Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 441: Golden Ball Week (7)

When Jose stubbornly tried to overturn Manchester United and had a good drink with his old opponent and old friend after the game, the old Ferguson also hoped to invite this arrogant young Portuguese to have a happy drink at home. Before Jose, they deliberately talked to Sheva and Wang Ai separately, and urged the two to put down their prejudices and support each other in the game, and obtained the two's apparent agreement, maintaining the most serious crack inside the powerful Chelsea and not crashing in this game. At the same time, Ferguson anticipated Jose's full efforts in the formation of the platoon, thus formulating highly targeted measures.

Over the past three years, Wang Ai has gradually established his aura on the court: offensive all-round. The Guardian's evaluation of him has gradually achieved the consensus of the Premier League. He has worked hard to make up for all the shortcomings of his offensive, so that whether it is will, confrontation, speed, dribbling, shooting, free kick are outstanding. Even all aspects are too good, but it seems to be "mediocre" compared to a player who is particularly good in a certain aspect. No one knows what his real football talent is now. Looking at it, almost every offensive skill is the best.

Gradually, no matter which team is facing Wang Ai, he will subconsciously list his direction as the key defensive direction. As long as he can resolve or withstand his attack, the team has the hope of winning. And if he dares to let him go, he will dare to show you a satellite!

Ferguson, after studying Chelsea for more than two seasons and Wang Ai for three seasons, made bold arrangements in this game.

At 16:15 pm on the 27th, the game between Manchester United and Chelsea was in full swing. The fighting spirits of both sides rose to the apex, and the confrontation was extremely fierce. Just 15 minutes after the opening, the referee issued 8 verbal warnings.

On the sidelines of Old Trafford, Jose, standing with his hands in his pockets, couldn't help but glance at the Scotsman chewing gum by the opportunity of observing the situation in the backcourt, this guy who likes ruminants like ungulates, It looks very disgusting! However, this old guy is really not easy to deal with. Weaknesses that I didn't even find were actually discovered by him.

Today's Ferguson arranged for Jose an unexpected means, even a means that most people did not expect. In the face of the English footballer last season, this season's currently leading striker king, offensive omnipotent wiwi, Ferguson did not adopt general measures to strengthen the defense, but bucked the trend and sent Giggs and Scot Royce and Cristiano Ronaldo drove to the left of Chelsea where the powerful wiwi was. Especially behind Wiwi, England international Ashley Cole has this.

Now Ashley Cole is in trouble. After the game with Tottenham, he complains that referee Cole is still in the FA program. It is said that additional penalties will be imposed on him, but he has not come down, so he The field's defense is a bit shrunken.

The usual winger is to assist the defender. Wang Ai is not unassisted, but his tactical positioning is to counter the vanguard. Therefore, his position of retreating is usually before and after the center line, rather than anxious like Drogba. Then he retreated to the front and became a defender. So invisible, there is a loophole behind Wang Ai’s back. When the opponent is deterred by Wang Ai’s horror lethality, he can only focus on the defense. Of course, there is no problem. Even Ashley Cole can often plug in, but When the old Ferguson went the other way, he was inserted in the middle of the front and back fields on the left side of Chelsea.

Is catching up with Ashley Cole's shrunk!

On and off the court, Ferguson took into account all circumstances. Chelsea's left road was suddenly cut into two sections. Wang Ai in front could not get timely support from the rear, Ashley Cole in the rear was under siege, and Wang Ai hesitated. Of course, it is not ineffective for him to go back, at least it is possible to assume a transition point for the ball out and transfer, but this will lengthen the distance of his counterattack, which does not match the role he assumes.

Although his pitch positioning was "fought" from Jose using his pitch performance and was also a product of the compromise between the mentor and the apprentice, at this time, Jose did not order it and it was related to the entire Chelsea offense and defense strategy. Since Wang Ai himself Unexpectedly, Jose didn't give the order immediately, and he didn't know what to do.

Jose was also hesitant, and then he called Lampard and Ballack during the timeout, especially Ballack, hoping that he would often retreat and tend to the left, after Ashley Cole, after passing the ball forward , He bears the responsibility of a transfer station, connecting the front and back of Chelsea left.

This compromise method then effectively eased the pressure of Ashley Cole, but it slowed down the advancement of the left lane and also increased the pressure on the middle lane.

This season's Manchester United is exceptionally strong. Unlike the previous season's first come, slow and hot, this year's Manchester United has made the best start in the history of the Premier League. From the beginning of the league, it has entered the "winning moment". This is a draw. The experience of the past two seasons, especially the experience of Chelsea. From the beginning, the gap with the opponent was widened, and this time also allowed the two sides to enter the situation of retreating without retreat and avoiding inevitable and must face the cut.

The "weakness" measures against Chelsea's left or Wang Ai are more than that. At Old Trafford, Manchester United's referee advantage has always been clear. Whenever Wang Aid's ball advances at a high speed, there is a fixed back or back. The waist interfered vigorously with Wang Ai.

Wang Ai's physical advantage over his Asian counterparts is not obvious in front of the Manchester United defender who admires the iron blood and is temporarily inspired by Ferguson, so that Wang Ai becomes very difficult before and after advancing to the penalty area. At the same time, if Ashley Cole could not come up, Barak would have to bear the responsibility of transit, so that the support of Chelsea Central Road would also be sharply reduced.

As for the two forwards ahead, they are in a bitter battle.

Of course, Jose was not weak, and Saha, Rooney, and Ronaldo under the lord's grandfather were also frequently put down.

The biggest meeting point between the coaches of the two sides in this game is Wang Ai. After Jose saw through Ferguson's ideas but did not change the role of Wang Ai, the live broadcast guests from various TV stations all asserted. The lord is on a wonderful adventure. He concentrated on attacking Chelsea's left backcourt and kicked Wiwi's ammunition box, but released Chelsea's right road. Joe Cole of London footballer is rushing forward.

At the same time, Jose is also betting that Ashley Cole is able to stand alone against the opponent's group offensive, and he is also betting that the wiwi in front has a way to break Manchester United under full attack plan.

Even if this would put the contest into a state of attacking rather than defending, which is usually rare.

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