Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 403: Purification (3)

It is estimated that the superior is scratching his head for a similar problem. After all, Wang Ai's complicated situation is rare. Athletes are usually young and busy in training, so there are not many party members, especially overseas athletes who have few party members. At the level of Wang Ai, specifically, he is the only one who comprehensively measures income, influence and complexity.

Wang Ai also specifically asked after the completion of the party joining ceremony at the embassy. The leadership research conclusion conveyed by the party branch is: The domestic wage part follows the established rules. Although the two wages are two identities, you are both natural persons Combined calculation, go to the third gear, pay more than 60 party fees a month. As for the overseas part, it is still blank in the regulations. Although we can follow the standards of enterprise employees, there are problems here. That is to say, usually the enterprises where party members work are domestic enterprises, and their income is quite clear. The very few party members who work overseas are also of a corporate expatriate nature, and their salary income is also clear. However, if Wang Ai works overseas, he still ca n’t work alone, and our party organization ca n’t check it. Chelsea salary table.

Again, you can pay more, but less.

But Wang Ai's income party organization is not in control, so Wang Ai's part of the party fees is in doubt, do you pay less? Did you take advantage of it?

The party's discipline is that Ding is Dingmao and Mao is strict. More money is less important, what is important is the nature. Therefore, Wang Ai has made trouble, and in fact the leadership has also made trouble. It is a little unreasonable for a young player with outstanding merits to pay millions of party fees a year. Therefore, the leader did not say death, that is, the domestic part you follow the rules, the foreign part ... let's study and study first!

In fact, since Wang Ai became a reserve party member in September last year, he has already begun to pay party fees. However, Wang Ai did not know at that time that the Football Association withdrew from the salary of Wang Ai ’s national team member. The ratio is only a few cents a month, and only when you receive your salary can you find it carefully, but Wang Ai has this money in his eyes? I didn't pay attention at all, so that the issue of party fees was only realized when I officially joined the party this year.

This next question arises. If the wages of overseas player clubs need to pay party fees, then last year, Wang Ai did not pay party fees in Chelsea. How is this calculated? Do you want to make up for it?

Today, Kang Si was asked to retrieve the party membership card that Wang Ai had hidden. He also turned it over. After Wang Ai went upstairs to find relevant information through the Internet, he did not understand what he should do. Asked by phone, did you lead the research? Don't always finish researching, I still step on thunder?

The party branch secretary replied: "You are in a special situation. Athletes who can reach your level have not in the past, but you are now. Even if there are, there will not be many in the future, so special cases will be handled specially."

"What I want to ask is, what can I do to make sure it's okay?"

"... then we can only follow the principle."

"Principle?" Wang Ai thought for a while: "You mean ..."

"Yes, but that's how wronged you are. The organization is not impersonal. High-income party members paying more party fees is equivalent to subsidizing low-income party members, such as rural poor party members, such as members of the low-income households. They pay a few cents. It's hard, sometimes the grassroots party organization simply pays through other channels, so high-income party members like you will have to do their best. "

"Okay, I get it." Hanging up the phone, Wang Ai called Constance and turned over the salary table for the past season.

Last season, Wang Ai had a weekly salary of 27,000 pounds after tax. After accounting for one year, the general exchange rate was converted, which is equivalent to 21.14 million yuan after tax. The bonus can also reach more than 10 million, but the bonus of the enterprise employees needs to pay party fees. Refers to the fixed bonus, and Wang Ai's bonus is the game bonus, winning bonus and championship bonus, in other words, it is not fixed, so this part is not paid, then the party fee that Wang Ai needs to make up last season is 42.28 Ten thousand yuan, of course, Wang Ai had no place to get so many yuan, so he took out 29.16 million pounds from the bank near Cobham. In addition, I took another £ 9,120 for eight weeks of this season, and added more than 38,000 points. There were odds and ends. Get a plastic bag and go to the embassy.

The party branch scratched its head again: You ca n’t leave your account according to the staff of our embassy. Everyone ’s salary is clear. Every month you pay a lot. You suddenly throw in such a big sum. We went directly to the account, which was unclear.

Wang Ai Yaoya smiled: "It's okay, I have a contract."

After finishing the two seasons, the contract signed with Chelsea was taken out. Ambassador Cha Peixin happened to be at home. He also came over and witnessed that the basic salary part of Wang Ai ’s contract was entered into the party member ’s income form. A copy was made, and the party fee table of more than 500,000 RMB was completed. As for the relevant regulations, the payment of party fees generally does not exceed the six-month deadline. I will not mention it. After all, your leaders have not studied and understood that Wang Ai himself does not know it. Therefore, it is no wonder that Wang Ai is blamed.

Because this is too much than the party fee, it must not be left to the embassy party branch for activity funds, and the embassy and even the European Division ’s organizational relationship with Wang Ai is still a "secondment". This money is earned by player Wang Ai. Should be handed over to the Football Association, otherwise the two sides will definitely have to sue. Of course, the Football Association can't get it well. After all, Wang Ai's deepest identity must be counted from Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan, then I don't know who will be returned.

When things were done, Ambassador Zha praised and encouraged Wang Ai. This means that Wang Aineng understands that it is not that you paid too much, so hello, but that you voluntarily paid party fees to reflect your ideological consciousness. Why stipulate that party fees are paid in proportion instead of a fixed amount? It's your thoughts, not whether you have money or no money. Besides, is the organization bad for you? The joke, the party is sitting in the world. Let me further say why the party calls each other comrades? This means that people with common ideals and pursuits are together, rather than the collective interest of the same country or club.

On the return trip, Wang Ai and Kang Si talked about Bai Fangli. Last year, the old man finally passed away. Wang Ai's mood was very low for this. The old man did not have the patience to make big money, but he saved so much, how much donated, how much donated, to the day he could not do it, then he It's 90 years old. While others are nurturing, he still pedals three rounds in the streets.

What is the spring silkworm to the end of the dead silk? What does a wax torch turn into gray tears?

When Wang Ai read the poem in the car, the driving Zhao Dan burst into tears.

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