Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 416: Symbol (2)

Wright was fairly stable, quite stable...and when he didn't fully show his downturn, Bollaruz made another mistake. This time he almost missed Chelsea.

Wang Ai was finally refreshed. He gradually straightened his waist plate from the seat. Today's Chelsea is too bad. Not only did the referee have frequent black whistle, the guard was out of luck, the coach also lost his reason... Sure enough, Jose walked angrily in front of Wang Ai: "I want to change the right back, can you fight?"

Wang Ai was surprised: "I, I can't defend."

"I know you can't defend, bastard, I didn't ask you to learn now, I ask you to go up and score goals, can you?"

Wang Ai swallowed hard and focused on his head. He understood that this was not a time of "modesty." Jose was already mad, and now he would be able to meet you for a month if he didn't support him. Of course, whether you can enter this depends on your destiny, but even if you don't, it will be a matter after the game. After the game, he should also calm down. After all, a winger must score a goal, even if Wang Ai is too much.

Jose got a "satisfied" reply and rushed to the fourth official, said in a nasty voice: "Up on the 13th, down on the 9th!"

The fourth official nodded solemnly, then looked up at the Portuguese face in shock: "No. 9?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

The fourth official shook his head: you have the final say to your team, even if he just played in midfield, it is not yet half an hour!

Jose's substitutions made an uproar on the sidelines, and Boraluz, who came off the court, was downcast. !

Jose ignored him, at this time he sacrificed a big attack again, four guards played three-back for me, 4231 changed to 352 for me... do it!

As if hearing the shouts in Jose’s heart, Wang Ai knew that the ball must support the “boss”, so regardless of his sleepy eyes and imbalanced limbs, he rushed into the half-court to prepare for an attack. He even started to chase the opponent with the ball. .

The guy who never defends actually tried to stop it, do you believe it?

No way, the Portuguese are absolutely tough enough. The more bully I am, the more I want to win. If I can't win, I have to scold and win! Wang Ai did not want to hit the gun. Besides, the game time is running out.

In the 76th minute, Drogba created a direct free kick in the frontcourt, Lampard and Wang Ai were nearby. The magic lamp was hit enough in this game, and this season his chance of a direct free kick broke significantly reduced, probably It is the high exposure brought by Shuangliao II, which made the opponents carefully study his habits. So he and Wang Ai whispered a few words, wanting Wang Ai to penalty this key goal.

The two stood behind the football, and the Defoe position on the opposite wall was not ten yards, but Bohr waved him back, but did not draw the card, which made the Chelsea people angry.

The position of the football is on the right side of the goal. Lampard is facing the football. Wang Ai is on his left hand side. The distance is a little far away. If Wang Ai is penalized, then the probability will be a big arc of Beckham style. , Tottenham goalkeeper Robinson has made full preparations: jumping around in front of the goal line.

With a whistle, Lampard and Wang Ai bowed slightly at the same time, then Lampard started, Robinson's eyes widened waiting for Lampard's "subsonic missile" to strike, but Lampard changed in the flash of the ball. Ankle angle, knock out, the football flashed to the left side of the wall.

At this time, Wang Ai stepped into place on his right leg, and lifted his left leg to shoot!

Wang Ai's shooting didn't feel very good, so that he chose the direct volley with the greatest strength. With a bang, the yellow and purple football went out. How fast it still needs to be measured on the sidelines, but he nailed it The turf that was brought up flew more than two meters!

As soon as the explosive football advances, Robinson jumps and the ball is scored, accompanied by a huge muffled sound and the fans exclaimed.

According to calculations by experienced reporters on the sidelines, Wang Ai kicked the ball at a speed of at least 140 kilometers just now! A 39-meter flight in 1 second, which means that from Wang Ai's kick to the goal, Robinson left 0.4 seconds for reaction, takeoff, and slamming. How is that enough?

For this kind of heavy artillery, the goalkeeper wanted to make a clear judgment before taking off. In the 02 World Cup, Carlos shot Jiangjin, Jiangjin was powerful enough, the ball path was judged between the electro-optical flint, and the people also flew out, exactly matching the ball path, but unfortunately, no one is fast!

But Wang Ai's foot is just a step, which is almost equivalent to exerting strength in situ. If it really reaches a speed of 140 kilometers per hour, then his leg strength and strength skills are very amazing.

In the past two years, Wang Ai has not played a direct free kick so much that many people have forgotten the power of his vigorous shooting, but Chelsea's teammates have never forgotten. Cech and Kudicini had already given Wang Ai a "red card" in the training match. Wang Ai was not allowed to use heavy artillery! Sometimes the training game is fun, when Wang Ai who forgot to throw a long shot in front of the door, whether it is Terry, Carvalho or Essien, this group can hide if they can hide, and turn around if they can’t. Exposing the buttocks. Even Drogba is like this: Wang Ai may not be bored by him, but it hurts too.

Cobham once circulated a legend about "shooting the post". Last winter, a staff member made daily inspections in the morning and found that the goal post was actually welded. A check, Wang Ai practiced here the night before, then check the stadium surveillance video, there is a ball in the center column, with a creak in the muffled sound. Wang Ai in the camera also crouched and crouched down, looked at it, pushed it, then got up and ran away.

Ya wants to run if the goal is broken? Don't know if the training ground equipment has maintenance costs? Broken, no one can find, who will pay the money?

After such an uproar, Cobham became lively. The first team, second team and youth team all came to watch. Many people did not believe it. How hard can he dry the welded steel pipe? If you look closely, although there is a circle of rust on the periphery of the broken weld, the middle inch is brand new. In the cold and humid weather of Britain, it is not new and it will immediately become rusty.

Wang Ai refused to admit his death. When he asked him anxiously, he said that the equipment is aging. The club was not as general as Wang Ai, and the money club came out.

Because Wang Ai did not admit it, the outside world did not publicize it, but no one inside the team, especially the Cobham base, did not know it. Anyway, after that, the goalkeeper who didn’t love and played against Wang Ai completely ran out. Too.

In fact, if it weren't for all kinds of coincidences today, Wang Ai wouldn't play like this, but aren't you anxious today?

Jose at the side of the court waved his arms fiercely, as if pulling on the referee's face.

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