Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 389: Fly, Wings of Victory (6)

Kang Si still did not choose a major before the registration deadline. It was not that she really succeeded in rogues, but that Wang Ai did not force her. Spain is a dream place for little girls and a prison cage. It emphasizes more traditional ancestors than ancestors. Francisco has assumed the role of father after Constance ’s parents left her, and her discipline is harsh and harsh. Chinese parents are not inferior.

In addition to strict school education, Kang Si's spare life is also full of etiquette, music, literature, sports and even food. Kang Si is the only one in Wang Ai's small team who has undergone orthodox education. Even if it is a broken household among the nobles, the more broken the households, the more they emphasize these and the higher their attitude.

Under the guidance of various private teachers that Francisco asked from Queen Sofia, Kang Si's aristocratic knowledge was very strong, otherwise the crown prince's big marriage would not allow her to transfer her to help, and even served as a small link master of ceremonies.

Of course, don't think about happiness in the middle.

Kangsi was abandoned by his parents when he was a child, so he was timid, so he traversed half a childhood and the entire teenager under the discipline of Francisco. For her, except for the gap behind the carved big wardrobe in the bedroom of the old house is In addition to the color (there is a comic book she secretly hid there, in fact, Francisco knows), almost the entire sky in Spain is black and white.

Finally, she escaped from Spain, and all her suppressed desires broke out, in a few words: eat! drink! play! fun!

So many behaviors that she did n’t actually like, but felt that she should like, such as milk bath, this is purely when she peeked at TV when she was a child. In fact, she was just 17, her skin is good like milk, wash What milk bath? Another example is listening to music. In fact, she received very strict piano education. She has several certificates. In fact, she does not appreciate noisy rock music, but in her rebellious age, she dared not listen, so even if she has already spent that time She still felt that she should find someone to listen to, even if she frowned while listening, she forced herself to listen and forced herself to regain her happiness.

Therefore, Kang Si is entangled. During this time, he was with Wang Ai. It was work, escape, and rediscovery. Although Francisco tried her best to shape her, help her and even care for her, she couldn't replace her parents after all. As a result, Wang Ai was not willing to persecute her, and finally only told her that she could learn anything, not necessarily useful.

For example, Wang Ai originally suggested that she study business administration and prepare for taking over the R fund in the future. Now Wang Ai does not think so. The foundation she lays is good enough. What she learns now is not important. The key is to be late for her. " I do n’t lose myself in the period of rebellion. On this basis, going to university is a process of re-entry. It does n’t matter what she learns. Anyway, she is still young, and she will be able to learn later.

Moreover, a lot of knowledge can not teach you in the textbook. For example, no one course can tell her how to rely on the identity of an unrecognized Greek royal descendant to fight for the Spanish royal title.

So the dispute ended in Wang Ai's ban on Kang Si to take another milk bath.

After a day of rest, Wang Ai returned to Cobham for training. In the second round of the UEFA Champions League group match in the middle of the week, he will go to the Bulgarian capital to challenge the most prestigious Sofia Livski team in the country. Jose decided to bring back Terry and Barak who can come back. In view of Wang Ai's just playing a league and four goals, he also brought Wang Ai as a substitute. Although Sheva also played the whole game in the last game, he said that his physical fitness was no problem, so he was scheduled to start.

No way, the boss must be respected. Originally, the boss might have lost his face because the star he bought at a large price was not good. You have to let him play the bench now. Even if it is a rotation, the boss can find a way to let out gas. How to stop wisely, of course, will not deliberately get through with the boss, so I can only grieve Wang Ai temporarily. Also included as substitutes are Robben, Wright, and Ashley Cole.

On the 26th, the team arrived in Sofia and arrived at the 25,000-person George Asparuhov Stadium to get used to the venue and returned. At 19:45 the next night, in the enthusiastic voice of the home fans, The two sides started the game.

Probably motivated by Wang Ai, Drogba is very excited today, scoring two goals in the first half, and shortly after the opening of the second half, he completed his personal hat trick. A white drowba was in the 8th minute After completing the hat-trick, his arms were spread wide and his expression was serious, as if to announce his strength and status.

Sheva, however, still hasn't found his front sight, so that the audience in the same Slavic country is more concerned with the shots of Mourinho that the live camera sweeps from time to time, of course, including the seat on the bench. The typical oriental face of Wang Ai.

With the eclipse of the "Ukrainian nuclear warhead", even if Wang Ai has not played, the starlight can't hide. In the 15th minute of the second half, the fourth official on the sideline raised a substitution card. When the number 11 and number 13 came, a small number of Chelsea fans who came with the team actually cheered.

Wang Ai turned his head back to smile and glanced at the coaxing guys in the main stand, shook his head, and took two steps to meet his teammates who performed perfectly. When the two met at the sideline, they each smiled, and Wang Ai pressed Dro Pakistan's shoulders were close to the **** face, and there were fingers pointing at his teammates, and Drogba suddenly laughed, opened his arms and embraced Wang Ai, then walked to the sidelines and raised his hands to applaud the fans.

What they said at this moment made the fans and reporters curious, and even Jose, who had been smiling and standing behind them, also asked Drogba by pulling his arm after coming back.

After Drogba went off the court, the midfield became five more people. Wang Ai didn't step forward and really stood in the position of the forward, but still remained a stable left. After a few minutes, Jose might have watched the one-winged Chelsea midfielder, why didn't he look good, waved his hand to get Kalau to play, and replaced Mikel. Unfortunately, Kalou is a newcomer like Mikel, and the tactical system of Chelsea and the degree of understanding with his teammates are still average, so he did not have a soul-like cooperation with Wang Ai, but rather cooperated with Sheva.

Wang Ai is not in a hurry, half an hour of playing time is not a burden for him, and Sofia Livsky's defensive pressure is far from enough to make him helpless, just need opportunities.

Chelsea is never short of winger opportunities.

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