Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 349: Olympic Games rush forward (7)

Wang Ai ’s appointment did not cause any sensation. Most media simply did not know that the Football Association adjusted the division of labor for the Olympic Games, and there was no public announcement within the team. Of course, the players actually have their own “message channels” in the Football Association. Of course, I soon got the news.

In fact, this news is far less shocking to the players than their respective backers. In addition to the emotion of "the boss is more powerful", the players can't think much about it in a moment. Only their backers will find a chance to warn them secretly, in the future ... "Stay away from me."

It may be that Wang Ai's style of acting fairly in various national teams for a long time has made the players unaware of how a "deputy leader" participating in the decision of the Olympic Games will affect their destiny.

If the Olympics at this time is likened to an enterprise, then Lao Feng, as a cadre of the Football Association, deserves the chairman and the owner of property rights. Lao Gao is an external CEO and general manager who is responsible for strategic decision-making in all aspects of employee training, production organization, and product sales. Old Liu is the COO and his assistant, responsible for implementing his orders. This was originally a basically stable power structure. However, Guoao is not a private enterprise, but a de facto "state-owned enterprise". The chairman, Lao Feng, can only be the boss within the enterprise. The General Administration of Sports is only a middle-level cadre, which means that it is difficult for him to block the interference of the state-owned enterprises with the superior units and people with even lower ranks.

Like the previous "Governor of the Hong Kong", speaking of what superman and that non-human are seeking in Hong Kong, the absolute emperor of the earth can only be a middle-level cadre in the British Foreign Office. When we went to Beijing to see our foreign ministers, we all had to wait in line.

This also means that all national names, including the Olympic Games, must fully comply with the laws of football to avoid interference by others and indiscriminate command, unless the latter two powers, such as state-owned enterprises, are separated or even joint-stock. The government only owns the ownership and does not have the right to operate. It blocks the external institutional interference from the system. If necessary, it must introduce a shareholding system, and use other superior institutions with different ownership or simply private capital to check and balance.

From a practical point of view, it is very difficult for a national name team to engage in a shareholding system, and it is also easy to cause internal splits, but the separation of the two powers is still possible. For example, the football association has become a more independent community organization, which guarantees Reduced interference.

Of course, the current Olympic Games has the rise of Wang Ai, a special character, and a new change has unexpectedly occurred. A "independent director" has appeared in the decision-making group of the national name, and it is powerful.

Wang Ai's influence is mainly concentrated in the Football Association, but it is not limited to the Football Association. The high degree of attention in football itself makes Wang Ai "speak up to heaven" when necessary, which also has the same "secret playing power" as the chairman of the Football Association and even the director of the General Administration of Sports. At the same time, he is in the philosophy, business, cultural, The diplomatic community has a certain influence. This represents a person in the system of the General Administration of Sports. It is difficult to press him to death.

As the old saying goes, the snake will never die, but it will suffer! If you can't beat him, you have to be ready to be counterattacked by him. Auras such as the number one domestic charity celebrity, the number one domestic youth football, women's football investors, and even internationally renowned big stars are the "protection umbrellas" and "grabbing rights" that Wang Ai added to him layer by layer.

As a result, Wang Ai's sudden addition made this decision-making team, originally composed of the chairman, general manager, and executive deputy, add another independent director with great freedom and great influence. This position does not have any specific real power, but he can intervene everywhere. That is to say, he "is not enough to succeed", it is not easy to take the initiative to do something, but it is easy to spoil someone.

The old Gao in the Olympic team was his hardcore, old Liu also had a relationship with him, and old Feng was more relaxed, so Wang Ai could not actively interfere with their work, but they would "interfere" with their work. For my own ban, that is to say, I can intervene or not! But if I do n’t intervene, it does n’t mean that others can intervene. Whoever wants to **** this authority is to face Wang Ai!

The **** determines the head, the position determines the idea, and even if a person is appointed as the deputy leader, he is also given the "supervision power", and he will also resent the intervention of others. Of course, if this person is not united with the original ruling team, or if he is selfish, then it is only equivalent to the "eunuch and supervision army" sent by an emperor.

At the deepest level, Wang Ai, an "independent director" and deputy team leader, is not only external, but in fact has formed supervision and supervision of Lao Feng, Lao Gao and Lao Liu. In any country name where Wang Ai used to belong, Wang Ai also had similar powers, because he could always be the leader of the Football Association at any time, but at that time there was no justification, and Wang Ai was not rushed by things like "four gold worshipers" It ’s good to file a complaint. After all, it ’s a "leapfrog", but it is different now. He is a well-known "deputy leader". The Football Association issued a document and issued a certificate.

From personal wealth to football influence, Wang Ai has already surpassed the old digging him, and the popularity is not as good as the chairman of the Football Association. From the perspective of Yan Shiduo, Wang Ai ’s purpose in participating in the Olympic Games is pure. There is no doubt that it is for achievement, neither for promotion, nor for making money. It is difficult for people inside and outside football to affect him, and ordinary methods are ineffective for him. In contrast, the old Feng has been tried and tested, the old high ability is outstanding, the old Liu Shen is stable and sophisticated, but what about that? Still in the circle of Chinese football, the anti-interference ability is far inferior to Wang Ai.

With the influence of the outside world, Wang Ai can resist the pressure of anybody in the Chinese sports population and ignore any temptations. The three of them, in some levels, are just small shrimps.

Therefore, the appointments advocated by Yan Shiduo, Nan Yong and others also have the meaning of internal supervision. This also means that in case the three of them shaken and flinched, and Wang Ai was there, they would have to resist the splint. If you ca n’t stand it, you can fall down and let Wang Ai go! In short, they have no room for retreat and betrayal of the Olympic Games, they must work wholeheartedly for the results.

Therefore, the first responsible person and the first beneficiary of this National Olympic Games are also the first oppressed people. After being appointed, Feng Cai himself paid for Wang Ai himself and ate tears: afterwards, he can finally feel at ease, Rest assured and wholeheartedly at work.

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