi picture. The Yin and Yang Pisces are actually the answer to the question of chickens and eggs. Whoever has the entanglement first, at least at the philosophical level, is the horn of the horns, we ancients have given the answer, The two are a contradictory unity of opposites, mutual restraint, mutual transformation. Both restraint, chase each other, and germinate each other internally. When one becomes another, the other also changes back, forever. So, I It's not to analyze this problem. After all, the predecessors have already given the answer. The Chinese people have not been entangled with this problem in history. I mean that when I thought of this causal dilemma, I was inspired and thinking, and solved it. My psychological problem. "

Bai Yansong shook his head and said: "Are your philosophers' psychological problems so complicated?"

Wang Ai touched his forehead with one hand and smiled on the table with his arms. He looked up for a long time: "Since your host has psychological problems and wants to catch someone to talk to the sky and the old, then it is normal for our philosophers to struggle with half death. "

"Okay, please go on with your eggs."

Wang Ai smiled and shook his head again: "In short, I realized that by rethinking this, at the football level, the stars and fans are indeed a bit like chickens and eggs. The stars can drive the development of this sport. However, it is different from the pure philosophical level. Yes, there is no star, there is also football. People ’s love for football, or the pursuit of a high-quality life of physical fitness, there must be sports including football. Square dance does not have big-name stars, or even professionalism, but square dance However, it is widespread and has a large number of participants. So, basically, it is the group of fans who gave birth to stars. The star ’s drive to this sport is only a natural feedback from the fans, not decisive. That is to say, it is the fans It determines the existence of football and the star. The relationship between the two is not an equal relationship between chicken and egg, but the relationship between upper and lower. "

"Up and down?" Bai Yansong gestured.

"Yes!" Wang Ai focused on: "Up and down, the fans are up, and the stars are down. Like me, um, not a philosopher, but now the big star Wang Ai, as everyone knows, is actually a fan's love Otherwise, I am still Wang Ai, but it is not the star Wang Ai, but the natural person Wang Ai. That is to say, I am now shown in the TV lens, it is a boy under the fan. "

"Haha!" Bai Yansong laughed again. "Wang Ai, can you not be so vulgar?"

Wang Ai shrugged: "Sorry, for me who was hot at the time, only this sharp, vulgar, and lifelike image can cure my disease. Many players, including me, are even more extensive. People in the field are clearly popular among the people, but they really feel comfortable stepping on the head of the public, especially our style field. We are essentially entertaining people, and the service attributes are particularly obvious, not that you are in this group You are the best person in the world, and you are top-notch, you can fundamentally reverse the relationship between you and the public. If you really think so, the patience of the people is limited, you want to be angry, you want to You are torn down, you are torn down. I think this is the reason why I feel uneasy. "

"So." Bai Yansong took it seriously: "Are you attacking the arrogance that you just formed from the word" Zi Zi "?"

Wang Ai also looked serious: "Yes, including me, no one in our national team has created such good results and received so much support before. The previous people have no experience to leave to us, then if we ourselves You ca n’t warn yourself severely that a big defeat is right in front of you. ”

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