Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 448: The Wizard of Oz (4)

When I woke up, the sky outside was still dark. Wang Ai took a shower in the hotel room, recalling the course of the past few days. On the evening of the 27th, he received the Silver Ball Award in Paris, standing between Cannavaro and Buffon, the representatives of the two World Cup champions this year. The audience is full of big-name stars. Last year's double-material first Ronaldinho and second Lampard, who won Wang Ai's shooter last season, the French today's confidence source Henry, former king Zidane, Cheetah Egypt Too, Klose, Pirlo, Drogba, Shevchenko, Barak, Robben, Essien, Makelele, Manchester United’s Rooney, Barcelona’s Giuly, etc. Reluctantly reluctantly applauding him.

Thinking of this, Wang Ai under the water flower closed his eyes and looked up, letting the cold water sway on his chest. Walking out of this small bathroom, Wang Aiduo always has to cover up some, only in this space alone can he fully release his complacency.

The trophy that is shining even under the stars is the unbreakable mark of his stay in this world. Whether it is five, ten or twenty or thirty years, when people recall, they will still Can't help but sigh. It has only been four years since China’s 44-year World Cup finals. No matter how powerful Chinese stars have been shaped in their homes, people also know that they are just generalized when they leave this yard. Yang Chen, Fan Zhiyi and Sun Jihai are just ordinary players in the top five leagues. Their entry into the top five leagues is inseparable from their level, but it is also inseparable from their "cheap"!

Although the golden boots of the World Cup are golden and the first, they are still only short-lived. Only the silver ball outside is affirmation of his comprehensive status. He is really widely recognized as the top star in international football, standing side by side with two or three people from each country in Brazil, France, Germany, Britain and Spain.

Unlike the ordinary top 50, Wang Ai has now surpassed the level of his teammate Drogba, and has become a team with Lampard and Shevchenko. That night, Wang Ai exchanged more than a dozen mobile phone numbers, all of whom had received the top three characters, even if they would never contact them again in the future, but this was a kind of implicit identification: you became a part of us.

This "us", among the stars under the stage, there are only a few dozen people.

Today is the first game of the Asian Games men's football, and there must be a large number of journalists following. In that night in Paris, Wang Ai was unable to satisfy them because of the occasion. What they need is not only the pictures of Wang Ai holding the trophy, but also the colorful photos of Xinke "Mr. Silver Ball" in the stadium and life, and the lively "Mr. Silver Ball".

Many people will not sleep well in the Asian Games Village this night. In China, 10,000 miles away, there will be many fans eagerly waiting for his latest news.

Facing the big mirror in the bathroom, Wang Ai opened his eyes. The people in the mirror had distinct muscles, long body, and high temperament. Wang Ai exerted a little force, and his muscles swelled up, with smooth, healthy, and strong sensuality in every move.

"Huh!" Wang Ai, who turned off the shower, finally looked at his glasses and smiled: "Keep arrogant and restless!"

Wang Ai, who stepped out of the bathroom, saw Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan packed, "Wait for me."

With that said, Wang Ai took out his notebook and opened it, connected to the Internet, and updated an article of hundreds of words on his Sina blog, "Everyone has been waiting for a long time."

The article said: "I'm in the Asian Games Village in Doha. It's six o'clock in the morning, and it's still dark outside. The large unit of the Chinese Asian Games Corps will not arrive until noon today, so the entire building 4 is still relatively quiet. I arrived last night and slept all night. My spirit is still good, I will go out for morning practice in a while, and there are games in the evening. Although the intensity of the Asian Games football is not so high, I have more courses missing. I may not have time to chat with you in the next half month, so I will hurry up now. Everyone say a few words."

"It's noon in Beijing now, everyone will have lunch, ah, I miss the food of the motherland, I will not say bad things about British cuisine. Knowing that everyone cares about my current situation, of course, I am more concerned about the silver trophy. The day before yesterday The photos returned by the reporter in the evening are not thirsty? I will pass it on to you, and let you see my accommodation."

"Finally, I would like to thank you all for your concern for me. I haven’t read your previous messages on my blog. I have received your heartfelt thoughts, and I have also received the care of the motherland. Thank you again sincerely. I Will play hard in Doha."

After knocking on the last word, Wang Ai checked it a little, then stood up and flipped the camera out of the suitcase, took a picture out of the window, took a picture in his room, and took a picture in the distance. , Then let Yan Zhu take a picture of him and the trophy.

The quality of current digital cameras is still average, and the pixels are not high, so the effect of shooting in a room that is not too bright is so serious. Wang Ai in the photo is wearing Adidas sportswear, facing away from the desk and computer, holding the trophy in both hands.

Wang Ai checked it and found it okay, and then connected the data cable to the computer and uploaded it slowly, then edited the blog to make the layout more pleasing, and finally previewed it without any problems before confirming the update.

The quiet morning in Doha is the noisy noon in Beijing. Wang Ai did not pre-announce him through the blog to update, so he didn't notice much in the first place, but the blog official knew immediately. Wang Ai's blog is the top stream on Sina, coincided with the surge in the number of Chinese Internet users, so that hundreds of thousands of page views per day. So as soon as Wang Ai's blog was updated, I received it there. Due to the existence of several weighty private photos, the navigation bar was updated on and the blog page to introduce it to netizens.

Then there is the traffic that swarms in. Wang Ai put away the camera, put on his shoes, carried his football, and finally refreshed it when he turned off the computer. The page views had already exceeded 6,000!

"Are there a few photos I uploaded?" Wang Ai asked his two defenders.

Zhao Dan smiled, Yan Zhu shook his head: "Not enough, let's go."

The three of them went downstairs, Yan Zhu led the way in front, Zhao Dan protected in the back, and Wang Ai ran in the middle while browsing the scenery of Doha. In the distance, there was still a gray night sky, and the nearby tall buildings flashed neon, rich Doha. Most people are still lazy in their bed.

Yan Zhu, who had explored the route last night, led Wang Ai through the city. Slowly, the eastern sky brightened, the blue sky of the sea reflected the sky and the starry sky was dull, and the tweets and figures of the seagull appeared in sight.

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