Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 405: The flames rise again (1)

The last time I went to Highgate Cemetery, Wang Ai was still just a communist, and this time Wang Ai intends to rely on this sage as a Communist. The next day at noon, Wang Ai returned from school. After a simple make-up, he took his small team to the north, then picked up a check at a nearby bank and arrived at the embassy again.

Ambassador Zha, who arrived at the news, lit two cheques in front of Wang Ai with 800,000 Euros and 10 million RMB: "What is this money?"

"My special party fee."


"I can do what others can do."


"Baifangli in Tianjin, did you know that when he last donated, he said,'I can't do anything, this may be my last donation'." Wang Ai said this and took a deep breath: "He is not yet Party members, he is just a mass, and I cannot do worse than him."

Ambassador Zha held Wang Ai’s hand: "You donated a lot in China..."

Wang Ai shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I was wrong, I should say, I can't do much worse than him. He did the money deducted from his teeth, and he really donated, how much did I donate? This money is just me 2% of advertising income, even if I count my other is only 75%. Of course, I am much larger than him in terms of amount, but in terms of paying for people, I am far inferior to him. So compared to his'sage 'I'm just his imitator and follower.'

After explaining the reason, Wang Ai will get up and say goodbye, but he is stopped by Ambassador Zha. If you throw away such a large sum of money, the embassy will not dare to collect it. This is such a large sum of money, and it is also a celebrity like you. It is easy to go wrong if you do not make things clear and solid.

So under the direction of Ambassador Zha, Wang Ai wrote a special party fee statement on a piece of paper, signed the name, and marked the amount. The embassy first asked Yan Zhu to accompany the accountant to the bank to verify the authenticity of the two checks. , Came back to use the official seal of the embassy, ​​the personal seal of Ambassador Zha and the special financial seal to be reluctant to enter the account, and gave Wang Ai a receipt for the "special party fee statement" and "two cheque receipts", which also indicated the amount. .

After Wang Ai left, the embassy immediately called the Party Committee of the European Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing to report the situation, and then deposited two cheques into the special account of the Bank of China London Branch. After receiving the Party Committee of the European Division, the embassy organized the relevant reports. Okay, turn it in to the party committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Party Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is then transferred to the Organization Department of the Central Working Committee, and finally the Organization Department of the Central Working Committee is turned over to the Central Organization Department.

According to the regulations, all special party fees of more than 1,000 yuan will go through this process. After the party committees of the central government have summarized them, they will deliver the situation notes and money to the Central Organization Department on a monthly basis.

When Wang Ai went out with two pieces of paper, he thought they were all done. In fact, the program was still going on. Many people in the back followed suit. He didn’t know, but he also joked with Xu Qinglian: "Look, go in two The paper is also two pieces of paper.

Everyone got into the car with a smile. Last year, he was able to pass the guilt that Shi Wenjun successfully persuaded Bai Fangli and Cong Fei to take good care of.

After a long time, I turned it out and let it dry.

At the door of Cobham's house, everyone got out of the car, and Wang Ai suddenly said to Xu Qinglian's ear while everyone else entered the house: "Don't leave tonight?"

"Ah?" Xu Qinglian opened her eyes in surprise: Did you still possess the saint just now?

"Ah, what? Do you want to hold my arm in this course?"

Xu Qinglian was originally shaken, and the result was that Wang Ai said that it immediately became firm again. After Cobham had dinner, he resolutely withdrew, and Wang Ai did not know where he made a mistake.

The second day is the day of the third UEFA Champions League group match. Although Wang Ai is not a starter, he is also on the roster, so he came back in the afternoon to start simple training, and at night he arrived at Stamford Bridge with everyone.

Barcelona is an old friend, and the contradictions and disputes between the two sides cannot be solved. "World Sports News" interviewed the Barcelona star with the team the day before, today in the newspaper ridiculed or even insulted Chelsea. Because the turf with sand has become pitted again, it is so shameless.

Jose held a nostril to see the reporter, and he was too lazy to return: Lord’s site was like this, love kicking, not kicking! If you have the ability to treat the Camp Nou like this, look at me!

When Chelsea played a defensive 442, Barcelona also played the main game, goalkeeper Valdes, four guards Zambrotta, Marx, Puyol, Van Bronte Horst; three midfielders are Ed Milson, Deco and Harvey; the bilateral forwards are Ronaldinho and Messi, the single forward is Good Johnson.

Yes, it was the Icelander who had a good relationship with Wang Ai at Chelsea last season. Encountering the old club this time can be described as full of energy. Rijkaard is also optimistic about his enthusiasm and sent him a rare starter. Stamford Bridge’s act of mixing sand with turf made Rijkaard disgusting and bad, so the Icelanders were especially asked to block Jose.

Objectively speaking, Wang Ai does not support the sale of Icelanders. Good Johnson is two years younger than Barak, which means that injuries will be a serious problem in the middle and late stages of the league. And Goodjohnson can play from the forward to the midfield, to the winger to the midfield. It is hard to say that there is any advantage in competition when such a smooth million dollar is released in exchange for an interception midfielder.

The game started as scheduled, Barcelona's cooperation is as beautiful and adept as ever, Chelsea's play is as ugly and efficient as possible, and both sides are more cautious in their military input, so that there is no good opportunity to shoot in the first half. During the halftime, Clark read the technical statistics of the first half in the locker room. Barcelona has a superior ball control rate and number of shots. For example, the ball control rate is 59 to 41, and the shot is 8 to 6 but it fell. The number of points in the door frame is 2 times. It shows that Barcelona's possession rate has not fully turned into a real threat, but Chelsea's attack is still efficient.

This trend was suddenly presented in the second half. Ashley Cole got a sharp cross by Drogba, but the marked Puyol judged the wrong direction, causing Drogba to shoot through the fingers of Valdes. turn off. But then Chelsea also began to worry like Barcelona, ​​and did not know what was ahead of it. Essien hit the goalkeeper with a single-handed strike, but did not have a good footwork; Shevchenko also received a single-handed, also played fly.

Especially for Shevchenko this time, he is an authentic striker and has high hopes from the club. The head coach has given him the opportunity and trust to be extravagant, so this shot hit, Jose took an annoyed turf on the sidelines. His patience is almost reaching its limit.

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