Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 453: The Wizard of Oz (9)

This year's AFC is more enthusiastic than in previous years. When Wang Ai got off the plane in Dubai, the Royal Guard of Dubai came to pick it up. At the award ceremony, the prince who served as the chairman of the UAE Football Association waited at the door. Wang Ai, who had such a big face, didn't expect it.

Wang Ai was not only the first Asian to win the second place in the Golden Globe Awards, but also the first to win four Asian footballers. Previously, it was South Korea’s gold casting Sanlianzhuang, and then Miura Zhiliang’s Lianzhuang and Nakata Yingshou’s Lianzhuang is Fan Zhiyi, Wang Ai, Bai Guanghai, Wang Ai, Wang Ai, Wang Ai after two years...

Wang Ai is only 19 this year!

The shortage of AFC United States is also panic. Asia's No. 1 character Wang Ai has a huge impact on the entire Asian football, or the AFC's ability to make money. It is a huge incentive. But looking at the level of football in Asia, I am afraid that it is difficult for him to match him in his career. Isn't it the most important award for Asian Footballer that he should be monopolized for more than ten years? This speculation is terrible.

So some people suggested: Did our AFC change the rules? Learn from Mr. South American Football and award it to Asian players playing in the Asian League? According to Zhang Jilong's gossip, most members disagree. What is the level of South American football and Asia? If someone closes the door and can play, if we choose to close the door, who will recognize it?

Isn't it more and more depraved?

At the evening party, Wang Ai, the star holding the moon, took the trophy in huge applause, and thanked the AFC as usual, and inspired Asian players. It was Ma Xiaoxu who won the Asian Football Miss. This girl is one year younger than Wang Ai. It is the main force of this year's women's football Asian Youth Championship, World Youth Championship and Asian Cup three championship teams. It is known as "Female Edition Wang Ai"!

In fact, if Wang Ai won the Asian Footballer again, this year's Asia's best young player should also be hers, but the AFC also has to divide the cake, so it is given to others.

The girl didn't think so much. After the meeting, she pulled Wang Ai's sleeve and talked, mainly to learn the lessons of going to Europe to play football. She's going to Sweden to play football. The 18-year-old girl is unfamiliar with her life, earns little money, and her family can't follow her, so she's a little scared.

Wang Ai has some knowledge of European women’s football, but not much. Especially Sweden doesn’t know anyone. Fortunately, Sweden and Germany are not far away, so they have to tell this girl: Call me before you go to Europe, then don’t go directly to Sweden , First go to Tübingen, Germany, that is the home of our Chinese players in Europe. It’s easy to discuss anything and meet your needs as much as possible. In case you are not going well in Sweden, you can also ask other countries in the above Tubingen.

The little girl listened to little stars all over her eyes, but she was a bit of a man of character, wrapped around Wang Ai's neck, and took a lot of poses for group photos. Wang Ai is also happy. Although this girl belongs to the Dalian professional team, several teammates who were eliminated from her training with Dalian in the early years were all in the Liao Women’s League Dalian team, so the two are quite related, just before. I don’t know.

Due to the tight schedule of the Asian Games, Wang Ai and Ma Xiaoxu were both members of the National Olympic Team, so they won the trophy and did not rest in Dubai, nor did they have time to wander. They flew back directly to Doha that night.

Nan Yong and they returned to Beijing tomorrow, and Zhang Jilong came with them, so the group of five people was Zhang Jilong, Wang Ai, Ma Xiaoxu, Yan Zhu, and Zhao Dan. They all arrived at Building 4 of the Asian Games Village. Sleeping, but not full in Dubai, I can't be hungry at this moment. In fact, Ma Xiaoxu is similar, but I am embarrassed to say that Wang Ai is looking for food and has an enthusiastic attitude.

The cafeteria on the 8th floor was closed, so I had to go up to the 9th floor, and I asked the leader to take a break while asking for food. They had supper. It was just tonight that a man and a woman had two big rice buckets, and they were swept away. The leaders had to drink porridge temporarily.

Cui Dalin also said: We can't eat this meal in vain. In the end, Ma Xiaoxu has little experience, and immediately took a step forward: the leader is assured that I will do my utmost to live up to the expectations of the motherland and the people. Wang Ai and I...

After turning his head, Wang Ai ran away early.

Just after eating, Wang Ai could not sleep immediately, and went to the gym for more than half an hour before returning to the room.

At the opening ceremony the next night, Wang Ai, with a strong smile, walked ahead with the national flag. If Lao Gao didn't give a special explanation before entering the field, Wang Ai could not help but fall forward!

After all these years, it was my turn!

After a round of walking to the stage to watch the opening ceremony of the literary performance, Wang Ai was the standard bearer, so he was treated preferentially, sitting next to the leader row, next to Cai Zhenhua. After the opening ceremony, Wang Ai folded the plucked flag in his pocket and carried the stick out.

Cai Zhenhua glanced around to see Wang Ai, who resembled the monkey brother: "What about the flag?"

Wang Ai patted his pocket: "Afraid to be buried."

Cai Zhenhua nodded: "Oh, go back later and remember to hand it to the logistics, the closing ceremony will be used."

Wang Ai said cautiously: "Guide Cai, how do you think I am playing the flag today?"

Cai Zhenhua thought for a while, then nodded and said with a smile: "It's okay, spirit, and temperament, haven't you heard so many people call you? Just count the best performance you have, the smile is very bright, expressing our Chinese athletes' Confidence and style!"

"Then, is there anything that needs to be strengthened?"

Cai Zhenhua was stunned, what are you looking for? After thinking about it, I said: "It can be better, don't be proud."

Wang Ai Xinyue convinced: "Then I will take it back, is it all right to practice?"

"Huh?" Cai Zhenhua frowned: "Isn't the closing ceremony flag bearer yet?"

"I'll practice it first, and I will pass it on if someone else."

Cai Zhenhua looked up and down Wang Ai. When this kid was small, he always ran in the ping-pong center to play. It was naughty, such as Fooling Wang Hao playing football. For this reason, he kicked him several times. I was not impressed with this kid. Seriously, what's wrong today?

He was suspicious in his heart, but he did not expect anything wrong, nor could he refute his enthusiasm and face. Wang Ai is now in front of Cai Zhenhua.

"Also, keep it well, don't lose it."

"You can rest assured! I usually play this pole without hanging the flag!"

Cai Zhenhua is now the last deputy head of the team. He has a lot of work and bits and pieces. He is busy talking about it. When he thinks there is no problem, Wang Ai gets away, so Wang Ai carries the pole and the bird gets on the car quietly.

This is the national flag played at the opening ceremony of the Asian Games, only four years ago! More than a billion people are watching it, so many meritorious athletes have to follow it! What a collectible value this is!

It used to be that the big fools had turned it in honestly, and the delegation didn’t think about it. They returned to the country and sent it to the warehouse. They were blind!

Wang Ai, who borrowed the trophy without covering it with warmth, can be considered a profit!

Not to mention the flag, Wang Ai didn't even intend to pay it back!

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