Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 370: Bodyless Phoenix Double Flying Wings (5)

These passes were clean and neat, and happened between teammates who did a full season, so there is no problem of insufficient tacit understanding that often occurs when football passes Barak or Shevchenko. Chelsea fans sitting in the stands seemed to have returned to last season, especially the fans in the stands after the bottom line. As Wang Ai and his teammates made a sharp breakthrough to the front, their eyes widened.

How will the last blow happen? Both Drogba and Essien stood on the free throw line waiting for a long-range shot. Shevchenko rushed to the goal and Barak was not far behind Shevchenko ready to grab the second point.

Luka Yang followed Wang Ai closely, and he knew that the No. 13 was so powerful, so when Wang Ai made two extremely quick fakes, he forced his body to be unmoved and Wang Ai couldn't see it. He then drew the ball back from the bottom line.

Luca Youngton was struggling with this move. Acceleration, emergency stop, acceleration, emergency stop, there was an empty space immediately between the two, Calculi hurriedly came over to block, but Wang Ai suddenly passed Essin not far from his side, and then from the two In the middle squeezed into the penalty area.

Essien wanted to take a long shot, but was too late to send a force, so he passed behind a Calculi. At this time, Wang Ai was running between Calculi and Lucayan. Calculi thought that it was too late to turn back and intercept. Wang Aika got an opportunity to face the goalkeeper on the edge of the offside. He faced the bouncing football and shot at a short distance after the football bounced.

The football struck the net straight between goalkeeper Carson and the near post.

When Wang Ai kicked his foot and the football crossed the goal line, everyone in the stands behind the goal raised his arms and jumped. As the main audience of Fleet Street, they have no lack of understanding and worry about the current status of the team. They do not expect all big-name stars to get along peacefully. It is impossible at all, but they do not want Wang Ai to be bleak.

Although everyone is saying that the arrival of the Ukrainians will take the team one step further, they are still more willing to believe the wiwi that led the team to break many records last season. They can't change the club's decision, but they can do their best to cheer for the heroes in their hearts.

And Wiwi did not disappoint them. Despite being a substitute, he scored the first time he shot and scored such a beautiful goal, which made their calls even more fanatical.

Essien, Drogba, and Lampard all came to celebrate with Wang Ai, Shevchenko and Barak stood in the distance and applauded, and Mr. Roman, who looked indifferently from the stands, scanned it all.

The game restarted again, this time Ashley Cole became enthusiastic. As a newly joined player in the first game, he must show enough value to match his worth, and by the way, strive for his main position. It's just that he and Barak are newcomers to the team. Not only do they have a tacit understanding with other teammates, but also they are both on the left, so although the attack on the left is very strong, the efficiency is not very high.

Wang Ai became low-key and concise after scoring a goal, often wandering from the bottom line of the right to the penalty area, constantly using his deterrence to return to Essien or Lampard after attracting the opponent's defense, and occasionally with an assist. Gremi transposed.

Although he did not score again until the end of the game, he pushed down Charlton's defense on his side for a large amount, firmly attracting the attention of the audience to the side, so that the last half hour Charlton never organized a decent offensive again. On the contrary, Chelsea have completed many good shows that have been cross-extracted from the bottom.

Wang Ai did not deliberately not pass the ball to Shevchenko. Sheva received a high ball in front of the goal, but the ball speed was too fast to reach the goal. The return from outside the penalty area was also received, but the bad opportunity can only be blocked. Drogba ahead. No more, there is still no commendable interaction between the two, which again confirms the consensus on Fleet Street: Chelsea's biggest signing this season and last season's biggest signing are problematic.

For Chelsea fans, the problem does not seem to be big. All big-name stars have similar problems. This depends on Jose's control and the club's attitude.

After this game, statistics were released. Wang Ai currently plays two games and scores two goals, and Shevchenko scores four games and scores one goal. Although this data has no statistical significance, it has had a big impact on the public psychology.

The striker is all about scoring goals, but looking at it now, it seems that the optimistic Ukrainians do not adapt to Chelsea. Instead, the inadvertently suppressed “old minister” is still fierce, which is interesting. Since wiwi is still so powerful, why buy Ukrainians?

Is Crespo acting as a rotation center bad? After selling Crespo and buying Shevchenko, Chelsea lost a total of 14 million euros for this. Now, it seems unnecessary?

In response to this question, Jose vowed the next day: "The league is very long, the League Cup, the FA Cup, the UEFA Champions League, we have four fronts, and then there will be the European Super Cup and the World Cup in December. , Every power is precious. "

Regarding the issues between Shevchenko and Wiwi, which are most concerned by the outside world, Jose said as always: "There is no problem between them, but they need to be further adjusted."

The day after the press conference, the team set off for Monaco to participate in this year's European Super Cup against La Liga team Sevilla. With the first game of the UEFA Champions League group stage two days later, Jose left Lampard and Shevchenko at home and took them to Drogba, Mikel, Karlo Jr., Wang Ai, Barak, Essien, Makelele and others formed the midfield. In the backcourt, he left Carvalho at home, took Terry, Bobros, Gremi and Ashley Cole, and even Cech was left behind to take Cudicini.

Chelsea won the European Super Cup, which was the 97-98 season 9 years ago. It was only then that the team qualified for the European Cup Winners' Cup and defeated the absent Real Madrid in one fell swoop. That was the most glorious history of Chelsea before Mr. Roman entered Stamford Bridge.

In the face of the same European Super Cup this time, Chelsea has been different than before. Under the rising Chelsea dynasty, the European champions shivered.

Chelsea, who won the Premier League, FA Cup and UEFA Champions League last season, hopes to use this gold-rich European Super Cup to create their "four crowns" cause.

Mr. Roman with a big appetite and Mr. Jose with a big mouth will not refuse to add a crown to their dynasty.

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