Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 366: Flying without wings and colorful wings (1)

Zhang Jingchu was very quiet during the entire dinner. He sat between Jackie Chan and Wang Ai, facing the bright blue water in the backyard, listening to the laughter and scolding of one old and one young man and two men, only occasionally inserting a few words. Until Wang Ai sent her a "Team Invitation".

Her expression was a little surprised, but Wang Ai didn't know if this expression was really true or false, so she should be surprised. Miss Sister thought for a moment, but apologeticly refused, Wang Ai shrugged.

The reason why Wang Ai sent the invitation is mainly a pity. To tell the truth, with her current achievements, she has not been worried about filming for a lifetime, but drama and drama are different. Can the three decisive battles be the same as the three uncles? Some of the dramas are rough-made. The performance of such a drama is to lose the coffee. It is like playing chess with a stinky chess basket. The more you earn the less, the more you play the poster position.

Some people say that she was blocked by Tang Wei, which can only be said that the star road was "blocked". The formation of entertainment stars cannot be separated from the support of big brands. She and Tang Wei have a high degree of overlap in audience, but the popularity is slightly worse, so Tang Wei When she eats meat, she can only drink soup, and it pulls away over time.

However, some people can block her star road, but no one can block her actor road. The mainland is not as small as Hong Kong. A rich man said that the blockade can really cover the sky. The film and TV drama market in the mainland is too big. No one can stop you from acting, no one can stop you from acting. . Just like surpassing entertainment now, Beijing Circle originally repulsed Zhang Yimou, but surpassing is okay, what can it do? After all, the capital of entertainment is king. It ’s the same at the actor level. You offend Huayi and Bona. They can block you, and what can they do. If you do n’t kill them, even if they are jointly blocked by a film and television company, there will be people stopping you from acting. You?

Apart from bad luck, this young lady is not very good. I can't get out of Hong Kong now, but what about Hong Kong and what about the mainland? People with clear eyes can see clearly, Wu Jing or Tang Yan, and they went to Hong Kong to go around and found that you are the only one. He quickly withdrew. She would be fine, she could n’t pull it out of the mud, is it not equivalent to following the seat in 49 years, and defecting to the Soviet Union in 91?

But since people don't appreciate it, Wang Ai doesn't force her, so no matter how bad she is after mixing, she is also better than ordinary people. But Wang Ai couldn't help but remind her: "You are very beautiful and very characteristic. This is a talent for actors. Don't go to plastic surgery. Newcomers in the film and television circle are coming up endlessly. Only with characteristics can you have a place.

Well, I don't know if people listened or not. Anyway, I promised very happy.

Jackie Chan listened with a smile, did not speak, this old man might think Wang Ai was seduce Zhang Jingchu. It is a pity that Wang Ai has never planned anything to happen with the female stars in the film and television industry. Do you have a clean body? Yes, but do you know who it is?

Just like the tears in this circle every day, Wang Ai himself has a lot of troubles.

However, after Wang Ai finished speaking, Zhang Jing was quite active at first, and slowly Wang Ai also heard it. Today, she didn't want to come here, it was brought by Jackie Chan. It is estimated that the old man saw that she was a bit stupid and clicked her a step: Wang Ai is not only a national star, but also the crown prince of a domestic first-class film and television company. People have a high status, so if they don't stick to the entertainment industry, it doesn't mean they have no strength.

To make a girlfriend happy, you can spend 300 million yuan at a time. God, this is a real 300 million yuan. Even if the production cost is crazy, it is enough to shoot three big movies.

Do you want to lean on with this one, and they let go of it casually and hold you up easily?

It is estimated that Zhang Jingchu is also so tempted. Of course, this performance is still a bit silly. You rejected Wang Ai's "Team Invitation". Why do people give you resources? It's interesting enough to touch you one step.

Ever since Wang Ai's "Seven Rides Into Beijing" spread in secret in the entertainment circle, those struggling in this circle desperately want to be in high positions, and there are people coming to the Olympic Games for training!

Fortunately, Wang Ai squatted in the Olympic Sports Center every day and didn't go home. Otherwise, with the moral bottom line of this circle, there might have been scandals. In terms of Wang Ai's current national sentiment, there is no problem in getting a third-line brief on the front line. Of course, such rubbing against Wang Ai is also unpredictable.

But not letting rubbing, it is always possible to pursue positively. You are unmarried, I am unmarried, let's have a story about the wind and snow, no one can say anything?

Especially when some well-informed people heard that Wang Ai threw 50 million yuan to a lousy old man, some young ladies and sisters were distressed!

In the evening, Jackie Chan and Zhang Jingchu each returned to London with their assistants and bodyguards. I heard that they will return to the United States tomorrow to continue post-production. Wang Ai sent them to the entrance of Cobham's village, but until the separation, the younger sister did not mean to stay, which made Wang Ai's goodwill increase a lot.

If you do n’t know that Wang Ai is self-contained, then she is self-contained; if you know that Wang Ai is self-contained, then she is jealous and at least not stupid.

After the International Competition Day, Chelsea will regroup, regardless of whether they have participated in the national team event, they must go to the medical examination, such as Wang Ai who has been completely rested for half a month. After some inspections, it was mixed. The good news is that no one was injured, and the worry is that many people are more tired. Needless to say, Shevchenko participated in the national competition, tired, and some people are too tired to play. There is also Robben, still a sickly look.

It is said that the Dutch did not know how to get to Chelsea. He was always injured. His performance was really amazing, but the attendance rate could not be raised. This thing really affects the upper limit of a player. Lampard and Nedved may not be strong at first, but they are not injured. They can always compete, and the level will gradually increase. Of course, now Chelsea has another uninjured Wang Ailai.

Joe Cole is still recuperating, Robben has fallen again, so that Chelsea dominated the winger's play last season. There is a crisis. At present, the pure winger only has Wang Ai and Wright, and Wright's performance at Chelsea winger Let's not mention it.

As a result, Jose began to use his brain. In his tendency to play defensively, the use of Balak with an offensive and defensive balance is still on the defensive end, so that the midfield formation is troublesome. The powerful midfielder Makelele has already shared a position with Essien and has added an extra Miquel. And Lampard is the king of attendance, destined to play, and Barack is a superstar can not be separated, so that in the middle of the four positions removed three. The other one is destined to be Wang Ai's.

The winged 433 and the wingless 442 are unreasonable.

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